Guyana Region - 圭亚那地区

Tip: The subject of this entry is notGuyana

GuyanaSpanishLas GuayanasEnglishThe GuianasFrenchGuyanesDutchGuyana'sPortugueseGuianas),YesSouth AmericaA region in the north and northwest, divided into several sovereign countries and regions. During the pre-Columbian period, the main inhabitants of Guyana were Caribs and Arawaks. After the 17th century, this area was gradually divided into colonies by European countries, forming the current pattern.

This area is far away from many South American countries (the neighboring countries areVenezuelaColombiawithBrazil) Its cultural and political aspects are independent of the surroundingAmazon Basin, Southern and southwestern countries of South America, closer toCaribbean


Political map of Guyana
Formerly British Guiana.
French Guiana
The original Dutch Guiana.
BrazilGuyana areaAmapa
Formerly Portuguese Guiana.
VenezuelaGuyana areaAmazon StateBolivar State
Formerly Spanish Guiana, the province of Guyana in Spain.
This area entry is aOuter layer area. It overlaps with other areas in the geographic hierarchy.