Ulan-Ude - 烏蘭烏德

Ulan-UdeRussian: Ула́н-Удэ́ oo-LAHN oo-DEH) Is located atBuryatiaThe capital of the Soviet Union was called the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. The urban population is mainly Buryats, Russians, and Mongolians. It is the third largest city in Eastern Siberia.

The city is full of national characteristics. The buildings, culture and art, such as theaters, theaters, museums, etc., are integrated with Buryat style and Russian style. The dwellings are mostly wooden spires, and the windows are mostly painted yellow, white, and blue. In bright colors such as green and green, all kinds of flowers are placed in the windows without exception, like the setting of a fairy tale drama. The blending of multiple religions and cultures makes this city far away from the capital Moscow unique and has become a well-known cultural and tourist city.


A beautiful wooden house in the old town of Ulan-Ude

Ulan-Ude, is a Russian one calledBuryatiaThe area was named by the nomadic Buryat Mongols who first settled in the area. In the 1750s, due to the split of the Russian Orthodox Church, a group of people called "old believers" were forced to flee their homes and flee to Siberia in order to be able to practice their religion freely. The Russian Cossacks formally established the settlement in 1666. Since it is located in Russia,ChinawithMongoliaOn the trade route between, it quickly developed into a prosperous trading city. When it became again in 1900Siberian RailwayWhen the locomotive manufacturing industry became the dominant economic power, its strength further increased. Ulan-Ude means "Red Ude" in the local Buryat language. The city was closed to foreigners before 1991.

Buryat Mongols account for more than 20% of Ulan-Ude's population, and the influence of Mongolian culture on the city is very obvious. Unfortunately, many primitive Buryat cultural and religious buildings were destroyed by the Soviets in the 1930s. There are approximately 400,000 inhabitants of Shamanism, Buddhism and Orthodox believers in Ulan-Ude.

The city is located at the confluence of the Udi and Selenga rivers, between the Hamar Daban mountain range and the Ulan Burgasse mountain range. City is andBaikalThe Udi River's confluence is 100 kilometers away. Tourism on Lake Baikal is the backbone of Ulan-Ude's economy and the best aspect Ulan-Ude shows to outsiders.

The industrial development of the city of Ulan-Ude is closely related to the laying of the Siberian trunk line, which connects the two countries and takes 13 years from east to west. On August 15, 1899, the first train was opened in Upper Udinsk. The Siberian main line of transportation connects Upper Udinsk with other countries in the world. On December 6, 2000, Hohhot and Ulan-Ude became sister cities.

Climate Rain-symbol.svg

Highest during the day(℃)−17.9−10.9−0.39.818.724.526.623.616.56.9−5−14.5
Lowest at night(℃)−27.6−23.9−13.7−3.73.610.514.211.84.3−4−14.2−23.2

Ulan-Ude Climate Monthly Average

It may be hot in summer and cold in winter. January to March are the coldest months, and the average nighttime temperature in January reaches minus 27 degrees (historical temperature records have been below minus 50 degrees). April and May are also very cold, but it is usually above freezing. June to August are the most pleasant months, with plenty of sunshine and the temperature rising to more than 20 degrees. The months of September and October are not very cold. In November and December, the temperature drops below the freezing point again until it reaches about 10°C-20°C. The whole of Buryatia, Ulan-Ude, and Ulan-Ude in particular, have the sunniest days of the year. Other places are much milder.

The humidity is very low, so extreme humidity will not be as extreme as in humid areas.


Aviation 1a2.svg

Baikal International Airport(Аэропорт Байкал,IATAUUDICAOUIUU), Tel: 7 301 222-79-59, 12 kilometers west of the city center. The airport serves approximately 300,000 passengers each year. There are regular flights to many major cities in Russia, includingMoscow(Flight for 7 hours, cost 14,500 rubles),KrasnoyarskVladivostok,Blagoveshchensk,IrkutskKhabarovskandNovosibirsk, And fly toUlaanbaatarBeijingwithSeoulInternational flights.

bus #55 and #77 ferry between the airport and Площадь Советов, the huge head of Lenin in the city. Arrive at the airport bus station, walk straight out of the airport, turn left at the intersection, and continue walking for 5-10 minutes. The bus fare is 20 rubles. In addition, if you talk in advance, the journey to the city center by taxi will take about 20 minutes, but you will have to pay 300 rubles.

Railroad Bahn aus Zusatzzeichen 1024-15 A.png

Bus Aiga bus trans.svg

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Accommodation Aiga hotelinformation.svg







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