Space - Weltall

The space is everything that exists from a distance of 100 km from the earth. It has not been a conventional travel destination so far, but has been visited many times by explorers.

Since the foundation of the so-called Ansari Prize in 1996, the first successful flights of a private spaceship over the 100 km limit in August and October 2004, as well as the establishment of the company "Virgin Galactic", the first serious preparations for tourist development have been underway in 2007 at three times the speed of sound at an altitude of 120 kilometers, where the five travelers stay for about 2 hours. The flights will cost around 170,000 euros.

The space travel agencies Space Adventures, Blue Origin and Virgin Galactic have space flights up to the ISS space station (approx. 390 km above the earth), suborbital space flights at an altitude of approx. 100 km, space walks and flights to the moon in their program.

On earth

There are some places on earth that are related to space or space travel:

Earth space stations
Earth space stations


The only currently accessible tourist destination in space is International space station (ISS).

The Chinese space station Tiangong 2, the moon and the Mars are not conventional travel destinations.


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