Libya - 利比亚

Travel warningwarn:

At present, the security situation in Libya has not improved significantly. Armed conflicts occur from time to time in various regions, extremist organizations are frequently active in Liberia, and criminal cases such as kidnapping for extortion and armed robbery occur frequently. The Chinese Embassy in Libya has been temporarily closed. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China reminds Chinese citizens not to go to Libya for the time being. If Chinese citizens insist on going after the notice of not going to go now, it may cause the person concerned to face extremely high security risks and seriously affect the effectiveness of their assistance, and the costs incurred due to assistance To be borne by the individual. If you must travel to Libya, seeTheater securityManual for important precautions.

currencyLibyan Dinar (LYD)
population5,900,754, including 166,510 stateless and refugees (estimated in July 2006)
Power Systems127V/50Hz or 230V/50Hz (D and L plugs)
country code 218
Time zoneCET (UTC 1); summer: CEST (UTC 2) (since November 10, 2012)
LanguageArabic, Berber, most Libyans can also speakItalianwithEnglish
Emergency call190 (fire department), 191 (emergency medical service), 193 (police agency)
Driving directionright

LibyaLocated on the southern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, andEgyptSudanChadNigerAlgeriawithTunisiaAdjacent. The area is 1,759,500 square kilometers.



Its coastline is located atEgyptwithTunisiabetween. The huge income that oil brings to Libya. Most areas of Libya are deserts. Libya has an important strategic position as a hub connecting Arab countries in the Middle East and North Africa and Europe. Libya's population and major cities are mostly concentrated in the Mediterranean coastal areas. The mainland has little influence from the outside world. Libya can be divided into three geographical regions, which areCyrenaicaSaharaTripolitania


Libya map
Cyrenaica(Cyrenaica)Benghazi, Shehart, Tubrug
Located in the northeastern region adjacent to the Mediterranean Sea
SaharaGaboron, Gudamis, Sabha, Ghat
The south is a vast desert area, where there are some fascinating scenery and the hottest temperature in the history of the world.
The local capital and ancient Roman ruins are located in the northwest region adjacent to the Mediterranean Sea


Other destinations


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Libya owns Libya Airlines and Pan-African Airlines. The main civil airports are located in Tripoli, Benghazi, Misurata, Sabha, Dobruk, Sirte and Brega. At present, international flights from various airports in Libya mainly go to major cities in Europe, Arab countries and Africa. However, the civil war in Libya in 2011 resulted in the grounding of the flight, and it has not yet returned.

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There are regular ferry flights to Tripoli from Malta, but the quality of the boats is poor.



go sightseeing










Medical treatment



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