Maghreb - 馬格里布

Maghreb(Al-Maġrib al-ʿArabī, المغرب العربي‎),AfricaA region in the northwest, Arabic means "land of sunset". The Song Dynasty "Zhu Fan Zhi" was translated as "Mega Hunting".

In ancient times, the term originally referred to the area between the Atlas Mountains and the Mediterranean coast, and sometimes included parts of Spain under Muslim rule. Later, it gradually became the name of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. The region is traditionally influenced by the Mediterranean and Arab civilizations. At the same time, it also has close trade relations with the black African region south of the Sahara Desert, thus forming a unique culture.

Arab Maghreb Union

There is an organization called the Arab Maghreb Union. The main countries or regions are:

This area entry is aOuter layer area. It overlaps with other areas in the geographic hierarchy.