Africa - 非洲

Travel warningwarn:AfricaRecorded in multiple countriesPolioCase, includingAngolaBeninBurkina FasoCameroonCentral African RepublicChadDemocratic Republic of CongoEthiopiaGhanaMozambiqueNigerNigeriaSomaliaTogowithZambia. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that all travelers to these countries should be vaccinated against polio.source

AfricaIt is the state with the most countries. There are 54 sovereign states and the second largest continent in terms of population and area. North africaMediterranean,westAtlantic, Northeast isRed Sea, A little further south isGulf of Aden, SoutheastIndian Ocean. Africa is a vast continent of 8,000 kilometers from north to south and 7,500 kilometers from east to west (excluding islands), and is home to many people of different colors, beliefs and cultures.

Africa’s representative tourist attractions are Egypt’spyramid, Lake Nakuru National Park in Kenya, etc.


Indian Ocean IslandsEast AfricaSouth africaCentral AfricaWest AfricaSahelNorth AfricaMap-Africa-Regions (zh-hans)-Map of Africa.png
North AfricaAlgeriaEgyptLibyaMoroccoTunisiaWestern Sahara
Located on the southern coast of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic coast of northwest Africa.
Desert and steppe countries-including the Sahel region and the southern half of the Sahara Desert.
West AfricaBeninBurkina FasoCape VerdeCote d'IvoireGambiaGhanaGuineaGuinea-BissauLiberiaNigeriaSenegalSierra LeoneTogo
A tropical country on the Atlantic coast.
Central AfricaAngolaCameroonCentral African Republicthe republic of CongoDemocratic Republic of the CongoEquatorial GuineaGabonSao Tome and PrincipeSouth Sudan
The heart of Africa.
East AfricaBurundiComorosDjiboutiEritreaEthiopiaKenyaMadagascarMauritiusRwandaSeychellesSomaliaSomalilandTanzaniaUganda
This area is where humans originated and is located on the edge of the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean.
South africaBotswanaLesothoMalawiMozambiqueNamibiaSouth AfricaSwazilandZambiaZimbabwe
The southernmost point of Africa.


  • Accra — The capital of Ghana and one of the most convenient tourist cities in West Africa.
  • Addis Ababa — The capital of Ethiopia and a major hub for NGOs and the African Union
  • Cairo — The largest city in Africa with countless ancient Egyptian relics
  • Cape Town —The iconic "Mother City" of South Africa. Table Mountain, Cape of Good Hope and other tourist attractions.
  • Dakar — The capital of Senegal, the westernmost city in Africa.
  • Johannesburg -South Africa's largest city, and perhaps the key economic center of all of Africa.
  • Luanda — The capital of Angola has seen a huge revival in recent years.
  • Marrakech -A city where modernity and classicism blend in in Morocco.
  • Nairobi — The capital of Kenya, the largest city in East and Central Africa, and the only headquarters of the United Nations agency outside Europe and the United States.

Other destinations



GizaPyramid: The famous relics of the pharaohs are also one of the seven wonders of the world
  • In 20,000 years ago, terracotta statues appeared in Algeria.
  • In the first 9000 years, settled villages appeared in Central Africa.
  • In 3100 BC, Narmai unified Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt and became the first pharaoh.
  • Around 2650 BC, Egypt began to build the Great Pyramid.
  • In 2040, the period of the Middle Kingdom of Egypt began.
  • In 1350 BC, Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten introduced sun worship.
  • In 1085 BC, the period of the New Kingdom of Egypt ended.
  • In 814 BC, the Carthaginians established a Phoenician colony.
  • In 332 BC, Alexander the Great conquered Egypt.
  • In 323 BC, the Ptolemaic dynasty of Egypt was established.
  • In 255 BC, the Roman Empire invaded Africa but failed.
  • In 146 BC, Rome conquered Carthage.
  • In the first 31 years, Cleopatra VII committed suicide, the Ptolemaic dynasty fell, and Egypt merged into the Roman Empire.
  • About 600 years, the Kingdom of Ghana was established.
  • In 1067, the Almohad destroyed Ghana.
  • Around 1300, the Empire of Benin (now Nigeria) was established.
  • In 1390, the Kingdom of Congo was established.
  • In 1441, Portugal began to export slaves from West Africa and started the slave trade.


