Abkhazia - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Abkhazie — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

(ka) აფხაზეთი
(ru) Абхазия)
Nov afon monastyr.JPG
Flag of the Republic of Abkhazia.svg
Capital city
43 ° 0 ′ 0 ″ N 40 ° 59 ′ 0 ″ E
DisclaimerThe exclusion ofAbkhazia of the regional hierarchy of Georgia can in no case be considered as political support to one of the parties to the conflict relating to their sovereignty.

This purely practical distinction is due to the fact that the travel conditions in these regions are very different from those in the rest of the country.

THE'Abkhazia an entity whose status is disputed located between the mountains of Caucasus and the Black Sea in the southwest ofAsia.



Abkhazia is a self-proclaimed republic having declared independence from Georgia in 1992. This independence has so far been recognized by only six states: Russia, the Nicaragua, the Venezuela, Nauru, Vanuatu and Tuvalu ; Vanuatu and Tuvalu subsequently retracted, however. For'UN, Abkhazia is located within the internationally recognized borders of Georgia which recognizes it as the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia. However, the Georgian authorities do not exercise any control over Abkhaz territory.


Abkhazia is located between the mountains of Caucasus and the shores of the Black Sea, southwest of theAsia.

Abkhazia has an area of ​​approximately 8 600 km2. It is located in the far west of Georgia, on the northern coast of the Black Sea. The mountains of Caucasus, to the north and north-west, separate Abkhazia from Circassia (in Russia). The Psoou river marks the border with the Krasnodar Krai and the city of Sochi. To the south-east, it is limited by the Mingrelia and to the southwest by the Black Sea.

The republic is very mountainous (almost 75% of its area is considered mountains or piedmont). Human settlements are practically confined to the coast and in well-irrigated valleys. The Abkhaz mountains are currently (since 2004) home to the deepest natural cavity in the world: the Krubera-Voronja chasm, whose depth exceeds 2,000 meters. Speleologists all over the world are participating in the exploration of this chasm, including Russians and Ukrainians.

She owns 215 kilometers maritime frontage, 98 kilometers land borders and 39 kilometers river borders.


The climate is very mild (humid subtropical climate), which made Abkhazia a popular destination known to the Soviets as "Riviera Georgian ”. It is also famous for its agricultural production: tea, tobacco, wine and fruit.


Russian Abkhazia

Contemporary Abkhaz and Turkish historians claim that this massive exile left many regions uninhabited and that the latter were then populated by Armenians, Georgians, Pontics from Anatolia and Russians. On the other hand, for Georgian, Greek and European historians, the current Abkhazians are the descendants of the Adygues and the Abazi who came down from the northern slope of the Caucasus during the Russian conquest, to populate Abkhazia where, since the time of the kingdom of Colchis , already lived Georgians, mainly Mingrèles and Svanes. Anyway, the Abkhazians were a minority in the region at the start of the 20th century.e century and in 1990, they made up only 17% of the Abkhaz population (against 44% of Georgians).

Under the Russian Empire, Abkhazia was part of the Georgian district of Kutais.

The war in Abkhazia

Georgia proclaimed independence on , and former Soviet dissident Zviad Gamsakhurdia becomes president in May. Gamsakhourdia defends a nationalist and centralizing line with regard to national minorities (Ossetians, Abkhazians, Ajares, Avars, Russians). In December, the Georgian National Guard, under the command of warlord Tenguiz Kitovani, besieged the Gamsakhourdia offices in Tbilisi. After two months of fighting and paralysis of the state, Gamsakhourdia left power and took refuge in his region, the Mingrelia neighbor of Abkhazia.

The Abkhazians push Georgian forces back out of much of the republic's territory. Shevardnadze's government accuses Russia of providing logistical support to the separatists in order to "detach historic territory from Georgia and move the Russo-Georgian border". The separatists finally control Abkhazia west of Sukhumi. Almost 100,000 Georgians and around 200,000 Abkhazians, Russians and Armenians left Abkhazia during the war.


