Oceania - 大洋洲

Oceania, Is a continent located in the southern hemisphere, mainly divided into two parts,AustraliaThe islands of the Pacific Ocean account for 6% of the world’s total land area. Oceania is the smallest continent in the world and the most fragmented continent. Because Oceania is surrounded by the sea on all sides and does not border any other continent, its geographical location has been isolated for a long time, so it has a unique geographical feature.


Australia, New Zealand, and Papua New Guinea are the larger countries in Oceania, while Australia and New Zealand are the most popular countries to travel to. Oceania includes vast archipelagos and countries of various ethnic groups. Polynesia (Extending from north to east of New Zealand), Melanesia (Extending to the west and south of the equator), and Micronesia (Almost located north of the equator).

Easter islandJapanTaiwanChinaFederated States of MicronesiaNorthern Mariana IslandsWake IslandMarshall IslandsHawaiiMidway islandJohnston atollPitcairn IslandsFrench PolynesiaAmerican SamoaBaker IslandHowland IslandJarvis IslandKiribatiPalmyra AtollGuamPalauNauruTokelauTuvaluWallis and Futuna IslandsSamoaIslandNiueTongaFijiSolomon IslandsVanuatuNew Caledoniathe PhilippinesBruneiMalaysiaIndonesiaPapua New Guineanew ZealandNorfolk IslandAustraliaOceania regions map (zh-hans).png
SamoaThe clear waters of the coast
The largest and most populous country in Oceania is often considered a continent. haveAdelaideBrisbaneDarwinHobartMelbournePerthSydneyAnd the capitalCanberraWaiting for the city. There are also many deserts, one of which is the largest in the world.
new Zealand
New Zealand is the main tourist destination in Oceania. New Zealand has the second largest area in Oceania, smaller than Australia, and is widely regarded as one of the most simple and beautiful countries on earth. New Zealand also has comprehensive tourist facilities. Geographically-and culturally to a certain extent-New Zealand is part of Polynesia: the native Maori are Polynesian, while the bigAucklandThere are more Polynesians than other Polynesian cities.
Papua New Guinea
Tropical rain forests, beautiful scenery and a variety of different creatures. People who love adventure, especially like to travel here.
No other name can describe heaven like this one. The beautiful paradise island stretches thousands of miles in the distant South Pacific.
It has a certain connection with Papua New Guinea, which is often mentioned.FijiIt is the most visited country by tourists.
The tiny Micronesia islands are located to the north of the equator and are less visited by tourists and business people than elsewhere.PalauIt can be said to be the most interesting tourist attraction in this archipelago.


  • Sydney-Australia's largest city, home to the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Sydney Opera House.
  • Melbourne-A vibrant city with multicultural and sports fanaticism, and many cultural institutions.
  • Brisbane
  • Adelaide-There are many exquisite bars and restaurants hidden in the alleys and streets, and many art events are held in February and March every year.
  • Perth
  • Darwin
  • Wellington
  • Auckland-A bustling multicultural metropolis with high scores in quality of life polls.
  • Christchurch-Known as the "Garden City", it is still being rebuilt after the devastating earthquake in 2011.
  • Port MoresbyPapua New GuineaThe capital may be a little dangerous.
  • ApiaSamoas capital. Although a bit shabby, it is useful as an initial stop when visiting Samoa for the first time.
  • SuvaFijiThe main commercial and political center; the tourist capital isNadi
  • Babiti-The capital of French Polynesia. Although it is not a tropical paradise, it is very suitable for shopping, eating, drinking, and watching the crowds come and go.

Other destinations

  • Abel Tasman National Park — Enjoy the beautiful New Zealand Trail by the clear waters of Tasman Bay.
  • Aitutaki — The palm trees in the postcard are the edge of the tropical rain forest with turquoise water.
  • Bora Bora —The most beautiful islands and reefs in French Polynesia, but they are too expensive.
  • Coral Coast -Magical white sandy beaches and palm trees.
  • Great Barrier Reef —The largest coral bush in the world, very suitable for diving.
  • Moorea — If you have a limited budget, you can go to Bora Bora, which has the same beautiful scenery.
  • VanuatuPentecost i.Watch the adventures of those land bungee jumpers.
  • Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park-a uniquely shaped rock in central Australia.
  • Wavau is. — An archipelago with more than fifty small islands in Tonga is a common destination for yachts and calving whales.


FromPapua New GuineaSepik RiverSculpture of the basin

European influence

European colonists had a universal influence on the social outlook and culture of most of this region. British colonists brought crickets to Australia and New Zealand in the summer. Although the arrival of British laborers from India to Fiji to harvest sugarcane caused long-term political turmoil, it also brought the best Bombay meatballs to Nadi, Fiji's third largest city.


From an ecological point of view, Oceania also includesIndonesiaEast toLombokwithSulawesiLarge area.


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Most areas of Australia and New Zealand have routes connecting other continents, but there are very few direct routes to South America. Oceania also has other gateways to enter. For example, Air France has direct routes from New Caledonia to Tokyo and Paris, as well as routes to Tahiti. Continue the journey to Sydney or Auckland. Pacific Airlines can fly from Fiji to Los Angeles via Sydney, Auckland, and Tassie, and from these places, the Cook Islands can be reached by air. Air New Zealand has opened a route from Los Angeles and Auckland to Tonga and Samoa. The Los Angeles route is subsidized by the New Zealand government to help the economic development of these two countries. Manila, Guam, and Honolulu have routes to Micronesia, which are mainly carried by United Airlines.

Passenger ship Aiga watertransportation.svg

It is usually more difficult to reach small islands with few tourists. Including a large number of uninhabited islands, and some islands with restricted access.

For most travelers who don't have sailing boats and a lot of time, the only way to get to and from destinations in Oceania is to take a flight. Auckland, Brisbane, Los Angeles and Sydney all have more portable air routes to other places. It is also possible to reach Hawaii, Tahiti, Fiji and even the Cook Islands from the west coast of the United States via Auckland.

However, the opening of a route ultimately depends on whether the airline believes it can be profitable. Polynesia, which has a large population of native English speakers, has regular flights from Air New Zealand. Melanesia, which is mainly provided by Australian Airlines, cannot expect to have flights every day.


Indigenous languages ​​are spoken all over Oceania. Except for Australian native languages, most languages ​​belong to the Austronesian family, includingMalayIndonesianwithTagalogAnd other languages.

Because of being colonized by Britain and the United States in history,EnglishIt is the main language of Australia and New Zealand, and ruled in FranceNew CaledoniawithFrench PolynesiaMost of the Pacific islands outside are commonly used second languages.

In some areas such as Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu, English Creole and Standard English have official language status, which may make it difficult for foreigners to understand, although educated locals are almost always able to Convert to standard English.

French is naturally the main language of New Caledonia and French Polynesia, and the ethnic minorities in Fiji also speakHindi, They are mainly of Indian descent.

go sightseeing






Except for Papua New Guinea, almost all countries in Oceania are safe for tourists. Papua New Guinea is still just an adventurous tourist destination, and Port Moresby is one of the cities with the highest rate of violent crime in the world.

Medical treatment


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