The terrain of Africa is dominated by plateaus, which are called "Plateau Continents" because of their large plateaus. Plateaus with an altitude of 500 to 1,000 meters account for more than 60% of the continent's area. In the southeast, there are the Ethiopian Plateau, the East African Plateau and South Africa from north to south. plateau. Among them, the Ethiopian plateau has an altitude of more than 2500 meters and is known as the "Roof of Africa". Only the northwest and southeast edges of the continent have high mountains. There are many basins in Africa. For example, the Congo Basin, which is traversed by the equator, is a typical large basin. There is also a small plain on the western coast.

The Great Rift Valley in eastern Africa is the longest rift zone on land in the world. The Sahara Desert in northern Africa is the largest desert in the world, accounting for about 1/4 of the total area of ​​the continent.

From the northernmost point of Africa in Tunisia, Cape Benseca (37°21' north latitude) to the southernmost point of Cape Agulhas in South Africa (34°51'15" south latitude), the distance is about 8,000 kilometers. From Africa From Cape Verde, the westernmost point in Senegal (17°33'22" west longitude) to Cape Hafon (51°27'52" east longitude), the easternmost point in Somalia, the distance is about 7,400 kilometers. The coastline of Africa is about 26,000 long. Km, because its continental coastline is relatively straight, so the coastline is less than one-third of Europe (Europe’s coastline is about 32,000 kilometers long).


Three-quarters of Africa’s area is distributed between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Cancer, and the equator passes through it. Places with an average annual temperature above 20°C account for about 95% of the continent’s area, and more than half of it is hot all year round. Nearly half of the region has a hot warm season and a warm cool season. The climate is generally warm and hot, characterized by high temperature, little rain, and dryness. The climatic zone is distributed symmetrically from north to south. The equator traverses the center, and the climate generally decreases from the equator with increasing latitude. The annual average temperature of Dallor in northeastern Ethiopia is 34.5℃, which is one of the places with the highest average annual temperature in the world. Aziziyah, south of Tripoli, the capital of Libya, measured a temperature of 57.8°C on September 13, 1922, which was the extreme highest temperature in Africa. Mount Kilimanjaro is located near the equator, but due to its high altitude, the top of the mountain is covered with snow all year round.

The climate of Africa is mainly divided into five regions:

  • Desert climate zone: the Sahara Desert in North Africa, and the Namib Desert and Kalahari Desert in Southwestern South Africa.
  • Semi-desert climate zone: Located outside the desert climate zone.
  • Mediterranean climate: Including Algeria, Morocco, the coast of Tunisia and the Cape Province of South Africa in North Africa.
  • Tropical rain forest climate: mainly distributed in the Congo Basin.
  • Tropical Mangyuan Climate: Located on the edge of the rainforest climate zone.

The distribution of precipitation in Africa is very uneven. Near the equator and along the Gulf of Guinea are among the regions with the most annual precipitation in the world, while the tropical desert climate areas on both sides of the Tropic of Cancer have very little precipitation. Africa is the continent with the largest arid zone in the world.

Natural resources

Africa has many types of mineral resources and large reserves. The reserves and output of diamond, gold, chromite, phosphate, etc. are among the top in the world. Africa is also extremely rich in animal and plant resources. There are at least 40,000 species of plants in Africa. The forest area accounts for 21% of the total area of ​​Africa. The whole continent is rich in mahogany, ebony, rosewood, coba, ebony, camphor, castanopsis, walnut, yellow lacquered wood, cork oak and other economic forest trees. The grasslands are vast, accounting for 27% of the total area of ​​Africa, ranking first in all continents. The species and number of large wild animals in Africa rank first in all continents of the world.

Northern Africa has a rich and impressive natural landscape, extensive tropical rain forests near the equator; it also has the world's largest desert-the Sahara Desert, which is larger than Australia; in addition, there is the Nile River, the longest in the world, with a length of 6852.06 kilometers.

