Andhra Pradesh - Andhra Pradesh

Andhra Pradesh
Visakhapatnam aerial view
Andhra Pradesh - Location
Tourism site
Institutional website

Andhra Pradesh is a state in the South ofIndia. It has a long maritime front on the Bay of Bengal and has common borders with the states of Orissa North, Tamil Nadu to the south and Karnataka West.

To know

When to go

The climate of Andhra Pradesh is characterized by high temperatures throughout the year. The higher humidity rate in the coastal region is remarkable. The monsoons of June and October bring abundant rainfall which determines the fate of agricultural crops. The best time to visit is from November to February, when temperatures drop.

Spoken languages

Telugu is the official language. English is not very popular. Other languages ​​are Urdu spoken mainly in Hyderabad, Tamil in the border area with Tamil Nadu and Kannada in the west.

Territories and tourist destinations

Map of the state of Andhra Pradesh with the main road arteries

For tourism purposes, the state can be divided into 3 regions that have no administrative value:

  • Coastal region - Limited to the back of the eastern Gathi mountain range, it extends for just under 1,000 km.
  • Telangana - The region inland on the Deccan Plateau where the city of Hyderabad, capital of Andhra Pradesh.
  • Rayalaseema - The region in the southeast of the state.

Urban centers

Other destinations

How to get

By plane

Hyderabad is the main airport.

Frequent domestic flights to Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai is Kolkata. The flights are operated by the companies Deccan Airways, SpiceJet is GoAir.

How to get around

By bus

Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation is the name of the state company that manages the extra-urban bus lines.

What see

What to do

At the table

The cuisine varies greatly from region to region as it happens in other states of India. The region of Vijayawada/Guntur it is famous for its extremely spicy dishes that can create some problems for those who are not used to it.


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