Siberian Railway - 西伯利亚铁路

This entry is aTravel route
Siberian Railway
Транссибирская магистраль
Siberian Railway, Moscow to Vladivostok
Detailed information
Route type Intercontinental route
length 9,000 kilometers or more
Travel method Rail transport

Siberian RailwayCrossingSiberiaarriveMoscow, Is the general term between the following three items:

The Siberian Railway is the longest railway line in the world. It was built between 1891 and 1916 to connect the Russian capital Moscow with the Far East city of Vladivostok. The route cities includePermYekaterinburgOmskNovosibirskKrasnoyarskIrkutskChitawithKhabarovsk


Vladivostok Station

The three terminals on the Siberian Railway areMoscowBeijingwithVladivostok. There is one more trip a week fromMoscowarrivePyongyangTrain.

Can be reached by train from anywhere in EuropeMoscow,FromLondonThe starting one-way fare is approximately £200.Eurolines To operate the European coach system, the price from London is approximately £60.AeroflotIt is the main airline that enters and exits Moscow.

existVladivostokwithJapanGaogangThere is a ferry service throughout the year, and the journey takes about 2 days. allowableBusiness Intour ServiceThe company’s office is scheduled to be located atTokyoAnd Vladivostok. PastSouth KoreaofSokchoThere are also ferry boats. Аэрофлот (Russian Airlines) Vladivostok Airlines[1]Provide air passenger service to Vladivostok.

There are many international flights arrivingBeijing. You can also take the train fromLhasaorVietnamofHo Chi Minh CityGo, but there is no railway connection with Thailand, Myanmar and India.

Visa information

2,914 kilometers from Moscow

existRussiaMongoliawithChinaThe entry has more detailed visa information

Most travelers will need a visa to three countries.

ChinawithMongoliaIt is quite easy. The best way to obtain a visa is through your own embassy or consulate. Or inHongkong, A visa for British citizens costs 30 pounds. However, a Mongolian visa can be easilyIrkutsk(Russia), while the Chinese visa isUlaanbaatar(Note: As many local regulations have been strengthened, for now, it is not recommended to apply for a Chinese visa in Mongolia.)Citizens of the United States (90 days), Canada, Israel (30 days) and several European and Asian countries can enter Mongolia without a visa. To travel to China, almost everyone needs a visa-the only exceptions are citizens of Japan and some small countries; seeChinese visa

andRussiaIt will be more troublesome. Generally, a visa is required to be issued. The best way to do this, you can apply from an online service, such as Realrussia orVisaHQTo get. If you buy the main train ticket through a travel agency, they can almost certainly process your visa application, especially when traveling to Russia. The country that gives you the most tourist visa is 30 days. A business visa is a choice for people who do not want to spend up to 90 days, but you may need to use a travel agency to arrange it in your country.

Each foreign tourist who has obtained registration must stay in one place for more than 7 working days (or more than 9 days if weekends are included). Hotels provide free most of the time, while some hotels will charge extra. Obviously, any Russian can go to the post office and pay a small fee, you must register at his/her place. If you stay in one place for no more than 7 working days, then you do not need to register. When you are not overstayed and you are asked, the train ticket and hotel receipt are a good proof. in any case,It is strongly recommended to keep your ticket and receipt until you leave the country

However, Russia in Beijing orHarbinA transit visa for nearly 10 days has been issued and no invitation letter is required. This will bring enough time to travel without stopping along the way, plus two days that can be spent in Moscow. The Beijing consulate is open from 09:00 to 11:00, but please remember that there are also many Chinese citizens who try to obtain a visa just like you, so you must arrive early. The cost of each nationality is different, but Americans may have to pay $250 for one working day or $150 for five working days. Upon arrival in Moscow, you have four nights on your transit visa, which is allowed inMoscow, An overnight train, and in St. Petersburg for one or two nights, but you must cross the border at midnight on the last day of the visa.

There are many ways to leave Russia from St. Petersburg, including buses and trains to EuropeHelsinkiTallinnRigaKievAnd other places, but be careful,Belarus(If you are not sure, please seehere) Almost all nationalitiesneedTransit visa (or tourist visa), so whether it is in your plan, you must have visa preparation to guide you through Belarus.

