South America - 南美洲

South AmericaLocated between the Caribbean, South Pacific and South Atlantic. She has beautiful scenery and unique style.

South America has the world’s largest rainforest and the largest river (Amazon),AsiaThe highest mountains outside (Andes), islands (Galapagos IslandsEaster islandandFernando de noronha), the vast desert (Atacama Desert), the glacier (PatagoniaandTierra del Fuego), the highest waterfall in the world (979 meters in VenezuelaAngel Falls) And other breathtaking natural scenery.

In addition, man-made buildings have left many treasures on this land: There are ruins of ancient civilizations (Machu PicchuAnd other Inca cities; Easter Island idols) and world-class metropolises (Sao pauloBuenos AiresBogotaCaracasSan DiegoLimaandRio de Janeiro), eye-catching modern architecture (Brasilia), European architecture (Buenos Aires), and the oldest petroglyphs in America (inCapiwala, sa. de), strongAfricaStyle ruins (in El Salvador, Rio and Montevideo), and (BelemManausCuscoLimaLa Paz), a charming city in the Andes: (CaracasMedellinQuitoSan Diego)andEast AsiaCulture (São Paulo’s hugeJapanCommunity), their tracks with the Iberian colonists have blended together.UshuaiaIt is the southernmost city in the world, where there are the biggest events in the world, such as: Rio’s Carnival and Belém’sNazareth Candlelight Celebration, Tango Tango Dance World Championships, etc. have added endless charm and attraction to this continent.


Central AmericaFalkland IslandsBrazilParaguayBoliviaUruguayArgentinaChileFrench GuyanaSurinameGuyanaPeruEcuadorColombiaVenezuelaMap of South America.png
Falkland Islands
French Guiana
The only English-speaking country on the continent of South America, with highlands, waterfalls and rainforests.


  • Bogota-A city where the old and the new are balanced; the most cultural capital of South America.
  • Buenos Aires—City of Tango, the most cosmopolitan city in Argentina.
  • Caracas—The most cosmopolitan and modern city in South America; there are a large number of theaters, shopping centers, museums, art galleries, parks, well-known colonial buildings, and even gourmet restaurants in the city.
  • La Paz—The capital with the highest altitude in time, built in a valley.
  • Lima-An interesting combination of modern, large but orderly slum areas and colonial buildings.
  • Montevideo-Uruguay’s climate-friendly capital, located on the east bank of the La Plata River.
  • Rio de Janeiro—It is famous for its wonderful scenery, leisurely beach culture and annual carnival.
  • San DiegoChileIn the capital, there are many museums, events, theaters, restaurants, bars and other cultural and entertainment activities and facilities.
  • Sao paulo-Rich nightlife and diverse culture.

Other destinations



Geography and climate




There is no direct route between China and South America. It is necessary to transit through a third place. Since the world's major airlines have opened a large number of routes to South America in the past few years, it is now easier to travel to South America. Of course, some individual places are still difficult to reach by plane (for example:ParaguaySurinameBrazilNorth), but generally tourists’ favorite places, such as:Buenos AiresandRio de Janeiro, It’s very convenient to fly.

