Colombia - 哥伦比亚

For other entries with the same name, please seeColombia (disambiguation)
COL orthographic (San Andrés and Providencia special).svg
currencyColombian Peso (COP)
1 COP = 0.0003 USD
Power Systems110 volts / 60 Hz (NEMA 1-15, NEMA 5-15)
country code 57
Time zoneUTC−05:00
Emergency call123
Driving directionright

Republic of ColombiaYesSouth AmericaA country in the northwest, a member of the Association of South American Nations. It’s north is the Caribbean Sea, and the east isVenezuelaBordering, southeast isBrazil, There are in the southPeruwithEcuador, The west isPanamaAnd the Pacific.






  • New Year's Day (January 1st)
  • Epiphany (January 6)
  • The Last Supper
  • Good Friday-is the Friday before Easter.
  • International Labor Day (May 1st)
  • The day of the Eucharist and the Holy Blood is an unfixed Thursday. It is held on the Thursday after the Trinity of God that year, and usually falls between May and the end of June.
  • Independence Day (July 20)
  • Poyaga Battle Festival (August 7th)
  • Assumption of Mary (August 15)
  • Columbus Day (October 12)
  • All Spirits Day (November 2)
  • Feast of the Immaculate Conception (December 8)
  • Christmas (December 25)


Colombia regions map.png
Including Colombia's two largest cities, Bogota and Medellin, there are spectacular Andes landscapes and plateau plants, as well as beautiful national parks and coffee plantations.
North coast
For the Caribbean region of Colombia, the local area has a long history but modern city and diving coast, you can hike and explore in the jungle and desert.
Upper Orinoco
Spanish: Orinoquía. The endless plains in the east, unique savanna, forests and wetlands are areas that are less visited by tourists.
Pacific Coast
Colombia’s Pacific Coast region has tropical forests in Chocó Province, unique marine life, Colombia’s best party city, and the country’s religious culture is integrated into this potential tourist hotspot.
Amazon area
The beautiful, vast and remote Amazon jungle.
Columbia Islands
It has idyllic tropical islands and good diving spots.


  • Bogota -The capital, an international metropolis 3 kilometers (2 miles) high, with about 8 million people spreading outward from the Andes Mountains, where you will find first-class museums, world-class restaurants, and everything a big city needs.
  • Barranquilla -Golden Port and the fourth largest city in the country may not be exciting most of the year, but its carnival is the second largest city in the world after Rio de Janeiro, and it is an amazing cultural experience and a Party!
  • Cali -Colombia's third largest city, famous as the capital of Salsa in Latin America.
  • Cartagena -Hero City, the capital of Bolivar Province, is an excellent tourist city in Colombia. Colonial buildings and skyscrapers can be seen together in this city, offering unique festivals, historical attractions, restaurants and hotel experiences.
  • Manizales -The Zona Cafetera Center provides the opportunity to visit Los Nevados National Park and experience the coffee plantation experience.
  • Medellin -The Eternal City and the capital of Antioquia province are known for having a large textile industry that produces high-quality clothing all over the world. It is also the birthplace of the master painter Fernando Botero, so it houses most of the works.
  • Pereira -Lovely city, the capital of Risaralda province, and the main city in the coffee area-modern, business and tourist. The famous "Nude Bolivar" monument and Matecaña Zoo are here. Very close to the Santa Rosa hot springs and the "Los Nevados" National Park.
  • Popayan-This beautiful white city is the religious center of Colombia. This city is home to the second largest Easter in the world (after Seville, Spain), and it has contributed more Colombian presidents than any other city. It is next to Puracé National Park and leads to the nearby archaeological sites of San Agustín and Tierra Dentro in Huilla.
  • Santa Marta -A popular base for adventure tourism in the beautiful surrounding area. The unique feeling is that it will provide you with beautiful beaches one day, and the next walk to the foothills of the snow-capped mountains, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, the highest in the country.

Other destinations




Private car


Passenger ship

Travel around


go sightseeing










Medical treatment



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