Suez is 163 kilometers wide at the northeastern tip of Africa. As Africa is a relatively remote place, most countries need a transit canal to separate it from Asia (geopolitical, sometimes the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt east of the Suez Canal is also considered It is part of Africa); to the north is the Mediterranean Sea and Europe across the sea.

The largest and smallest countries in Africa are Algeria and the island nation of Seychelles; the smallest country on the African continent is Gambia.



Take the opportunity

From Europe

From Asia and the Middle East

From America

From Australia

Road and ferry

By boat



Take the opportunity



Drop by car

Land truck


Small boat


The following table lists the population of the main languages ​​spoken in Africa.

LanguageLanguage familyMother tongue populationOfficial language status
AfrikaansIndo-European language family7,200,000  South Africa
AkanNiger-Congo11,000,000 without.GhanaLanguages ​​encouraged by the government
AmharicAsian and African Languages22,000,000  Ethiopia
Modern Standard ArabicAsian and African Languages150,000,000 Some dialects cannot communicate Algeria,  Chad,  Comor,  Djibouti,  Egypt,  Eritrea,  Libya,  Mauritania,  Morocco,  Somalia,  Sudan,  Tunisia
BerberAsian and African Languages Morocco,  Algeria
ChichewaNiger-Congo11,500,000  Malawi,  Zimbabwe
Mauritian CreoleCreole1,500,000  Mauritius
FrenchIndo-European(120,000,000 including non-native speakers)
HausaAsian and African Languages34,000,000 
LuandaNiger-Congo9,800,000  Luanda
KirundiNiger-Congo8,800,000  Burundi
CongoNiger-Congo5,600,000  AngolaRecognized national language
LingalaNiger-Congo5,500,000  Democratic Republic of CongoNational language
LuoNile-Saharan Languages15,000,000 - 20,000,000 Ethiopia,  Democratic Republic of Congo,  Kenya,  Tanzania,  Uganda,  South Sudan andSudan.
MalagasyAustronesian18,000,000  Madagascar
MoshiNiger-Congo7,600,000  Burkina FasoRecognized national language
Southern NdebeleNiger-Congo1,090,000 South AfricaOne of the official languages
Northern SothoNiger-Congo4,600,000  South Africa
OromoAsian and African Languages26,000,000  Ethiopia
PortugueseIndo-European language family13,700,000 (estimated) Angola,  Cape Verde,  Guinea Bissau,  Equatorial Guinea,  Mozambique,  Sao Tome and Principe
SesothoNiger-Congo5,600,000  Lesotho,  South Africa,  Zimbabwe
ShilhaAsian and African Languages14,000,000 (estimated)
ShonaNiger-Congo14,200,000 includingManica Zimbabwe,  Mozambique,  Botswana
SomaliAsian and African Languages16,600,000  Somalia
SwahiliNiger-Congo55,000,000  Tanzania,  Kenya,  Ugandaofficial language, Democratic Republic of CongoNational language
TigrinyaAsian and African Languages7,000,000  Eritrea
Luba-KatangaNiger-Congo6,300,000 (1991)  Democratic Republic of CongoNational language
TswanaNiger-Congo5,200,000  South Africa,  Botswana
MbanduNiger-Congo6,000,000  AngolaRecognized national language
XhosaNiger-Congo7,600,000  South Africa,  Zimbabwe
ZuluNiger-Congo10,400,000  South Africa

go sightseeing



The food varies greatly, and you can find Arabic-style cuisine (in North Africa) as well as European-derived (in South Africa and Namibia) or local foods derived from pre-colonization. Although you may not find five-star restaurants in every country or even city, if you keep an open mind, you will be attracted by some special dishes~




Some places are safe, such as Morocco and Mauritius. There are also some countries that are very dangerous, such as Somalia and Central Africa.

Medical treatment

Due to the lack of medical resources in Africa, there are many medical associations but fewer hospitals.


Some remote and impoverished areas may have no telephone signal. It is recommended that those traveling in groups prepare walkie-talkies or satellite phones.

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