Wieck on the Darß - Wieck auf dem Darß

Wieck a. Darß
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Wieck am Darß is a state-approved resort on the peninsula Fischland-Darß-Zingst in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.


getting there

By plane

By train

By bus

In the street

By boat

By bicycle

Of Warnemünde (51 km) coming leads the Baltic Sea Cycle Route through Wieck, further to Prerow (7 km) and from there to Barth (19 km).


Map of Wieck on the Darß

Tourist Attractions

  • Darßer Ark


    • Nature park exhibition
    • Gallery artist deck
    • Library
    • and the environmental education institution Ark Naturawhich is also organized by the Darßer NaturFilmFestival.


Regular events

  • Every year in April the Darß marathon the long-distance runners in the Fischland-Darß region. While the half marathon extends over one lap from Wieck via Prerow to Born and back to Wieck, the runners go the marathon route to Prerow on a longer lap through the Darßwald to Ahrenshoop, and via Born back to Wieck.



  • Hotel Haferland, Peasant row 5 a, 18375 Wieck a. Tel.: 49 (0)38233 680, Email: .Hotel Haferland on YouTube.In the natural garden landscape (28,000 square meters) are the three connected thatched roof houses, opposite the small picturesque sailing harbor of Wieck, a village in the - "National Park Vorpommersche Boddenlandschaft" on the Darß. Eating and drinking in Haferland. With our kitchen we are committed to regional enjoyment. For our rich breakfast buffet and our sheet cakes, we only use products from organic farming (Bioland, DE-ÖKO-006). The Evers family and the Haferlandgeister look forward to your visit.youtube url used




Practical advice

  • Spa administration, Bliesenrader Weg 2. Tel.: (0)38233-201. Open: Mon-Fri 8 a.m.-4 p.m., Sat-Sun 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
  • In the spa administration or with the respective host, the Spa card of the Fischland-Darß-Zingst region. It is used to finance the tourist infrastructure and entitles you to free entry or discounts in exhibitions, concerts or parking. Costs per day: June - September € 2 per person (reduced € 1), the rest of the time € 1 per person (reduced € 0.50).



Web links

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