Zalew Sulejowski - Zalew Sulejowski

Zalew Sulejowski

Zalew Sulejowski Smardzewice.jpg

Zalew Sulejowski (Sulejowski Reservoir, Sulejowskie Lake) - an artificially created water reservoir located in voivodeship of Lodz, in counties Piotrkowski, Opoczno and Tomaszowski, in the municipalities: Mniszków, Sulejów, Tomaszów Mazowiecki and Wolbórz. It is within the limits Sulejowski Landscape Parkwhich belongs to Complex of Nadpiliczne Landscape Parks.

Geographic coordinates: 51 ° 26′00 ″ N 19 ° 55′25 ″ E

Zalew Sulejowski - view from the dam in Smardzewice
Zalew Sulejowski - view of the dam in Smardzewice

The reservoir was created to provide drinking water for Lodz and Tomaszów Mazowiecki. In recent years, Łódź has significantly reduced water intake from the lagoon, as a result of a significantly lower demand for water (collapse of the water-absorbing textile industry) and water intake from its own deep wells.

The lagoon was created in the years 1969-1974 as a result of partitioning the river with a dam Pilica in the vicinity of the village Smardzewice, at its 139th kilometer from the mouth, on the border of the then Łódź and Kielce provinces. The concrete and earth dam is 1,200 m long and 16 m high, along the top of which there are cars and tourist coaches. The dam created a reservoir with an area of ​​2,700 ha. The shoreline of the reservoir is 58 km, of which 11 km is located in the Wolbórz commune.

The bottom of the tank was sealed with strips of plastic film.

It is fed by two rivers: Pilica and I am stillFrom the east and north-west sides of the reservoir is surrounded by dense complexes of pine forests.

The numbers characterizing the lagoon:

  • 17.1 km long,
  • maximum width 2.1 km,
  • average width 1.5 km,
  • average depth 3.3 m,
  • maximum depth 11 m,
  • the length of the coastline is 58 km,
  • area approx. 27 km²,
  • usable capacity of 61 million m³
  • maximum capacity 75 million m³
  • catchment area 4,900 km².

The lagoon has designated protection zones:

  • direct, including the water intake in Bronisławowie and
  • an intermediate strip around the reservoir 400 m wide from the shoreline.

The tank plays the role retention, flood protection, and even energy protection (a small hydroelectric power plant with a capacity of less than 4 MW is operating).

The lagoon has important recreational functions. It allows you to practice water sports, mainly sailing, canoeing and windsurfing. Training and recreation centers have been built over the reservoir. Sailboat competitions are also often held there. There is a silence zone in the water area, i.e. it is forbidden to use motor boats.

The varied line of largely forested shores makes the lagoon an attractive place to rest, it enables swimming, sunbathing and fishing. There is a protection zone around the reservoir, which means that you are practically camping only in designated places, but there are a lot of these places. There are many camping sites, guesthouses and agritourism farms around the reservoir.

Geographical Coordinates