Castelfidardo - Castelfidardo

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Castelfidardo is a city of Marche.

To know

Geographical notes

It stands on a hill at 212 m a.s.l., between the valleys of the Aspio and Musone rivers. It overlooks the Castelfidardo forest and is a few kilometers from the Conero Riviera.


The current territory of Castelfidardo has been occupied by man since the Paleolithic; a settlement discovered in the Campograsso district, near the Vallato ditch, dates back to the end of the Copper Age-early Bronze Age. For the Iron Age, some burials referable to the Piceni people are known, in particular a tomb is interesting, dated between the end of the 4th and the beginning of the 3rd century BC, discovered in the Figuretta area, which testifies to the commercial contacts between the inhabitants of the fidardensi hills and the Picene populations of the Conero.

In Roman times, the territory of the Municipality of Castelfidardo belonged almost entirely to the colony of Auximum. To testify this distant past, the signs of two large blocks of centuries remain on the ground, one located in the hamlets of Crocette and Villa Poticcio, the other south of the inhabited center. Among the archaeological discoveries of the Roman age, worthy of note is a farm found in the Quercia Bella district and an epigraph, discovered among the ruins of the ancient church of S. Vittore, containing a dedication to Numeriano Cesare (282-283 AD).

Around the year one thousand, near an area occupied by a wood, called vualdum de Fico, the manor was built which took the name of Castrum Ficardi.

At the end of the 12th century, Castelfidardo, while maintaining a certain municipal autonomy, was forced to swear allegiance to the bishop Gentile of Osimo (1196). In this period there were numerous conflicts between the communities of the Marca, which were recomposed with the peace of Polverigi of 1202 to which the Municipality of Fidardo also joined; However, contrasts with the neighboring municipalities took place up to the 15th century. In 1240 Castelfidardo was semi-destroyed by the militias of King Enzo, while in 1354 it was sacked by the company of fortune led by frà Moriale.

When Alessandro Sforza tried to appropriate Castelfidardo, the inhabitants asked for and obtained the protection of the Republic of Ancona; when then, in 1445, the municipality of Recanati also waged war to expand its territories at the expense of the fidardensi, Castelfidardo asked to enter the territories of the Republic of Ancona, in order to find protection. Pope Eugene IV supported the request and for nine years Castelfidardo was one of the castles of Ancona. Already in 1454, at the push of the municipality of Osimo, Castelfidardo broke away from Ancona.

In 1602, along the road from Ancona to Loreto, at the church of Crocette, the fair was established which still takes place in the month of September. During the eighteenth century the urban center underwent numerous transformations with the restructuring of the town hall, the reconstruction of the convent of San Francesco and that of San Benedetto and the construction of the Collegiate church.

How to orient yourself

How to get

How to get around

What see

The main square of the city is Piazza della Repubblica where the municipal building and the collegiate church of Santo Stefano with an adjoining crypt overlook. Inside we also find an organ built by Gaetano Callido around the years 1777. since 1992 flanked by a modern organ built by M. Alessandro Girotto. The town hall also houses the international accordion museum.

Among the most important squares of Castelfidardo also piazzale Don Minzoni, commonly called Porta Marina is the balcony of the city that overlooks the Adriatic Sea. Characteristic is the famous arch, one of the main access routes to the city and the underlying paving recently brought to light.

In the municipal territory there are 4 parishes, belonging to the archdiocese of Ancona-Osimo:

  • Parish of Sant'Agostino
  • Parish of Santo Stefano
  • Parish of Sant'Antonio da Padova
  • Parish of the Santissima Annunziata

Also worth visiting is: the old aqueduct in Piazza Garibaldi, the national monument of the Marche, in memory of the battle of Castelfidardo by the Venetian sculptor Vito Pardo.

Events and parties

  • International City of Castelfidardo Award. Simple icon time.svgSeptember. Competition reserved for accordion soloists and ensembles

What to do


Castelfidardo is world famous for the companies dedicated to the production of accordions, including Paolo Soprani, thanks to which it also feeds a fair amount of tourism.

How to have fun

Where to eat

Where stay


How to keep in touch



  • Via Carolingia - European itinerary that crosses the places traveled by the court of Charlemagne between the 8th and 9th centuries to travel from Aachen to Rome, where Pope Leo III crowned the Carolingian sovereign emperor of the Holy Roman Empire on Christmas night in the 19th century.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Castelfidardo
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Castelfidardo
  • Collaborate on WikinewsWikinews contains current news on Castelfidardo
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