Zona Norte del Gran Buenos Aires - Zona Norte del Gran Buenos Aires

San Isidro Cathedral

The Zona Norte del Gran Buenos Aires includes the areas of Gran Buenos Aires on the Río de la Plata northwest of the state capital Argentina, Buenos Aires. It is an area characterized by affluent suburbs.

The tourist highlights of the area are the delta of the Río Paraná near Tigre and the old town of San Isidro.


The following Partidos (large communities) are located in the Zona Norte:

  • Vicente López, right next to Buenos Aires, a district dominated by the middle class. A number of large construction projects have been carried out on the river in recent years, so that a kind of "smallPuerto Madero“Arises. In the rest of the Partidos, quiet sleeping cities dominate. Especially in the districts Olivos and La Lucila you can marvel at some stately villas.
  • General San Martin, west of Vicente López, the busiest district in the Northern Zone. The social inequality is particularly pronounced here: next to the middle class district Ballester mansion, which was shaped by German immigrants, there are also some large slums in San Martín, especially in the east. The main town San Martín has a busy business center.
  • San Isidro, arguably the most upscale of all suburban districts. Here the upper class is almost among themselves, some of the city quarters are fenced and guarded. The center has some beautiful old buildings to offer, as well as the largest horse racing track in Argentina.
  • San Fernando, a dormitory town not worth seeing at the confluence of the Río Luján in the Río de la Plata, also quite poor compared to the neighbors, with the exception of the area directly on the river, which is characterized by marinas. Many islands of the Paraná Delta also belong to the district.
  • Tigre, a booming district directly on the Paraná Delta, which is known as a local recreation area in the entire metropolitan area. The center offers some sights and good shopping opportunities. The most densely populated part of the delta is also part of the city.
  • Escobar, a relatively poor, still semi-rural district on the northern edge of the northern zone. However, the remaining empty spaces are increasingly being built up by country clubs (closed private quarters).


  • San Isidro, wealthy city with a nice old town and marinas
  • Olivos, Residence of the president
  • Tigre, Port with the best access to the delta
  • Ballester mansion, Residential area of ​​the German municipality of Gran Buenos Aires in the Partido San Martín
  • Belen de Escobar, known as the "city of flowers", at the northern end of the metropolitan area

Other goals

  • Isla Martín García, an exclave of Argentina lying in front of the Uruguayan bank in the Río de la Plata, to be reached from Tigre.


getting there

The districts can be reached by car via the highway-like Ruta Nacional 9, the "Panamericana", or more slowly via the two Avenidas Maipú / Santa Fe and Libertador. The bus route 60 runs through the entire area, in two variants: over the Panamericana or over the Maipú / Santa Fe.

Three railway lines of the TBA serve the area: Retiro - José León Suárez (for the western part, including Villa Ballester), Retiro - Bartolomé Miter (Florida, Olivos, connection to Tren de la Costa) and Retiro - Tigre (best way to get to the Delta and to San Isidro get). However, to get to Escobar you have to change trains at Villa Ballester. The northwest areas are also owned by the Urquiza line of the company Ferrovías (Retiro - Villa Rosa) served.


In addition to the numerous bus lines, trains and taxis, there is also the Tren de la Costa, a recreational train from the 1990s with modern tram cars. It starts in Olivos at the train station Bartolome Miter and leads to Tigre (station "Delta"). However, it is significantly more expensive than the other trains.

In the delta there are scheduled boats (lanchas colectivo) back and forth in dense frequencies between the most visited islands.

Tourist Attractions

  • San Isidro Cathedral
  • Parque de la Costa


In Tigre you can do water sports, there is also a German rowing club.


Gastronomy centers are the center of San Isidro, the Paseo de la Costa in Vicente López, the port of Olivos and Tigre. There are also some popular restaurants in the delta.


There is no real "mile", the discos are spread across the area. There are a few bars and restaurants by the river in the San Isidro district.


San Fernando, San Martín, the slums La Cava San Isidro and Don Torcuato are the main crime areas in the area, otherwise you can move around quite safely. The wealthier neighborhoods are guarded by private security services.


Please refer Gran Buenos Aires.


Web links

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