Ayaz Kala - Ayaz Kala

Ayaz Kala Uzbekistan 02 201405.jpg

Ayaz Kala is a fortress in the desert, about 75 km north of Urganch in Uzbekistan.


The fortress was expanded between the 4th century and the 7th century. At that time, the whole area must have been a marshland before the great rivers Amu Darya and Syr Darya flowed into the later Aral Sea. Ayaz Kala was one of several border fortresses on the edge of the Kisilkum Desert that was built to defend against nomadic tribes.

Unfortunately, the fortresses of Karalpakstan are made of mud bricks and are therefore exposed to the weather and human feet. The monuments are slowly falling apart. Basically, no areas are closed, but you should always exercise particular caution and enter the structures as gently as possible.

getting there

The fortress is about 75 kilometers north of Urganch and makes a good detour on the route Nukus - Urganch build in. Ideally, you should also visit the nearby one Toprak Kala.

From Nukus, Khiva and Urganch also offer day tours to the fortresses.

Tourist Attractions

View of the middle and upper fortress

In total there are three fortresses in Ayaz Kala.

  • Not much has survived from the oldest fortress (4th century BC) at the foot of the hill.
  • The upper fortress dates from the 1st and 2nd centuries and is one of the largest castles in Karalpakstan. The fortress can be comfortably walked and entered from the yurt camp. There is a good view of the other two fortresses from the top. You can descend directly from the top to the middle fortress.
  • It lies on a single hill medium fortress from the 6th to 8th centuries. The castle can be entered through a small entrance in the east.


Next to the top fortress at the end of the street there is a small yurt camp where you can also spend the night.

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