ʿAin el-Wādī - ʿAin el-Wādī

ʿAin el-Wādī ·عين الوادي
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'Ain el-Wadi (Arabic:عين الوادي‎, ʿAyn al-Wādī, „the valley spring") or. 'Ain Chadra (also Ain / Ayn Khadra, ‏عين خضراء‎, ʿAin Charāʾ, „green spring“) Is a narrow, about 8 kilometers long, now uninhabited depression on the northern edge of the depression el-Farāfra in the White Desert National Park, about 45 kilometers from the city Qaṣr el-Farāfra away. She was next to el-Ḥeiz the main stopover on the caravan route from el-Farāfra to el-Baḥrīya.


As I said, ʿAin el-Wādī is a stopover on the caravan route to the north. We continue over the Wadi Hinnis (Arabic:وادي (أبو) حنس‎, Wādī (Abū) Ḥinnis, „Valley of John“).

Even if uninhabited today, so could Ahmed Fakhry (1905–1973) can prove traces from Roman times here. The local houses were made of stone blocks, the finds included Roman ceramics, two pearls, a Roman coin and a small bronze amulet of the goddess Sachmet and Harpocrates (Horus, the child). In addition, there were remains of agricultural use.

getting there

The easiest way to get to the source is via the trunk road from el-Farāfra to el-Baḥrīya. You choose the main entrance or the Ain-Khadra entrance to the north of the national park to get to the source along track 2 (green).


Only all-terrain means of transport can be used in the park. These can be off-road four-wheel drive vehicles, motorcycles, camels or your own feet. The latter is perhaps only for hikers who are tough.

Tourist Attractions

The main source is at the southern end of the depression. At the enclosed spring there is a group of palm trees. The water is of quite good quality.

Occasional gazelles can be seen in the depression.


  • Fakhry, Ahmed: The oases of Egypt. Vol. II: Bahrīyah and Farafra Oases. Cairo: The American Univ. in Cairo Pr., 1974, ISBN 978-9774247323 , P. 164 (English).
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