A Russian transit visa cannot be delayed under any circumstances. If you start fromBeijingCome, you can register your visa after arriving in Moscow. If you have a 10-day transit visa andNot reside in one place(To St. Petersburg),Then you don’t have to register your visa

Citizens of Israel, South Korea, certain Latin American countries, CIS member states and a few other countries do not require a Russian visa.

Buy tickets

Siberian RailwaySecond-class carriage (Купе)

You can buy it from a domestic travel agency (you can only buy tickets for domestic stations, but not for foreign stations and return tickets), usually one week or one month in advance. The price from Beijing to Moscow (one way) is about CNY2500 (not including meals on the train, border inspection fees and visa fees), and the time is 7 days. In Beijing, you canBeijing Tourism BuildingBought a train ticket for this line.

You can usually buy a ticket at any station in Russia, but you don’t have to be at a station along the railway. Sometimes it’s even cheaper. The difference in price is not the ticket itself, but whether it includes insurance. You can choose whether to buy insurance or not: saybez strahovki (без страховки, no insurance) orso strahovkoi (со страховкой, insurance is required). The ticket is printed on a double layer of orange paper, and the insurance is printed on a piece of pink paper of the same size.

In some stations, there are also special windows for selling tickets to foreigners (the fare for foreigners and locals is now the same). Passport must be presented when purchasing tickets.

Station code

The station code is used in the internal computer system of the Russian Railways (often printed on the ticket). Knowing these codes will help you make reservations at small stations or buy tickets abroad (you can bring this piece of paper to show them).

Train terms

  • I want to buy a ticket- Ya hochu kupit bilyet -Я хочу купить билет
From - iz -из
arrive - vf
  • One, two, three (person)- adyin, dva, tree chelavyeka -один, два, три человека
  • Nowadays - sevodnya -сегодня
  • tomorrow - zaftra -завтра
  • Monday - panedyelnik -понедельник
  • Tuesday - ftornik -вторник
  • Wednesday - sreda -среда
  • Thursday - chetvyerk -четверг
  • Friday - pyatnitsa -пятница
  • Saturday - subota -суббота
  • Sunday - vaskresyene -воскресенье
  • (Time) departure- vy-ezd -выезд
morning - ootram -утром
noon - dnyom -днем
night - vyecherom -вечером
  • Car class- vagon -вагон
Third Class (3rd)- platskart -плацкарт
Second Class (2nd)- kupe -купе
First Class (1st)- es ve -СВ
  • Can I... (Can I)- mne pozhaluista... -мне, пожалуйста...
Upper bunk- vyerhnyuyu polku -верхнюю полку
Lower bunk- nizhnyuyu polku -нижнюю полку
  • Passport number- nomer pasporta -номер паспорта

International Station

The following stations are listed in order from west to east

Russian station

The following stations are listed in order from west to east

2004001 St. Petersburg -Main railway station (Санкт-Петербург (Главный вокзал))
2004004 St. Petersburg -Finland Railway Station (Санкт-Петербург (Финляндский вокзал))
2000002 Moscow -Yaroslavl Station (Москва (Ярославский Вокзал))
2000003 Moscow -Kazan Station (Москва (Казанский Вокзал))
2000006 Moscow -Belarusian Station (Москва (Белорусский Вокзал))


Fares often change and it is difficult to predict. In Russia, the fare will be adjusted according to the season, the peak season will increase the price as high as 40%.

  • Moscow-Vladivostok $250/ $500 (Secondary / First Class, one way)
  • Moscow-Beijing $200/ $320
  • Moscow-Irkutsk $60/ 100
  • Irkutsk-Ulaanbaatar $30 (one way)
  • Beijing-Moscow About $450 (Level 2) Information provided by China Travel Service (CITS) in Beijing

There are reports that the government has increased prices recently. If you buy tickets directly without going through an intermediary, the fare will be cheaper, but this requires a certain level of Russian.

train schedule

Trans-Siberia trains have different timetables-some trains run daily, some even depend on the date, and some partial trains only run during the week and depart on odd days. There are also passing trains (проходящие поезда), which are actually longer branches of the train route, such as the Moscow-Vladivostok train on the Yekaterinburg-Irkutsk branch. In this case, not only must the schedule be followed, but reliability may also be affected-such tickets are released for sale 24-48 hours before departure.

