Śmiełów - Śmiełów

Śmiełów - settlement in Poland, in Greater Poland Voivodeship, in Jarocin County, in Żerków commune. The town is the seat of the village council Śmiełówwhich also includes the villages of Brzóstków, Gąsiorów and Rozmarynów.


Geographic coordinates: 52 ° 06′33.8 ″ N, 17 ° 34′15.5 ″ E

It is located approx. 19 km north of Jarocin, above February, on the premises Żerków-Czeszewski Landscape Park. The starting point in Żerkowska Switzerland.

Worth seeing

A town known for Museum of Adam Mickiewicz located in a classicist palace where Adam Mickiewicz stayed in the summer of 1831. He referred to Mickiewicz's stay in Śmiełów in his work Chats of Martyrs Jacek Kaczmarski. Many scenes for a feature film were filmed in Śmiełów She-wolf (1982, dir. M. Piestrak).

The museum houses paintings, sculptures, prints and handicrafts related to Adam Mickiewicz. Separate rooms were dedicated Mr. Tadeusz and Report, as well as visitors to the palace, Mickiewicz and Henryk Sienkiewicz, and the last owners of the palace - Józef and Maria Chełkowski. The museum also includes the historic park surrounding the palace, along with the statue of Adam Mickiewicz and Zosia's garden.

Eastern outbuilding of the palace in Śmiełów
Oval salon of the palace in Śmiełów
The so-called "Masonic altar" on the staircase of the palace in Śmiełów

The horseshoe-shaped palace with a wingspan of approx. 43 m consists of a neoclassical, rectangular built villa, connected by semicircular galleries with outbuildings. The main body is preceded by a four-column portico, the so-called great order. The inspiration for the architect Stanisław Zawadzki was Villa Badoer in Frata by Andrea Palladio. Outbuildings covered with the so-called mansard Krakow (elbow) roof. The harmonious, classicist façade is contrasted with the irregular, rather chaotic arrangement of the palace interiors, e.g. an octagonal living room with an avant-corps into a garden façade, with no direct connection to the staircase. In the basement, under the lounge, there is an octagonal vaulted room with lunettes, which served as a meeting room Masonic Lodge. Another element of Masonic symbolism is the so-called "altar" in the staircase.

The painting decoration of the interior was entrusted to the brothers Franciszek and Antoni Smuglewicz. Noteworthy is the iconographic program of the oval salon (references to Illiady Homer) and, in the azure salon, a series of rustic frescoes imitating Pompeian painting.

The western outbuilding housed guest rooms, while the eastern one, with a separate entrance from the garden, contained a kitchen. At least some of the other farm buildings (a stable, a coach house, a granary) were also designed by Zawadzki. There was a well-kept landscape park in the surroundings of the palace.

Andrzej's son - Hieronim Gorzeński, participated in Napoleon's Russian campaign as aide-de-camp to Marshal Louis Davout. After returning to Śmiełów, he started running the estate, which was famous for, among other things, horse breeding. He was also active in many patriotic organizations.


Śmiełów, thanks to its location right on the border separating the Russian and Prussian partitions, was used as a transfer point for people and literature used in independence activities in the Kingdom of Poland in the Russian partition. This significance increased after the outbreak of the November Uprising. Among other things, here, in Śmiełów, Adam Mickiewicz stayed for a few weeks in August 1831, trying to reach the rebels in Kongresówka.

After the Gorzeński family expired in 1887, the indebted property was bought by Franciszek Chełkowski. The Chełkowski family modernized the farm, and in the palace itself they organized a collection of memorabilia related to Mickiewicz and his stay in Śmiełów, at the same time implementing the idea "open house"which, until the outbreak of the war, was visited by many eminent figures from the world of culture and politics, including Henryk Sienkiewicz, Ignacy Jan Paderewski, Wojciech Kossak, Ludwik Puget, Ludomir Różycki and Władysław Tatarkiewicz.

After the outbreak of World War II in 1939, the Germans, after entering Greater Poland, removed the Chełkowski family and seized their property with the palace. After the liberation, in 1945, the palace was plundered and divided into apartments. Later, it housed a school, and in 1970 National Museum in Poznań took over the palace and, after renovation, opened a branch here in 1975 - Museum of Adam Mickiewicz in Śmiełów.

Where next

In the vicinity of Śmiełów, there are the following towns, which can be another destination:

  • Pyzdry - a royal city, founded in 1257, known from the battle of Poles with the Teutonic Knights in 1331 and the victory of the insurgent troops of the January 1863 Uprising with the Russian army. In the years 1817-1918 the westernmost city of the Russian Empire; seat of the regional museum,
  • Miłosław - a city known for the biggest battle fought during the Greater Poland Uprising in 1848 (Spring of Nations), the first statue of Juliusz Słowacki in Poland from 1899 and as a place of presenting the Kościelski Prize - Polish literary award, awarded since 1962 by the Foundation. Kościelski, the former owners of the town. Located partly in the Żerków-Czeszewski Landscape Park,
  • Bugaj - a place known for the historic Hunting Castle "Bażantarnia" from the 19th century, located in the Żerków-Czeszewski Landscape Park,
  • Winna Góra - a place associated with Jan Henryk Dąbrowski - a general, participant in the Kościuszko Uprising, creator of the Polish Legions in Italy, who died and rests in this town. The baroque palace from 1760-1770 and the baroque church of St. Michael from 1766 with the Dąbrowski crypt,
  • Czeszewo - a town known for its historic wooden church of St. Nicholas from 1792, a former inn from the 18th century and a forester's lodge from the end of the 19th century; located in the Żerków-Czeszewski Landscape Park,
  • September - a district town known for the strike of Września children - the strike of students in 1901-1902, directed against the Germanization of schools, mainly against prayer and teaching religion in German; seat of the regional museum.


The black bicycle route runs through Śmiełów, connecting Żerków through Raszewy, Brzóstków, Nowa Wieś Podgórna, Czeszewo and Guilty Mountain With Miłosław.

Geographical Coordinates