Map of military operations during the Second South Ossetian War in August 2008

The position of the Abkhaz rulers has changed with the governments: part of the rulers want complete independence and another, association with Russia. The Russian government has always shied away from the latter proposal, fearing the negative effect of such action on its relations with Georgia. the , Russian parliamentarian Zhirinovsky proposed such a resolution to the Duma, but it was rejected. However, many Abkhazian citizens have Russian citizenship, and Abkhazians, unlike Georgians going to Russia, do not need a visa.

Saakashvili also tried to portray the Abkhaz dispute as a matter between Georgia and Russia, following the latter's aid to the separatists. He presented the separatist government as a puppet submissive to the Russians. He pushed for a complete withdrawal of Russian soldiers from the CISPKF mission of the CIS peacekeeping force, or at least a redefinition of its mandate, as well as the closure of Russian military bases in Abkhaz territory. In 2003, the Russians closed their bases, leaving only the peacekeeping force.

The Abkhaz government and the Abkhaz parliamentary opposition resolutely oppose reunification with Georgia, whatever the terms.

Since August 2004, the Georgian state has been trying to regain control of Abkhazia by shooting any ship approaching the Abkhaz coast and the port of Sukhumi. In October 2004, the opposition candidate Sergei Bagapch won the presidential election against Raul Khadjimba with 50.8% of the vote. Khadjimba contests this election and the , a new election takes place: Bagapch is elected president and Khadjimba vice-president.

During the Russo-Georgian clashes in August 2008, Abkhazia militarily recovers the Kodori gorges from the Georgian army.

the , an agreement perpetuates the presence of the Russian army, 1,700 soldiers at that date, for 49 years. the , President Bagapch dies in Moscow, Vice-President Alexander Ankvab then assumes the interim before being elected president on the following August 26.


Abkhazia regions map.png
  • 1 Sukhum (Sukhumi)  – The capital. Formerly Sukhumi in Georgian. It is better to use Soukhoum which sounds less Georgian!
  • 2 Gagra  – Popular tourist destination, offering a wide range of activities.
  • 3 Novi Afon  – An interesting destination for travelers is to visit Novi Afon or New Athos (Новый Афон), an Orthodox Christian cathedral, which is located 20 min drive from Sukhumi. It is famous not only as a cathedral and living heritage of Christianity, but also as a cave, where there are 7-8 huge halls with thousands of stalactites and stalagmites. A special train takes you to the depths. There are also historical places like the village of Moqua with its magnificent cathedral, and the Ilor Church near Ochamchira.
  • 4 Pitsunda  – Popular tourist destination, offering a wide range of activities.

Other destinations

  • Ritsa lake (Stalin's Datcha) - Another attraction is Lake Ritsa, in the mountains about h drive from the main road (M-27). Across the lake is Stalin's dacha. The shortest route is by boat, but access is possible by road (5 km). The dacha is open for tourists in high season. Even further up in the mountains is Lake Msui, some tour operators offer trips to this region. Weekly domestic flights from Sukhumi Airport can take you to Pskhu village, where tourists can enjoy stunning mountain views and taste local products like honey and meat.

To go

Travel warningRestrictions: Due to the epidemic of COVID-19, Abkhazia closed its borders, except for Russian citizens, at least until .

Border posts

Since 2012, there are two possible land crossing points to go to Abkhazia: one from Sochi, via Adler, in Russia, the other is the Enguri Bridge (near Zugdidi) in Georgia.

The passage from Russia is more "friendly". This border is crossed by hundreds of people every day. However, you will need a Russian double-entry visa.

From Georgia, take a taxi from Zugdidi to the Enguri Bridge (GEL 10), have your passport checked through the Georgia military checkpoint and walk the few hundred meters from the dilapidated Enguri bridge to the checkpoint Russian military from the Abkhaz side. Carriages also circulate between the two checkpoints (GEL 1). On the Abkhaz side, you will find taxis, marchrutkas and buses for Gal and Sukhum.

