Blagoveshchensk - Blagoweschtschensk

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Blagoveshchensk (Russian: Благовещенск, 海蘭 泡, Pinyin: Hǎilánpào) is a city in SiberianAmur Oblast. The city lies at the confluence of the Seja and the Amur rivers, which form the border with China here. On the south bank is the Chinese one Hey.


Approximate location in eastern Siberia.

The local time zone is GMT 9, CET 8.

In 1856, the Russian military post Ust-Seiski (Усть-Зейский) was established on the site of today's city. Settlers came because of the region's gold deposits. As early as 1858 the name was changed to Blagoweschensk after the local parish church "Annunciation", i.e. “City of Annunciation”. During the Boxer Rebellion in 1900, Blagoveshchensk was shot at by the Chinese side. As a "thank you" the Russians drove the Chinese residents of the city into the river so that they might swim home if they could. An estimated 4,000 drowned. In 1919-22 the city was occupied by the Japanese. At the time of the Cultural Revolution, the Chinese filled the place with sound from its bank. Only in 2008, after the Siberian-Chinese border was finally settled, did real friendly relations develop.

The city center is laid out in square blocks, like a chessboard.

getting there

From China

The Chinese city lies on the southern bank of the Amur, across from Blagoveshchensk Hey.

The border crossing is one of the few land routes on the foreigner under the The newly introduced eVisa at the beginning of 2021 are allowed to enter Russia with a 16-day residence permit.

Chinese and Russians are allowed to visit the other side within the framework of small border traffic without a visa. Otherwise, China requires third country nationals to apply for their visa in their home country (see Entry requirements).

By plane

1  Ignatievo (Игнатьево, IATA: BQS), 20 km from Blagoveshchensk. Ignatievo in the Wikipedia encyclopediaIgnatjewo in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsIgnatjewo (Q267645) in the Wikidata database.Regional airport, which is mainly served by the semi-state Aeroflot subsidiary Aurora Airlines.

In the city you book tickets at 1 Aviakassa (Авиакасса; ul. Shimanovskogo, 27), in the basement of the regional television building Alpha 1.

If you are traveling from Europe, you will usually find yourself in Irkutsk or Ulan-Ude (2½ hours flight time) have to change trains. The Heihe Airfield can be reached with turboprop machines e.g. from Harbin.

By train

2  railway station (вокзал), Stantsionnaya Ulitsa, 70 (on the northern edge of the city center). The direct trains from Ulan-Ude take 47 hours. Khabarovsk is a 13 hour drive.

By bus

Bus station (Автовокзал), Ul. 50 Let Oktyabrya, 44. Tel.: 74162334313. Glazed newer construction.Open: 7 am-7pm.

In the street

You leave from the west Ulan-Ude 2061 km over Chita on the Р-297 д Амур. From Moscow it is 7748 km.

From the east it is from Khabarovsk about seven hundred kilometers of road.

By boat

3  Komandor sailing club (Яхт-клуб "Командор"), Zatonskiy Pereulok, 1 (on the headland between the commercial river port and Seja. To the south of it the municipal sewage treatment plant).


4 Ferry departure to China. In winter you plow a road over the ice of the frozen river, which is then crossed by hovercraft.

Buses run in urban areas.

Tourist Attractions

Wreath laying at the war memorial.

A promenade has been laid out along the Amur. There is also an old river patrol boat on display.


  • 1 Lenin statue
  • 2 Monument to the internationalist soldiers (Памятник воинам-интернационалистам), with other war memorials in Mira Park.
  • 3 Victory place (Площадь Победы) including a monument to the fallen of the Great Patriotic War, plus a triumphal arch and in the adjoining park facing the river a newer monument to the border troops including a shepherd dog in bronze.


  • 4  Artillery Museum (Артиллерийский полукапонир), Next to the observation tower Mayak, Amur promenade. Bunker from the time of Sino-Soviet tensions converted into a small museum in the 1960s.


  • 6  Pervomaysky park (Первомайский парк). Pleasant city park in the corner of the confluence of the Amur and Seja. With a playground and climbing garden for children.


In Es Blagoveschensk, the “Herbst am Amur” cinema festival takes place every year.

In winter, in the park on ul. Lenina ice sculptures exhibited.

  • 1  Sauna Tschurin " (Сауна ЧуринЪ), Ulitsa Shevchenko, 11. Tel.: 79656711411.


  • 1 Universmag department store, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. (Tsum; Центральный универмаг), ul. 50 Let Oktyabrya, 20.
  • 2 October shopping mall (ТЦ Острова), With a focus on electronics, clothing and household goods stores.
  • “Chinese market” is no longer as lively as it was in 2010.



  • 1  Pervy Mini Hotel, Pionerskaya ul. 66 (not far from the bus station). Tel.: 79145664699. Price: 3 *.
  • Zeya (Зея), Ul. Kalinina, 8. Tel.: 74162539996. Price: upper middle class; 3300-7600 R., M.F.
  • 2  Mercure, 4 Pionerskaya Str. Tel.: 74162528528. Price: 4 *.




Practical advice

Postal code: 675000-675002

2 Post office, Pionerskaya ul. 27



Web links

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