Somalia - 索马里

Somalia (orthographic projection).svg
currencySomali Shilling (SOS)
1 SOS = 0.0015 EUR
Power Systems220 volts / 50 Hz (European plug)
country code 252
Time zoneUTC 03:00
LanguageSomali, Arabic
Emergency call999 (fire department), 888 (police agency), 555 (emergency medical service)
Driving directionright
Travel warningwarn:In addition to the more stableSomalilandIn addition, Somalia is basically a war zone-and for independent travelers or tourists, due to the ongoing fighting between government forces and militias/illegal armed forces, thisStill very dangerous(This also includes Al-Shabaab affiliated with Al-Qaida). Business travelers, researchers and international aid workers should consult their organizations and seek expert guidance before preparing to travel. If you must go, seeTheater security

Currently unilaterally independentSomalilandareaThere is a sharp contrast. Based on the decentness of the regional government and little violence, it is also suitable for tourism, althoughbeautifulBritainWaiting for Western countries, it is still strongly recommended that you do not go.

Federal Republic of SomaliaSomali: Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya,Arabic: جمهورية الفدرالية الصومال‎) is aEast AfricaCountry, located inSomali PeninsulaOn the east side of the Indian Ocean, north of the Gulf of Aden, andEthiopiaKenyaDjiboutiAdjacent. Somalia is currently in a state of civil war. The capital before the war wasMogadishu(Mogadishu). Somaliland in the northwestern part of Somalia, central Puntland, which tends to be unified, and the Islamic Courts Union are all substantially independent. The geographical location of Somalia lies in the south of the Gulf of Aden between the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean. The 2004 "NairobiAfter the signing of the Comprehensive Agreement, Somalia established a transitional government. Somalia ended its eight-year transition period on August 23, 2012. The Federal Assembly Speaker was elected on August 29, and a new president was elected by the national electorate on September 10. The Japanese presidential cabinet was approved by the Federal Assembly for establishment. On September 21, Somalia became the autonomous management of the federal states and counties, and at the same time, the federal constitutional government was restored.



Located on the Somali Peninsula, East CoastIndian Ocean, NorthboundGulf of Aden,andEthiopiaKenyaDjiboutiAdjacent. Somalia is currently in a state of civil war, and the capital before the war wasMogadishu. Located in the northwestern part of SomaliaSomalilandAs an independent political entity. The geographical location of Somalia, living inMediterraneanandIndian OceanThe southern part of the Gulf of Aden is the necessary sea route for freighters from various countries to enter and exit the Suez Canal.


Somalia andEthiopiaEritreaDjiboutiTogether (famous for the Horn of Africa), it was called the land of Punte by the ancient Egyptians. 2350 BCEgyptMan established a trade with the land of Punte. The port on the Somali coast in the 1st century ADGreecePeople did business, and later they dealt with Roman merchants.

In 1840,U.KInvaded the north and declared it a protected area in 1887. 1889ItalyInvaded and occupied the central region, until 1925 the entire central and southern regions were reduced to Italian colonies.

Second World WarDuring the period, the British occupation of Italy belonged to Somalia, and in 1949 the United Nations resolution handed over the former Italian occupation area to Italy for trusteeship.

In 1960, British Somalia and Italian Somaliland declared independence successively. On July 1 of the same year, the two merged into the "Republic of Somalia".

In 1969, Mohamed Siad Barre launched a military coup and after seizing power, the country was renamed "Somali Democratic Republic" on October 21.

In January 1991, the armed forces of the Somali United Congress Party led by Mohamed Farah Aidid overthrew President Mohamed Siad Barre, and in February of the same year changed the name of the country back to the "Republic of Somalia." Since then, the country has entered anarchy.

After the United Nations briefly intervened in the situation in Somalia in 1993,AmericaThe soldier was killed, blasphemed in the street and was broadcast on TV and withdrew.

In August 2000, the Somali National Peace Conference was held in Djibouti. The Peace Conference passed a transitional charter, elected the first parliament and president since the civil war, and formed the Somali transitional government, but it was boycotted by various factions of warlords.

On January 29, 2004, representatives of the parties signed the Transitional Federal Charter. On August 22, the Transitional National Assembly of Somalia was established in Nairobi. In December, the Transitional Government of Somalia was established in Kenya.

In June 2005, the transitional government moved back to the country, but due to lack of strength, it could only work in southern cities.BaidoaOffice.

On June 5, 2006, Somali sect forces defeated the Union of Warlords and took control of Mogadishu. On December 24, Ethiopia publicly admitted for the first time its involvement in the internal armed conflict in Somalia. On December 28, Somali Transitional Government forces repelled sectarian forces and moved into Mogadishu.

On January 23, 2007, Ethiopia began to withdraw its troops from Somalia. On February 20, the UN Security Council passed Resolution 1744, authorizing the African Union to deploy peacekeeping forces in Somalia to stabilize the situation on the ground. On March 12, the Somali Transitional Assembly approved the transitional government from Baidoa to the capital Mogadishu.

In December 2008, the transitional government of Somalia fell.

