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(Eskimo Point)
Churches of Arviat
Churches of Arviat
Official languages
Postal code
Telephone prefix
Tourist information office
61 ° 6 ′ 29 ″ N 94 ° 3 ′ 25 ″ W
Official site
Touristic site

Arviat is a city of Nunavut.


Arviat is the southernmost community in mainland Nunavut. It is located on the western edge of Hudson Bay. This community is located less than an hour from Churchill to Manitoba. The people who live in Arviat are called Arviammiut. They are a proud people who live in harmony with the land and the wildlife around them and who maintain a strong connection with their traditions and Inuit culture. Two national historic sites, Arvia'juaq (an island shaped like a large bowhead whale) and Qikiqtaarjuk (a small island), easily accessible from the community, testify to the rich heritage and cultural resources. Its population is mainly made up of Inuit. Formerly known as Eskimo Point, the community was renamed Arviat which is a name derived from the word inuktitut, the main Inuit language, arviq meaning "bowhead whale" because the nearby coastal landscape resembles the shape of a bowhead whale.


The surrounding landscape of Arviat is flat to gently rolling tundra. This makes it relatively easy to travel throughout the year. The vegetation of the tundra consists mainly of small bushes, but in summer the land is an explosion of color with small flowers, lichens and mosses. This prairie land is treeless, with sand and sometimes gravel ridges called eskers. There are several major rivers in Arviat including the McConnell Maguse Rivers.

There are no roads connecting neighboring communities, but several roads can be found within the town, as well as a gravel road that leads out of town. If you are interested in taking "field" trips, this route will bring you approximately 21 km northwest towards the Maguse River where many Arviammiut have cabins. There are also many trails for all-terrain vehicles.


Precipitation diagram in mm
Temperature diagram in ° C
Diagram of snowfall in cm
Temp. max. annual mean in ° C
Temp. min. annual mean in ° C
Annual precipitation in mm
Legend: Temp. maxi and mini in ° CPrecipitation in mm
Source: Averages over the last 30 years (last update in June 2014)

The climate of Arviat is sub-arctic. With an annual average temperature of −9.3 ° C, it is the third hottest community in Nunavut. Its maximum temperature of 33.9 ° C is the second highest in Nunavut, behind Kugluktuk. With an annual rainfall total of 174,4 mm, it is the fourth rainiest community in Nunavut. However, with an annual snowfall total of 112,4 cm, is the third nunavummiute community with the least snow.


Traditionally, the city was known as Tikirajualaaq; which means a small and long point. Thule culture sites dating back to AD 1100 exist in the area. Many stands of qajaq elders found in traditional summer campsites are evidence that hundreds of Inuit have gathered in this area.

The Hudson's Bay Company set up a trading post at Arviat in 1921. The arctic foxes were superb and the harsh climate ensured thick furs. A visit to Nuvuk, the site of the former Hudson's Bay Company post, introduces visitors to one of the company's last ships, the York, which crisscrossed the waters of Hudson Bay.

The early history of the Catholic mission, established in 1924, can be viewed through exhibits at the Mikilaaq Center, a community center located in the original Catholic Church. For its part, the Anglican mission was founded in 1926.

Federal Day School opened in 1959, marking the beginning of permanent community. By the mid-1960s, a nursing station was put into operation and many new services were established in the North, changing Eskimo Point and the way of life of its people forever.

To go

By plane

  • 1 Arviat Airport , Logo indicating a telephone number  1 867-857-2997, fax : 1 867-857-2733 – Local taxi companies run between the airport and the hamlet at the cost of $ C.
Calm Air Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia link, Logo indicating a telephone number  1 867-857-2997, 1 800-839-2256 (free number)Baker lake, Chesterfield Inlet, Churchill, Coral Harbor, Rankin Inlet, Repulse bay, Thompson, Winnipeg
First Air Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia link, Logo indicating a telephone number  1 867-857-4047, 1 800-267-1247 (free number), fax : 1 867-857-4049Baker lake, Cape Dorset, Chesterfield Inlet, Coral Harbor, Iqaluit, Ottawa, Pangirtung, Rankin Inlet, Repulse bay, Whale cove, Winnipeg, Yellowknife


