Toprak Kala - Toprak Kala

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Toprak Kala is a desert fortress approximately 55 kilometers northeast of Urganch.


The festival dates from the 3rd or 4th century AD from the time of the Kushan.

Unfortunately, the fortresses of Karalpakstan are built from air-dried mud bricks and are therefore exposed to the weather and human feet. The monuments are slowly falling apart. Basically, no areas are closed, but you should always exercise particular caution and enter the structures as gently as possible.

getting there

The fortress is about 55 kilometers north of Urganch and can be easily integrated as a detour on the Nukus - Urganch route. Ideally, you should also visit the nearby one Ayaz Kala.

From Nukus, Khiva and Urganch day tours to the fortresses are also offered.

Tourist Attractions

The fortress consists of a castle complex and the approximately 500 by 350 meters large city wall. In the castle complex, the royal hall can still be seen at the entrance. Originally the castle was once three-story. Many archaeological finds are in the Hermitage in St. Petersburg. From the castle you have a beautiful view of the surrounding area.

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