Zimbabwe - Zimbábue

Flag of Zimbabwe.svg
Basic information
CurrencyZimbabwe Dollar (ZWD)
Area390,580 km2
Population11,376,676 (estimate July 2002)
LanguageEnglish (official), Shona, Sindebele and other tribal dialects
ReligionSyncretism (Christianity and Native Beliefs) 50%, Christian 25%, Native Beliefs 24%, Other 1%
Electricity220/50Hz (UK plug)
phone code 263
Internet TLD.zw
Time zoneUTC 2

Zimbabwe is a country of Southern Africa, without access to the sea, having borders with Mozambique, South Africa, Botswana and Zambia.



Zimbabwe map

Other destinations

Mountains of the East (Eastern higlands) - region with a very green area on the border with Mozambique, where the city of reference is Mutare. It houses national parks that aim to preserve wild animals and waterfalls, one of them being the Mtarazi Falls with 761 meters of drop, in addition to a Botanical Garden, among other attractions. Accommodations in the region are plentiful, highlighting the Leopard Rock Hotel. The highest point in the country is also in the region, the Inyangani with 2,592 meters of altitude.

Great Zimbabwe (Great Zimbabwe) - the stone-built archeological ruins of Great Zimbabwe on the outskirts of the present-day city of Masvingo were the center of the Shona empire, where the King lived with his 250 wives. In addition, the building was used as a training center for wives' gifts and military exercise for men. The word 'Zimbabwe' means 'stone house'.

Matobo National Park (Matobo National Park) - Located southwest of Bulawayo in the Matabeland region, this area has curious rock formations swaying as if nature were playing lego. The formations defy logic, but everything is about erosion by wind and weather that eroded the rocks, following their preferred lines of fragility. Rhodes' tomb is in the park at his request, in a place he called View of the World. The park has wild animals (games), such as zebra, wildebeest, rhinoceros, baboons... Other characteristics are multi-colored lizards that draw attention in the place walking on rocks or climbing trees. The park also houses important cave inscriptions for the country and two dams with chalets and a structured area for camping.

Victoria Falls (Victoria Falls) - The Victoria Falls is named after the British Queen Victoria and is one of the most expressive in the world. A display exhibited in the park compares 10 requirements of the falls with those of Foz do Iguaçu, with the Victoria Falls surpassing Iguaçu in 8 of them. The falls are located on the country's border with Zambia. The Zimbabwe side has the best view of the falls that are all on the Zambian side (equivalent to the Brazil in Foz do Iguaçu, which points out the falls that are mostly located in Argentina).



Since independence in 1980, Robert Mugabe has held the post of president of the country, under a lot of international pressure, including sanctions that make it very difficult to use international credit cards in the country. Recently many white Zimbabweans were expelled from their farms, being the management handed over to natives of other ethnicities, which drastically reduced their productivity. Hyperinflation brought a wave of unemployment that culminated in the dollarization of the economy in 2008. Tourists are welcome and literally bring "new money", since the US$ bills in circulation in the country are in a critical state of conservation. In 2010, economic sanctions to the country only allow the withdrawal of dollars from ATMs of international banks such as Barclays (same limit rule for other countries).

To arrive

  • Brazilians and Portuguese can obtain a visa in advance at the embassies in their countries, but it is more convenient, cheaper and recommended to do so on arrival in the country. [1].

By airplane

Direct scheduled international flights to Victoria Falls and Harare.

Of boat

By car

The country has border posts for car access to South Africa, Mozambique, Zambia and Botswana. From Mozambique, the country is reached via the EN6, the Beira Corridor after the city of Manica. For Botswana there are two Pandamatenga border points ( dirt road) and Kazungula, near Victoria Falls.

By bus/bus

By train/train


By airplane

Of boat

By car

By car it is easy to get around the country. Many roads are paved. Some charge tolls of US$1.00 every 250km. After the economy dollarized in 2008, the availability of diesel and gasoline is ample for cash payment (South African Rand or US Dollar)

By bus/bus

By train/train

Southern Africa's first railway linked Bulawayo to Cape Town.


The country's official languages ​​are English, Shona and Ndebele. In addition to other dialects spoken by the population.


Rural area in northeastern Zimbabwe



Today the 100 trillion Zimbabwean dollar bill is easily found as a souvenir on the streets of Victoria Falls.

With the

Game meat legally slaughtered. Sadza, a kind of polenta with local ingredients. The taste is bland, but it's part of the local cuisine.

drink and go out

Drink Skud, a beer made from sorghum (sorghum). The taste is of fermenting bread, but it's worth it as a life experience.


Accommodation in cities is abundant in various forms and prices, from campgrounds to motels, lodges, hotels and resorts depending on the city. Despite the difficulty in finding and booking them via the internet, lodging without a reservation during the low season is not a problem.


Words in ShonaGood morning = /dumela/Goodnight = /robalasanta/Thank you = /kalaboha/ When shaking hands with a person, while reaching out with your right hand and grasping the forearm or elbow with your left hand, this is a demonstration of respect appreciated here and in other southern African countries. When being served in a restaurant, discreetly clap your hands twice to indicate satisfaction with the service.



No specific recommendations.


Find out about possible outbreaks of malaria, cholera or other contagious diseases during the period of your trip. AIDS is a reality for 20% of the population. Mineral water is abundantly available in supermarkets, bars and restaurants. cities.


Speaking ill of the government is a misdemeanor.

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