  • fromAfricaDeparture: The only (reliable) option worth considering is the South African Airways flight, and fromJohannesburgarriveSao pauloandBuenos AiresRound-trip routes, or Malay Airlines from major cities in South Africa and Argentina (JohannesburgStopCape TownarriveBuenos Aires) Round-trip flights. Please note that the market demand for flights from Africa to South America is very limited, so even the above routes are not frequent and the ticket costs are high.
  • fromAsiaDeparture: The journey is very long, so be prepared for a long flight; if your travel route has exceeded or is not in major cities in Asia and South America, the journey will be even longer. Korean Air has fromSeoul-Incheon toSao paulo(StopLos Angeles) Round-trip flights. It’s important to note that Malaysia Airlines’ flight has to stop twice, and the second time is atU.S, And requires all passengers, including transit passengers, to disembark through the US Customs. Air China hasBeijingarriveSao pauloFlights with stopsMadrid. Emirates has fromDubaiDirect flightSao pauloandRio de JaneiroFlight, and the latter flew toBuenos Aires. In 2011, Singapore Airlines started fromSingaporeTo São Paulo, stopBarcelonaFlight. In 2012, Qatar Airways started hisDohaarriveSao paulo, Continue to fly after stoppingBuenos AiresFlights (every day).
  • fromAustralia New Zealand,andSouth PacificDeparture: There are indeed many flights to choose from. Air Argentina and Chilean Airlines both operate from their respective capitalsBuenos AiresandSan Diegoround tripAucklandandSydneyAirlines; Qantas also opened the service fromSydneyarriveSan DiegoDirect flights. Chile Airlines also has one of the world’s most inconspicuous routes---connectedSan Diego-Easter island-Tahiti. Emirates has a more economical route from Perth to Buenos Aires, stopping in Dubai, and the total flight time is about 30 hours.
  • fromEuropeSetting off: The entire South America was once under European colonial rule. Therefore, even today, the political, social, and economic ties between the former colonies and the colonists are still very close. TAP Portugal is Brazil’s largest foreign airline.BrazilThere are flights in a range of cities in the east and north, including fromLisbonarriveBrazilsouthernPorto AlegreAnd to the Brazilian capitalBrasilia(In addition, Brasilia has only a few international routes). Spanish Airlines has flights to most of its former colonies (BoliviaandParaguayexcept). KLM fromAmsterdamarriveSurinameThere are flights; Air France fromParisarriveFrench GuianaThere are flights. Sure enough, in addition to that, KLM fromAmsterdamarriveBuenos AiresandLimaThere are also direct flights; TAP Portugal hasCaracasFlights; Air France arrivesRio de JaneiroandLimaFlight and so on. Other European airlines, such as British Airways, Lufthansa, Swissair and Alitalia, also have flights to and from the major gateway cities in South America from their major cities; South American airlines also have routes to several major cities outside of Europe.
  • fromNorth AmericaDeparture: Not long ago, there were only flights to South AmericaMiamihave. But todayAtlantaDallas/Fort WorthFort lorddaleHoustonMexico CityNew YorkNewarkOrleansTorontoThere are flights to and from [Washington [|Washington DC]], offering different options. Indeed, Air Canada, United Airlines and Delta Airlines have successfully challenged American Airlines’ “monopoly” position in several key markets. Low-cost airlines in the United States (for example: Spirit Airlines, JetBlue Airways) have also successfully applied forColombia, Brazil andPeruFor the first time, the airlines brought cheap air tickets to these markets. Recently, US Airways startedCharlottearriveRio de JaneiroDirect daily flights. Due to the reduction in service, frequency, and cities served by US Airways in recent years, it is recommended to consider high-quality Latin American airlines, such as: American Continental Airlines (Avianca, to Colombia, direct flights toBogotaMedellinCaliAnd Cartagena), Copa Airlines (Panama’s national airline, to major cities in Panama), Chilean Airlines (directChile, Or via routes from other countries to Chile), or Brazil’s TAM Airlines (to Brazil, including some flightsSao pauloandRio de JaneiroOther cities, such as:Belo HorizonteBrasiliaandManaus)。


Please note that there is no road from Panama to Colombia, so driving from Central America to South America is impossible. Some people solve this problem by transporting their cars from Colon (the Atlantic side of Panama) to Cartagena or Barranquilla (Colombia), or Panama City (the Pacific side of the Panama Canal) To Buenaventura (Colombia) or Guayaquil (Ecuador).

The Pan-American Highway is a highway system from Central America to the southern tip of South America (except for the Darien Marsh between Panama and Colombia). For people who have a good car, enough parts, and the desire to explore this continent, this is a good choice.

By train

There are no trains between Panama and Colombia.


There are cruise routes in the southern Caribbean (Cartagena, Santa Marta, Margaret Island). Royal Caribbean[1], Holland America[2]Princess[3]



The Union of South American Nations (Union of South American Nations) grants visa-free and customs union policies to all countries in South America.


The prices of international flights to and from South America are generally higher. But the price of domestic flights within each country is very reasonable. Therefore, you can take a domestic flight from one country to a border city, then cross the border by land, and then continue to take a domestic flight from another country, which will be more economical. For example, if someone wants to get from Lima to Santiago, he can fly from Lima to Tacna, then take a car or taxi to Arica, and then take a plane to Santiago.


removeArgentinaandChileIn addition, there are no cross-border trains in South America; and domestic flights in South American countries are very limited. However, South America has some picturesque "sightseeing trains" along the way, includingEcuadorfromQuitoarriveGuayaquilOf a 445-kilometer-long railway line.


In most parts of South AmericaBusIt is the main way of transportation on the road, and it is better to travel long distances by air.


In South America, with the exception of Brazil, Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana, the official languages ​​of other countries areSpanish, And even in countries where Spanish is not historically spoken, many people speak Spanish.BrazilThe official language isPortuguese; Although Brazil’s area and population account for about half of South America, Spanish and Portuguese are very similar; so as long as you can speak any language fluently, you will have no problems traveling throughout South America. In Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana, the official languages ​​areEnglishDutchandFrench. In addition, there are many indigenous tribes in South America. They speak their own language. If your route is very remote, you may also need to learn a little indigenous language.

go sightseeing






Wearing Lufu may not be a good thing. You should not carry valuables in your bag. Keep valuable jewellery, watches, and other things at home and just bring the essentials. The same is true for credit cards and other documents; if you don’t use them, you can leave them in the hotel, as long as you bring the money you might use.


In many countries, tap water cannot be drunk directly. It is best to drink purified water or bottled water. In South AmericamalariaandYellow feverIt is also a risk to be faced; it is best to consult with the relevant doctor before departure to ensure your personal health and safety.


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