A sea crossing point from Russia to Gagra was also opened in 2011.

You must leave Abkhazia through the state you came from, that is, it is not allowed to transit through Abkhazia from Russia to Georgia or vice versa. Some travelers have reported that a visit to Abkhazia from Georgia and onward travel to Russia is possible but clearly not recommended. Visitors to Georgia after visiting Abkhazia from Russia may be subject to sanctions and fines by Georgian police officers for what they consider to be a violation of Georgian borders.


There are three types of visas : an entrance (10 days for 10 $, 30 days for 20 $ and 1 year for 30 $), multiple entry (from 40 $) and transit.

  • 1 Abkhaz Ministry of Foreign Affairs Logo indicating a link to the website Lakoba street 21, Sukhum, Logo indicating a telephone number  7 840 226 70 69, e-mail :  – Official information is available on the site (in English).
  •      Abkhazia
  •      Exemption from Visa
  •      Visa exemption for visa holders Russian multi-entry
  •      Visa required
  • Request

    Requests for Visa are submitted and processed by email or fax. Visas are issued by the consular service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (21 Oulitsa Lakoba, Sukhum, 7 840 226 39 48). Download the application form, once completed, send it to [email protected]. Within five business days, you should receive a entry permit by email or fax. Consular staff can be slow and you may need to speed things up with a phone call so don't apply at the last minute.


    Within three working days of your arrival in Abkhazia, you must go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (21 Oulitsa Lakoba, Sukhumi, 7 840 226 70 69) to pay the fees and collect your visa.

    You might be asked to pay the visa fee through Sberbank (not to be confused with the Russian bank of the same name) - which is hidden near the Tzentralnaya Jolka. There is a tiny sign. The staff are helpful. You might as well go first, pay the fees, and then go to the ministry instead of back and forth. However, since the summer of 2012, consular officials at the ministry allow you to pay the visa fee on the spot in Russian rubles.

    Return to Russia

    A trip to Abkhazia from Russia will ask you to re-enter Russia when you leave Abkhazia. Therefore, your Russian visa must be double or multiple entry. It is possible to get a Russian transit visa in Sukhum, but not having the correct Russian visa can cause you to be refused entry into Abkhazia. Russian guards do not stamp your passport at this border and they may question you about the use of your double entry visa. This should not be a problem for you and should not be a reason for requesting baksheesh.

    By plane

    Sukhum airport is closed with the exception of United Nations flights and Russian peacekeeping forces, however private flights can land.In addition, it should be remembered that Adler airport (Sochi) is perfectly served by domestic flights. Russian is at 30 km of the Russian-Abkhaz border.

    On a boat

    A daily high-speed seasonal boat service (between June 10 and October 1) was introduced in 2011. This connects Sochi to Gagra, where it is possible to enter Abkhazia. Be in possession of an authorization indicating the border post of Psou. The boat leaves at h from Morskiy vokzal from Sochi (seaport) (boarding time: h) and arrives at 10 h 30. In the other direction, it leaves Gagra at 19 h (boarding at 18 h), a one-way ticket costs 500 RUB in Sochi. It must be purchased at least one day before departure but for the return trip it can be purchased on board. From Gagra port, walk 100 m on the main road to catch a bus out of town.

    Abkhazia is partially under the Georgian Coast Guard naval blockade and its waters are patrolled by the Russian Coast Guard. If you are arrested by Georgians, Georgian authorities are likely to investigate if you are involved in any economic activity and if they find that you are, you could be prosecuted for unauthorized economic activity with Abkhazia. This offense can be punished with a prison sentence and a heavy fine.

    By train

    Local trains (Elektrichka) depart twice a day from Adler but they terminate at Gagra. There is a daily train all year round from Moscow - Kursk station in Sukhumi. The journey takes just under two days and passes through Adler at approx. h and arrives in Sukhumi about two hours later. He begins the journey back to 14 h. It is also possible to take a marchroutka to the border from Adler station, which is much better connected.

