Assisi - Asizo

Basilica of San Francisco from the lower stairs
Population28 000 (2019)
High424 m

Assisi (Italian: Assisi, a'ssizi) is a small town of central italy, famous for St. Francis.


Assisi is located in Central Italy, en Umbria, about 30km southeast of Perugia.

It lies at an altitude of 400m on the southwest side of a small hill, belonging to Mount Subasio. This reaches approx. 1200m (the peak is southeast of the town) and is a limestone mountain, like most of the mountains in the Apennines. It is covered with dense forest mainly of low oaks, and evergreens and deciduous trees.

Below, below Assisi, is a wide valley called the "Umbrian Valley", where there are inter alia the main road and the railway.


Assisi was a village of the Shadows, with a major influence of the Etruscans. Since 89 B.C. it became a Roman town (municipium).

From Roman times remains the temple of Minerva (now used as a church but clearly recognizable), parts of the walls (with a gate) and the amphitheater, recognizable however only in the form of the roads and houses built on it in the Middle Ages. There are also more hidden remains, such as the "house of Propercio" whose remains lie under the church of St. Mary the Great.

During the Middle Ages Assisi was under the Duke of Assisi Spoleto. In 1198, after a popular uprising, it became an independent community and remained so until the 16th century, when it became part of the Papal State. In 1181 (or 1182) St. Francis was born here and in 1193 St. Clare, the two men who made Assisi famous.

The centuries between 1100 and 1400 were the most prosperous for Assisi. Many wonderful buildings (churches, palaces) were built then; among them the basilicas dedicated to the two saints.

Since the 16th century the history of Assisi is the same as that of the Papal State. In 1860 Assisi became part of the nascent Italian kingdom (later a republic).

During World War II Assisi avoided destruction, as its monasteries received numerous sick and wounded and were declared a free area for hospitalization. The monasteries also hid several hundred Jews, so that the then bishop and two auxiliary priests were later recognized by Israel as Righteous Among the Nations.


The climate of Assisi is a temperate Mediterranean climate. The temperature drops below zero only rarely (usually only on a few winter nights) and exceeds 30 ° C only during a few summer mids and afternoons. Rains are more abundant in autumn and winter and are rare in summer.



The nearest airport is in Perugia (Perugia), however connected with few cities. Its website available in Italian and English.

There are buses that invariably reach Assisi from Perugia airport (line E007), but bus journeys are very few. There are additional buses to Perugia, from where you can take a second bus or train. A taxi from the airport to Assisi or repeatedly costs around € 30.

It is also possible to fly to Florence, Ancona or Rome and travel by train, bus or car.


The Assisi railway station is on the Foligno-Perugia-Cortona line (285).

In addition to the trains to Perugia and Foligno, there are several direct trains to / from Rome and Florence every day (one to / from Bologna / Milan). To get to Ancona you need to change train in Foligno.

The train journey to / from Assisi usually lasts:


Flixbus connects Assisi with several cities in Italy and Munich in Germany.

FsBusItalia connects Assisi with Perugia and other places in Umbria.

By car

WARNING. In the center of Assisi it is not allowed to leave cars for a long time (only to enter to carry luggage and return soon).

From Florence and from further north / further west:

highway A1 from Florence, direction: Rome (south) exit at Weather in Valdichiana-Sinalunga-Bettollerapida highway Bettolle-Perugia motorway junction, direction: Perugia next to Perugia continue briefly on a highway (SS3bis), direction: Assisi / Foligno / Spoleto (and also Cesena) exit on another highway (SS75), direction: Assisi / Foligno / Spoleto (not: Cesena) exit at one of the following two exits: at Hospital-Airport turn right (north) until the first round turn right again on SR147, direction: east (to Assisi) - or-- at S.Maria degli Angeli Nord turn left (north) when possible (there is a circle) to drive straight on SR147dir

From Cesena and of more north / northeast:

highway SS3bis, direction: Perugia (south) next to Perugia exit on another highway (SS75), direction: Assisi / Foligno / Spoletoposte as above

From Rome and from more to the south:

highway A1 direction: Florence (north) exit at Orteturn right (east) on Orte-Autostrada junctioncontinue straight on SS675 (nomata Umbro-Lazio) exit at the junction with a highway SS3bis, direction: Perjection continue along SS3bis until near Perujo to leave on another highway (SS75), direction: Assisi / Foligno / Spoleto (not: Cesena) later as above


Map of Assisi

PLEASE NOTE: Enlarge the map to see some hidden numbers.

Numbered on the map

Assisi - Basilica di San Francesco 02.jpg

1 - Basilica of San Francisco (Basilica of St. Francis), in fact two compound churches, upper and lower.

Santa Maria degli Angeli (Porcjunkula) .JPG

2 - Basilica of Santa Maria of Los Angeles and the Martyrs (in short Santa Maria of Los Angeles; Italian: Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri), with the contained church Porcjuncula (Porziuncula).

Assisi, Temple of Minerva - panoramio.jpg

3 - Place of the Municipality (Piazza del Comune) with the Roman Temple of Minerva (now used as a Catholic church).

Assisi extern photo 028.jpg

4 - Great Castle (Weather in Rocca Maggiore, literally largest castle).


5 - Basilica of Santa Clara, with the tomb of santa.

Facade and tower - San Rufino - Assisi 2016.jpg

6 - Cathedral of St. Rufinus.

Eremo delle Carceri 13.JPG

7 - Hermitage of the Jails (Hermitage of Prisons), on the side of Mount Subasio, at 800m altitude, about 5km away from the town.

Ancient cellar - Ruins of the ancient Roman forum - Assisi 2016.jpg

8 - City Museum and Roman Forum (Civic Museum and Roman Forum), with archaeological items and remains of the ancient Roman forum.

San Damiano-Interior.JPG

9 - San Damiano (San Damiano), a small church where St. Francis prayed and rebuilt from ruins.

Not numbered on the map

(However, click on the initial symbol to see them on the map.) (...)



Around Assisi the wine is produced Assisi DOC, which can be white, red or medium red.

More famous is the wine Montefalco DOC (white or red), produced 20-40km south. A particular type of this wine is produced using only the variety of vine called Sagrantino, after waiting at least 30 months: the wine Montefalco Sagrantino passito DOCG is a red wine, slightly sweet, with more than 14 degrees of alcohol.

To live

Assisi is a destination for many tourists and pilgrims, so there are many places to live.


  1. Fontemaggio, approx. 2km from Assisi, open in winter
  2. Green Village, 3.5km from Assisi (bus), closed in winter

Both also have bungalows.



A number of Esperanto congresses have taken place in Assisi:

  • 1997: IJK (International Youth Congress)
  • 2016: Congress of the Italian Union of Catholic Esperantists
  • 2020: Italian Congress of Esperanto (postponed due to coronary artery disease)

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