Russian RailwaysThere are train timetables throughout Russia[2], And some international trains depart from Russian destinations (such as the Moscow-Beijing train). Only the actual reliability shows that it was announced that the entire train departed for Russia 45 days ago, and it took 30 days for most international trains to pass. You will need to use alternate spelling for some destinations.BeijingSpelled asPekinMoscowYesMoskvaSt. PetersburgYesSankt-PeterburgYekaterinburgYesEkaterinburgorSverdlovsk(Old city name),Ulan-UdeYesUlan-udeUlaanbaatarYesUlan-Bator,as well asKhabarovskYesHabarovsk

  • Russian Railways International Ticket Office, Tel: (495) 266-8300 (Russia)


costMainly depends on the quality level you want. Adding a simple meal and sightseeing or performance show to a second-class and maintained mid-range hotel will cost you €100-120 per day. If you want your train travel and the hotel you live in to be top-notch, and take a guided trip, it is easy to increase the daily cost up to €500. Self-guided travel, third-class travel and living in dormitories can get daily expenses down to only €20-30. To some extent, China and Mongolia will be cheaper and easier to obtain tourism than Russia. There are really no discounts here; while an international (or local) student ID can give you some discounts, but premium discounts are unheard of.

Many currencies in the world can be exchanged in any city at a good interest rate. It is not necessary to bring local currency, and the interest rates at local banks are much better. Except for China, money will not be exchanged at the airport (or the same as you need to enter the town). In Russia, rates at exchange kiosks are usually similar to those at banks. It is impossible to exchange foreign currency on the train. The exchange rate in China is fixed by the government and private banks are often rejected, so you need to go to the government bank in exchange for them to change to Swiss francs.

Credit cards can be used in hotels, better restaurants, travel agencies, and major grocery stores. They have been widely accepted in Moscow and Beijing. Visa cards are most often accepted at automated teller machines (ATM).

Traveler’s checks can only be cashed in a few places, but the rates are acceptable.

Russian typicaltipIt is 5-10%. When you do not need to pay a tip, it means that you are not satisfied with the service. Checks are usually rounded in Mongolia and tipping is very rare in China.


FromMoscow - VladivostokOn the way, the train will stop for 20-30 minutes every 3-4 hours. Anyone can get off and go to the platform to shop. A wide variety of fresh foods (eggs, fish, cheese, bread, fruit, meat, cakes, etc.) are provided below. Sometimes there are some drinks. The price is usually cheaper,Only accept rubles

There is a dining car in the car, but if you don’t speak Russian, it will be difficult to order food.


Alcohol is an important part of Russian culture; therefore, it is common to drink a little vodka before meals. In this process, you have to be careful, you need to know when to stop. First of all, drinking spirits is not allowed on Russian trains, but because it is always in Russia, "no" does not mean "prohibition." Cabin attendants will pretend that they did not see you unless you are the one making noise or influencing other people. The police may use the train to drink alcohol and disturb others to make arrests, so keep quiet and try to put the wine bottle under the table. Also try not to force yourself to drink too much wine. If you drink too much alcohol, you may be in trouble. This is for sure, or if it is more serious, you must go to the hospital for treatment. When fellow travelers provide you with good things, please use your judgment and restraint. You try to taste some good wines instead of getting into unnecessary trouble, but troubles are not unheard of, ranging from bad alcoholic drinks and drugs, which will make you easy to become an innocent victim.

In addition, tea is also a very important beverage; the most representative in Russia is lemon black tea, as well as Chinese green tea and Taiwan’s oolong tea or wheat tea. This is sometimes used as an appetizer after drinking and eating.

As for the samovar, the above content may come in handy, when you want some hot drinks (water is free, but you have to prepare your own tea or buy it from some cabin crew). It is also possible to buy drinks and beer in the car of the restaurant to bring back to your car.