    By bus

    Buses to Sukhum run at least in summer from Sochi and Rostov-on-Don. Buses and marchrutkas run between the Engouri bridge, near the Georgian border, and Gali or Sukhoum. A one-way trip to Sukhum should not cost more than 150 RUB, although the driver may try to charge you double.


    If you are crossing the Russian border on foot, be prepared for long queues in summer (2-h are not uncommon) and provide enough water. Frequent buses (old Ikarus) and marchroutkas leave from the parking lot after you have passed through customs. Entry from Georgia will involve at least 15 min walk between the two military checkpoints but, apart from the paperwork which can be a bit long, it is quite simple.



    There are frequent buses and many marshrutkas along the coastal road between Psou and Sukhumi. You will find a detailed schedule of bus schedules at Sukhumi bus station (opposite the station). There are trains twice a day from Gagra to Psou to Adler.


    Visitors can also use taxis for travel within the country. Many taxi companies offer tours. There are a number of travel agencies that offer tours in the mountains using jeeps. Taxi can be used to get from Adler Airport (Russia) to any city. The way is to take a Russian taxi to the border, cross the border on foot and take an Abkhaz taxi after crossing the border. It will save you time, cars are thoroughly inspected, and money, Abkhaz taxis are cheaper than Russian taxis. It costs around 300 Rubles to go from Adler to the border and 2000 Rubles from the border to Sukhum (June 2016).

    To speak

    THE'Abkhaz is a Caucasian language of the Abkhazo-Adygian group. Abkhaz is the official language with the Russian which serves as a language for intercultural communication. For travelers, Russian is the most practical language for the traveler. In cities, you can also use theEnglish for basic communication.

    To buy

    The currency used in Abkhazia is the Russian ruble (RUR). Credit cards are accepted but not everywhere. ATMs exist but are rare. Dollars and euros are accepted at official exchange offices which can be easily found in most tourist areas.


    The local dishes are: Akud (pea sauce) and Abista (corn porridge with cheese) They eat a lot of yogurt and cheese, fruits (orange, pomegranate, tangerine, grape), vegetables, meat and a little fish. Instead of bread, they use corn dough. He soaks it in a spicy sauce made with Abkhaz salt (ajika). It is a mixture of pepper, a dozen herbs and salt, and they eat three meals a day, the most important being the evening meal.

    Have a drink / Go out

    The local wines are to try: Apsny, Ashta, Buque, Dioskuria (the Greek name for Soukhum), Gumsta, Lykhni, Psou, and Radeda.


    There are many possibilities for accommodation: hotels, "boarding schools" and "sanatorii" inherited from the Soviet Union, or homestays. Sites like booking.ru offer reservations but they are sometimes more expensive than the site. from the hotel.Airbnb also offers a number of accommodations.Abkhazia is a very cheap destination especially compared to the prices charged in Sochi.Beware during the summer, accommodation can be problematic.


    Abkhazia offers a wide variety of activities such as ecotourism, gastronomic tourism, rafting and extreme sports, mountain hiking, snowboarding, scuba diving, paragliding, hunting and cultural tourism and religious.

    Example :

    • Visit the Abkhazian State drama theater, botanical garden and Monkey Park in Sukhumi.
    • Dine at the famous "Gagripsh" restaurant in Gagra.
    • Take a boat trip from Gagra to Sukhumi.
    • Visit the small cave of Saint-Simon the Zealot.
    • Visit the village of Kaman near Sukhumi.
    • Visit the village of Lykhny with its historic churches and the Dome of the Kings of Abkhazia.

    To learn

    To work



    Travel warningEmergency telephone number:
    Police :102
    Firefighter :101

    There are no major security concerns in Abkhazia.

    The Abkhazians like the Georgians, their enemy brothers, are a very traditional and hierarchical society, with the head of the family as potentate. It is strongly discouraged to have familiarity with women and to have inappropriate jokes. is very poorly tolerated.



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