Widawa (Łódź Voivodeship) - Widawa (województwo łódzkie)

Widawa - village (in the years 1388-1870 a city) in Poland located in voivodeship of Lodz, in you say grace, in Widawa commune, by the river They do not liquefy, by the provincial road No. 481 and the provincial road No. 480 to Sieradz, Grace, Wieluń and Szczercowa.

Widawa church. Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Widawa church. st. Martin


Geographical location: 51 ° 26′14 ″ N 18 ° 56′21 ″ E

In the years 1975-1998, the town administratively belonged to the then Sieradz Province.

The first mention of the village comes from 1370 and mentions Jakub from Widawa, the Chamberlain of Sieradz.

Medieval trade routes from Krakow down Poznan the so-called "Salt route" and z Piotrków Trybunalski down Sieradz. This favorable location was the basis for the development of Widawa, which was in 1388 from the king Władysław Jagiełło received city rights.

The city was struck by a great fire in 1802, when the houses and the church of St. Martin and the school building next to the church. In 1870 Widawa lost its municipal rights.


By plane

By rail

By car

By bus

By ship


Worth seeing

  • The parish church of Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Baroque, built in the years 1678-1709. Oriented, single-nave, covered with a gable roof with a turret housing a bell. Inside, a baptismal font from 1600. A monastery adjoins the temple from the south, which today houses a rectory and a small parish museum.
  • Parish Church of st. Martin, originally built in 1446, rebuilt in 1846 after a fire in 1802.

Nearest neighborhood





Festivals, parties




Tourist information


See also

Geographical Coordinates