On January 31, 2009, Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, leader of the Somali opposition organization "Somali Re-Liberation Alliance", won the Somali presidential election held in Djibouti, the capital of Djibouti. On February 14, according to the Somali Political Office of the United Nations, the Somali Parliament voted 414 to 9 to support President Ahmed’s appointment of the son of Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke, who currently owns Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke (Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke), a dual citizen of Canada and Somalia, is the new prime minister and took office on February 20.

On July 1, 2012, President Ahmed of Somalia announced that "in order to unify all political forces in the country and maintain the territorial integrity of Somalia", the country has changed to a federal system. On August 2 of the same year, the country name was changed to "Federal Republic of Somalia".

On August 20, 2012, the Federal Government of Somalia was established.

The whole of Somalia is dominated by gentle low plateaus, and the height gradually decreases from north to south. There are terrain areas such as coastal plains, inland plateaus, and northern mountains. There are the Shabelle River and the Juba River.

Most of it has a tropical desert climate. The annual precipitation decreases from 500 to 600 millimeters from south to north to below 100 millimeters. Cyclone storms from the North Indian Ocean occasionally hit the northeastern coast.

Before the outbreak of the civil war in Somalia, there were 18 states in Somalia:

  • Lower Juba (Jubbada Hoose)
  • Central Juba (Jubbada Dhexe)
  • Gedo
  • Bay
  • Bakool
  • Shabeellaha Hoose
  • Banaadir
  • Middle Shabeella State (Shabeellaha Dhexe)
  • Hiiraan
  • Galguduud (Galguduud)
  • Mudug Region (Mudug)
  • Nugaal
  • Bari
  • Sool
  • Sanaag
  • Togdheer
  • Woqooyi Galbeed
  • Odala (Awdal)

After the civil war in Somalia, the Republic of Somaliland, Puntland, Jamudug and other factions managed different areas in Somalia.

About 80% of the population of Somalia is dominated by animal husbandry and semi-agricultural and semi-animal husbandry, and livestock products occupy the first place in the GDP. There are many sheep, cattle, and camels in animal husbandry. Agricultural products include bananas, sugar cane, cotton, sorghum, corn and so on. Specialty frankincense, gum arabic and myrrh. The industry includes sugar, textile, food, cigarette and other sectors. Mining emeralds and gypsum, deposits iron, uranium, manganese, and niobium ore. Export livestock and its products (over 60% of the total export value), bananas, frankincense, and myrrh; import machinery and equipment, food, consumer goods, fuel, etc.


Somalia regions map.png
South Somalia
The capital is located, but there are often civil wars here.
Central Somalia
The central part of the country is located near the Galgaduud and Mudug regions.
An autonomous region with a long history.
The "actually" independent northern region has a good self-government and anegligibleTourism agency.

We will introduce in another articleSomaliland. Although there are many disputes about the national legality of the Somaliland government, from a traveler's point of view, the Somaliland government already has "physical" control over the region (with independent visas, laws, currency, etc.). However, at Wikivoyage, we do not mean that we support the political opinions of either party.


Other destinations


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There are 61 large and small airports, most of which are in poor conditions and the runways are unprepared. Mogadishu andBerberaThere is an international airport that can take off and land large passenger planes. In 2001, the "national" airline, Somali Airlines, was rebuilt, but Somaliland andPuntlandNone of its aircraft is allowed to take off and land in the two places. In March 2001, Ethiopian Airlines opened theAddis AbabaFlights to Hargeisa, the "capital" of Somaliland, run every two weeks. In addition, the United Nations aircraft carrying aid materials also frequently take off and land in Somalia.

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The transportation industry is backward, land transportation is dominated by roads, and the only railway in the country was built in the 1970s.ChinaAided.

Private car

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Passenger ship Aiga watertransportation.svg

Maritime transportation occupies an important position. The main ports are Mogadishu and Mogadishu in the south.Kismayo, Berbera and Bosa Somalia in the north. Due to the occasional fighting in the south, the two ports in the north undertake the main shipping tasks. 1997,European UnionInvested in the modernization of Berbera and Bosa Somalia to a certain extent. In May 1999, the European Union planned to invest 1.5 million US dollars to build the Port of Berbera.

Travel around


The official language isSomaliwithArabic

go sightseeing










Due to the long-term civil war in Somalia, and its geographical advantage (the Gulf of Aden is located in the sea area that the Suez Canal connecting Europe and Asia must pass through), it has led to rampant piracy. Due to the collapse of the national system, fishing boats of his nationality illegally cross-border fishing often appeared in Somalia’s territorial waters. Local fishermen, merchants, and rebels found that they could obtain more benefits through pirates. In most hijacking incidents, the hostages were not harmed and were usually settled by paying a ransom. The pirates are well-equipped and rigorously organized, and the members are mostly trained soldiers. The pirates are equipped with a large number of powerful weapons and armed boats, forcing many governments to send out navies to encircle and suppress, especially in the Indian Ocean Cape Hafun area most frequently.

Medical treatment


Please observe Islamic (Muslim) taboos
Please observe Islamic (Muslim) taboos
This destination is an area where Muslims live. Please observe local regulations and respect the religious beliefs of the locals when traveling in these places. Do not violate Islamic taboos to avoid trouble.


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