By taxi

To see

  • Wildlife  – Inland, the fauna is diverse. Grizzly bears, muskoxen, wolves, arctic foxes, wolverines and waterfowl can sometimes be seen. September is when the caribou begin their slow climb south for the winter. In mid-October and November another wildlife spectacle with the annual migration of polar bears moving from the southern end of Hudson Bay. An excursion can be organized to see the belugas in the bay.
  • McConnell River Migratory Bird Sanctuary Located south of Arviat – A total of 111 bird species have been recorded in this area which is recognized as the breeding habitat for thousands of snow and Ross geese as well as Canada geese and cranes.
  • Northern Lights Logo indicating timetables Fall and winter. – There are a variety of Inuit legends about the Northern Lights.
  • Midnight Sun Logo indicating timetables Summer. – The midnight sun adds a magical element to arctic adventure during the summer months.
  • Arviat Qaggiqtiit  – Local cultural group performing cultural musical performances which include traditional dancing, drumming, throat singing and other musicians.
  • 1 John Ollie Community Center and Arena , Logo indicating a telephone number  1 867-857-2540
  • 2 Mikilaaq Center Logo indicating a link to the website, Logo indicating a telephone number  1 867-857-2521 – Former Catholic church where people gathered here to share and participate in services. Now the renovated metallic blue building with an orange cross at the top houses the Mikilaaq Center, a gathering place to play games, learn new skills, view collections of archival material and recent photos that relate to the history of the community. You can even buy copies.
  • 3 Margaret Aniksak Visitor Center , Logo indicating a telephone number  1 867-857-2366 – The center, which has a structure imitating an igloo, offers exhibitions of interpretation of the local culture.
  • 4 Catholic Church , Logo indicating a telephone number  1 867-857-2840 – Next to the new church is the only greenhouse in the village.
  • 5 Anglican Church , Logo indicating a telephone number  1 867-857-2252
  • 6 Covenant church , Logo indicating a telephone number  1 867-857-2950
  • 7 Donald Suluk Library / Iyi Society Access Center P.O. Box 4000,, Logo indicating a telephone number  1 867-857-2579, fax : 1 867-857-4048, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Game. : h - 16 h, Tue. : 19 h - 21 h 30, Game. : 19 h - 21 h 30, sat. : 12 h - 15 h.
  • 8 Community dock (Community Dock)  – Place where the sea transport is received.
  • 9 Graveyard


  • Travel by ATV or utility vehicle  – There are excursions organized by the locals.
  • Peach  – There are several major rivers in Arviat such as the McConnell and Maguse rivers where many locals spend time fishing.
  • Ice fishing
  • Dog sled
  • Sleeping in an igloo Logo indicating timetables April and May.
  • Nibviaq’s Arviat Tours Box 262, Logo indicating a telephone number  1 867 857-4929, e-mail :  – Tourism, local outfitting and hiking
  • Ukamaktit Touring and Guiding Box 132, Logo indicating a telephone number  1 867 857-2780, fax : 1 867 857-2781 – Fishing and cultural trips. Day tours and walking tours
  • 1 Association of hunters and trappers (Hunters and Trappers Organization) Box 52, Logo indicating a telephone number  1 867 857-2636, fax : 1 867 857-2488 – Local information on the land, traditional foods, outfitters.


  • Nunavut Dog Sled Team Derby (Nunavut Dogteam Derby) Logo indicating timetables In March.
  • Snowmobile race (Snowmobile race) Logo indicating timetables May's beginning.
  • Fishing competition (Fishing derby) Logo indicating timetables Victoria Day weekend.
  • National Aboriginal Day Logo indicating timetables 21st of June. – Annual national event.
  • Canada Day Logo indicating timetables . – National Day of Canada.
  • Hamlet Day celebration Logo indicating timetables in August.
  • Nunavut Day Nunavummiut Logo indicating timetables . – Party celebrating the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement and the Nunavut Act.
  • Innuumariit Music Festival (Innuumariit Music Festival) Logo indicating timetables labor Day.

To buy

The Ariviat murals show caribou skins with faces carved out of bone or antler. Soapstone dolls or dried sealskin figurines are also popular. Jewelry making is also very strong. In metal, stone, ivory and bone, artisans produce beautiful brooches, pendants, earrings and bracelets.

Today, some Arviat fashion designers are adapting traditional styles to create modern clothing. Their clothes are sold to individuals and are usually made to measure. For more information contact the Arviat Tourist Office. There is no bank in Arvia, but ATM machines can be found at the Northern Store, at the Co-o and at Eskimo Point Lumber Supply.

  • 1 Northern store , Logo indicating a telephone number  1 867 857-2826, fax : 1 867 857-2925 – General retail and grocery services
  • 2 Kiluk Center Logo indicating a link to the website, Logo indicating a telephone number  1 867 857-2713, fax : 1 867 857-2714, e-mail :  – Traditional and non-traditional outdoor clothing, arts and crafts.
  • 3 Quick Stop  – Local grocery store
  • 4 Padlei Co-op , Logo indicating a telephone number  1 867 857-2933, fax : 1 867 857-2762 – Retail store, art sales, sculptures, mail order
  • 5 Eskim Point Lumber , Logo indicating a telephone number  1 867 857-2752, fax : 1 867 857-2883 – Retail, hardware, lumber, groceries


Most visitors to Arviat like to try local produce ranging from caribou stew, arctic char, snow goose breast, local wild berries and banique to more exotic delicacies like muqtuq or seal meat. . Dried arctic char (called "Pipsi" in Inuktitut) is a delicious way to try this tasty fish. Dried caribou (called "mikku") is also a traditional staple.