Unless you specifically ask them to provide non-dairy or sugar drinks, it’s worth having a basicPhrasebook, To be one of the best necessary items when the person next to you cannot speak English to you.


All tickets for long-distance trains are places to sleep. In the first and second class carriages, the bed is about 1.9 meters long and half a meter wide for people to rest. The third-class carriages have shorter berths. Some trains between Moscow and St. Petersburg have seats. Few trains in Russia have all 4 types of carriages to choose from:

  • First class carriage (Спальный Вагон) It is the most comfortable and most expensive compartment of all classes. The price is about twice that of a second-class car. Each cabin is equipped with two sofas on each side of the cabin, which can be converted into beds for people to sleep. For some trains, such as the Trans-Mongolia section, the first-class carriages have private bathrooms. The service of first-class carriages is actually a bit like what you expect in Europe and North America. This is worth considering, because Russian Railways is notoriously bureaucratic and does not have a very good service attitude, but the quality of service is not bad. Can. The doors of the carriage can be locked from the inside, but these doors are locked so that the outside can be opened with a key. If the safety door chain is fastened, the door can only be opened at most 5 cm, which is considered the safest class of compartment.
  • Second-class carriage (Купе)Some compare to Western European sleeper train standards. These carriages are divided into blocks, with 4 beds in each compartment. One thing to note is that when you buy a second-class ticket, you will have two lower berths shared during the day, and there will be no other places except the dining car. Most trains will have male-only or female-only and mixed cabins. You can choose any two according to your preferences. The second-class compartment is relatively comfortable, and satisfies a good balance between the ability to communicate with the Russians. The price is comparable to the cheapest economy ticket. Second-class tickets can be combined with food and "service". Food refers to hot food, served twice a day. "Service" refers to small things like toothbrushes, slippers, tea, coffee, and snacks, which are included in the price of the ticket.
  • Third-class carriage (Плац)There are certain places similar to the hard sleeper class of Chinese trains: many tourists find that these carriages have a much better reputation than China. These carriages all conform to the open design of two bunks and two bunks (seat numbers 1-36), a narrow corridor, and two other beds (seat numbers 37-52) can be extended along the sides of the carriages. The latter is not recommended.

There are very few privacy aspects here, but many travelers who are at least on a short overnight trip may prefer this option because you do not find yourself in a carriage with three strangers. This is the most authentic Russian flavor, and the price is usually about 40% to 50% lower than in second-class cars. Many middle-class people travel in this way, but you may also meet young handsome guys who are returning from military service, or you may encounter other noisy or drunken companions returning, so there are really some better than hiding themselves. It is more adventurous to come in a closed carriage. The downside is that the third-class carriages have very short berths, which will be very uncomfortable for people over 175 cm. The light will dim during sleep at night, but it is not completely turned off.

  • Fourth class carriage (Общий)It is the cheapest way to travel. Can be found on slower trains. Most people will only use it for short trips of no more than 10-12 hours. Fourth-class carriages may have independent seats, just like trains in Europe, but you are more likely to find yourself in a third-class carriage, where each lower berth accommodates three people, and the other person should be lying on the upper berth. In fact, going to bed is welcome here. They take the approach of finding a seat first, regardless of the seat number written on the ticket. Then people who arrive late can only sit or lie on the lower bunk.

If the train arrives at your destination before 08:00 local time, the cabin attendant will wake you up half an hour before arrival. Otherwise, you will be informed 15 minutes before arrival.


The following are recommended items for long-distance travel on the Siberian Railway

  • Knife For bread and jam.
  • tableware
  • Wipes
  • headlamp This kind of long-distance travel traverses a total of 8 time zones, which often confuses one’s biological clock, so it is necessary to wear a headlight so that when others want to sleep, they can not disturb others to do what they want.
  • slippers
  • Solitaire or Or other simple (conveniently explained by foreigners) mini-games can be played with people who open to traffic.

be careful

Train travel is relatively safe, especially for a four-person group, you can live in a small private room.

There are two locks inside the compartment. One can be opened with a key from the outside, and the other cannot be opened from the outside. When locked, the door opening range will not exceed 5 cm.

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