Amur (Oblast) - Amur (Oblast)

Location of Amur Oblast

The oblast Amur (Амурская область) is in the Russian Federation far East. It borders the region to the east Khabarovsk, in the north to the republic Sacha, in the south of that Jewish Autonomous Region, in the west Transbaikalia. In the southwest the river forms Amur the limit to China.


Map of Amur (Oblast)


Other goals

Especially in Amur Oblast they are Border zones (Пограничная зона), for whose visit a special permit is required, deeper than the five kilometers usual elsewhere. You can use an entire county (rayon) include. The administrative practice in the responsible departments of the FSB (formerly KGB) is also very different. Normally, an application period of 2 months (plus x) is assumed for foreigners. If you are found at a checkpoint or in a zone without permission, usually only a "polite but determined" rejection is given. However, uninterrupted passage to a border crossing is usually possible without any problems.



getting there


Tourist Attractions





You should prepare for extreme climates, especially in winter you need suitable clothing to protect yourself against the cold. It is helpful, whenever possible, to use local sources of information to be warned of floods, forest fires, etc. There are forbidden areas that you should avoid as much as possible.

The nature is very pristine and represents a danger for the inexperienced. If you stay in the forest, you should watch out for snakes, which usually warm up in the sun on the stones. There aren't many of them around, but some could be venomous vipers. The other problem these (and other regions of the Northern Hemisphere) have is ticks. Your bites may be infectious, vaccinations are recommended.

One should never stray further from human settlements without the appropriate equipment and leave the path, destination and intended period of the hike or rafting tour behind with every tour.



Web links - Amur Oblast Official Website

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