ACE has its own trained professional kitchen team providing customers with the experience of authentic local cuisine. ACE participants are Inuit who take pride in sharing their culture with you, providing a truly unique experience. Seniors, youth and adults will be able to guide you on your journey to discover this fascinating part of Canada. Your experience will be from the perspective of the Inuit, the original stewards of this rich landscape.

  • 1 Padlei Ins North Hotel , Logo indicating a telephone number  1 867 857-2919, fax : 1 867 857-2762 – Restaurant
  • Arviat Community Ecotourism (ACE) Logo indicating a link to the website, Logo indicating a telephone number  1 867 857-2921, e-mail :  – ACE is owned and operated by the community.

Have a drink / Go out

Alcohol cannot be purchased in Arviat which is one of the 12 “restricted communities”. Visitors and residents are free to order alcohol from the warehouse, but need the approval of a local alcohol education committee, which may set limits on the size of their order, or even deny their request.

  • Neevee's Coffee Shop Building 321, Logo indicating a telephone number  1 867 857-2999


  • 1 Padlei Ins North Hotel Box 90, Logo indicating a telephone number  1 867 857-2919, fax : 1 867 857-2762 – 16 rooms with bathroom and TV. Restaurant and conference room.
  • 2 Katimavik Suites Logo indicating a link to the website, Logo indicating a telephone number  1 867 857-2752, fax : 1 867 857-2972, e-mail :  – 25 bedrooms
  • 3 Katimavik Beach House , Logo indicating a telephone number  1 867 857-2322
  • 4 B&B Babyside Box 347, Logo indicating a telephone number  1 867 857-2653, fax : 1 867 857-2623, e-mail :  – Seven rooms with ten beds in total


  • 1 Canada Post , Logo indicating a telephone number  1 867-857-2859
  • Qiniq Provider , Logo indicating a telephone number  1 867-857-2933 – Internet service
  • Cable , Logo indicating a telephone number  1 867-857-2933 – Cable service
  • 2 Arviaqpaluk Radio Station , Logo indicating a telephone number  1 867-857-2810

Manage the day-to-day

  • 3 Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) , Logo indicating a telephone number  1 867-857-1111
  • Fire department , Logo indicating a telephone number  1 867 857-2525
  • 4 Health center , Logo indicating a telephone number  1 867 857-3100 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Fri. : h - 11 h 30 without appointment and Mon.- Fri. : 13 h - 17 h on appointment. There is always a nurse for emergencies.. – medical and clinical groups. There is a 24 hour emergency service.
  • 5 City Hall , Logo indicating a telephone number  1 867 857-2841, fax : 1 867 793-2509, e-mail :
  • 6 Government of Nunavut (Pana Bulding) Box 1200, Logo indicating a telephone number  1 867 857-4485
  • 7 Artic College , Logo indicating a telephone number  1 867 857-8600, 1 800 988-4636 (free number), fax : 1 867 857-8619 – Post secondary school
  • 8 Levi Angmak School , Logo indicating a telephone number  1 867 857-2547 – Secondary school
  • 9 Johm Arnalukjuak School , Logo indicating a telephone number  1 867 857-4223 – Primary school
  • 10 School (middle school) Qitiqliq , Logo indicating a telephone number  1 867 857-2778
  • 11 Seniors Center Andy Aulatjut (Elders Center) Box 147, Logo indicating a telephone number  1 867-857-2667 – Nursing and personal care for the elderly


  • 1 Arvia'juaq National Historic Site  – This national historic site is made up of two parts: Arvia'juaq and Qikiqtaaruk. Arvia'juaq is a traditional summer camp for the Paallirmiut Inuit. It is located at 5 km long island with two sections connected by an isthmus, and is located 8 km from Arviat.
  • 2 Qikiqtaarjuk National Historic Site  – On Qikiqtaarjuk, there are many tent rings, food caches, kayak racks and graves from the summer occupation of several generations of “Paallirmiut”.
  • 3 McConnell River Bird Sanctuary (McConnell River Migratory Bird Sanctuary) Logo indicating a link to the website – The McConnell River Bird Sanctuary is a migratory bird sanctuary in Nunavut. It is located on either side of the mouth of the McConnell River, about 27 km south of Arviat. It is administered by the Canadian Wildlife Service.
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