Taichung - Đài Trung

Taichung (Chinese: 臺中市 or 台中市; Pinyin: Taizhōng; Wade-Giles: T'ai-chung; POJ: Tâi-tiong) is a city in west-central Taiwan, with a population of over 1 million people. Taiwan's third largest city, after New Taipei and Kaohsiung. Taichung means Central Taiwan. It is a city directly under the central government of the Republic of China in Taiwan.


Taichung is divided into 29 geographical subdivisions, including the following 8 within Taichung city prior to 2010-12-25:

  • Bac Don District, (北屯区): Geographically, it is the largest district in the city, stretching from the north to the northeast-most reaching of the city. It covers the relatively rural areas of Dakeng. It also includes the Taichung Park Folk and Morrison Academy.
  • Center District, (中区): This is the smallest and most densely populated area in the city. It is home to Taichung Train station, Taichung Park, and a large number of traditional businesses in the downtown area. This district is where the original suncake shops on Tu Do Street (自由) were located and where most of the major Taiwanese businesses used to be located.
  • East District, (东区): Literally on the other side of the song with the main parts of the downtown area. Taichung Central Department Store is located here.
  • Nam Don District, (南屯区): Occupies southwest, most parts of the city. There is still considerable farmland in this area, but a high-speed railway is expected to open in a few months in neighboring Wuri, and the Taichung city government plans to move into the hall. this district city. Currently, Nantun is most known for its high property value and expensive, luxurious villas, which in turn have many large department stores attracting into the vicinity of Xitun district.
  • Northern District, (北区): Nestled between the district of Beitun Zhong and, it is home to the first Taichung Senior High School and Yizhong Street (一 中 街,) one of the most famous night markets in the city. It is also home to the Museum of Natural Science, Chungyou Department Store, and Zhongshan Hall.
  • Tay Don District, (西屯区): This district spreads out to the western edge of the city and is where Feng Chia and Tunghai University. It is also the location of many, new fashion shopping districts in the city and is the largest growth area. Industrial Taichung Park, World Trade Center and Chaoma bus stations, a major pick-up point from the city. Major stores include Idee, Shinkong Mitsukoshi, and Tiger City.
  • Southern District, (南 区): Occupying the southernmost part of the city, is home to National Chung Hsing University and Taichung Industrial High Schools.
  • West District, (西区): The West District is home to the National Museum of Fine Arts as well as the city's Cultural Center. A lot of cultural activities are held here. The area is also famous for its restaurants, which have drawn many to their reputation for exotic cuisine. Taichung City Hall is here, where is also National Taichung University. The Sogo department store is in the northern part of the county.


Taichung City is located on the Taichung Basin along the main western coastal plain stretching from the north of Taiwan to the southern tip of the island. The Central Mountains lie to the east of the city. Lower, rolling hills run north to Miaoli County. The coastal plain dominates the landscape to the south and extends to Zhanghua County and the Taiwan Strait in the west.

Taichung has a humid subtropical climate (Köppen Cwa), with an average temperature of 23.0 °C (73.4 °F), and an average annual rainfall of over 1,700 millimeters (67 in). The city has an average humidity of 80%. Taichung has a milder climate than other major cities in Taiwan. Because it is protected by the Central Mountains to the east and the Miaoli hills to the north, Taichung rarely suffers damage from tropical storms. However, storms originating in the South China Sea will pose a threat to the city, as evidenced by Typhoon Wayne in 1986 which hit Taiwan from the west coast near Taichung.


By air

Taichung Airport (Traditional Chinese: 臺中清泉崗機場 or Simplified Chinese 台中清泉崗機場; official name: 台中航空站) (IATA: RMQ, ICAO: RCMQ) is a commercial airport located in Taichung, China. Taichung district, Taiwan. The airport is shared by the Republic of China Air Force. The airport has charter flights to Japan, Phuket, Korea and Palau, in addition to regular domestic flights to China, Hong Kong and Ho Chi Minh City. Macau is the destination in the near future. This is Taiwan's third largest international airport

By train/train

By car

By bus

By ship

Traveling in the city

Compared to Taipei and Kaohsiung, Taichung's public transportation system is much more limited. There is no metro system but bus service is regular on Taichunggang Road (台中港路) from the train station to the west of the city. Buses also run regularly from the train station along the Sanmin road to Beitun district. As of May 2009, more improved bus system has been implemented but only lasts until 10pm. Most fares are around NT25 per trip. At the time of summer 2010, eight bus lines (route #51-58) run from various points around the city for free. A few of the flight routes require a tourist to walk a few hundred meters northeast along the Warring States Road (建国路) to reach the start of the free routes.

Going by car is the most convenient option. Renting a motorbike can be done with a Taiwanese driver's license or an international driving license accompanied by the original foreign license. Otherwise, you will need to take a taxi. Taxis are convenient, and fares start at NT$85 at flagfall. This advice is not necessary. The downtown area is compact enough to make it easy to get around on foot, although many store owners will use the sidewalk in front of their business. This can make going something of a challenge, avoiding traffic as you are forced to walk across the street.

A metro system in the city is under construction and the first line from the high-speed train station to Phong Nguyen is expected to be completed in 2014.


  • National Museum of Natural Science, [1] This is a very large and intricate themed science museum, actually seven museums in one. Its science center has huge "hands-on" exhibits depicting scientific principles. The private life science section is also huge. There is also an extensive botanical garden with an impressive greenhouse and a giant mosquito, an earthquake, greenhouse, global cultures and global environment museum, as well as a museum of the global environment. theatres. Can easily spend more than a day here, especially with kids. It should be noted that the vast majority of exhibits are accompanied by instructions in Mandarin Chinese only. Address: 1 Guanchien Street. Phone: 886 4 2322-6940 - opening: 9:00-17:00 (closed Monday)
  • National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, 2 Wu Quan West Road, Sec.1, Phone: 886 4 2372-3552 - Open: 09:00 ~ 17:00. Closed on Mondays. The Museum of Fine Arts is a very large art museum and modern building, featuring rotating photo exhibitions. The museum also has a very elaborate children's section, which has hands on art exhibits and innovative toys. There is also a children's reading room in the basement with Chinese and English books. Take your kids. Free entrance.
  • City Cultural Center, City Cultural Center is located on Yingcai Road on the property adjacent to the National Museum of Art.









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