Goiano Center - Centro Goiano

Goiano Center
Goiano Center - Location

Goiano Center it is a region of the state Brazilian of Goiás.

To know

Territories and tourist destinations

It is divided into 5 micro-regions:

  • Anápolis
  • Anicuns
  • Ceres
  • Goiânia
  • Iporá

Urban centers

  • Abadiânia - One of the main attractions of Abadiânia is the artificial lake formed by the hydroelectric power plant.
  • Anápolis - Important agricultural center located in the center of a very fertile plain.
  • Aparecida de Goiânia - One of the festivals that attracts the most tourists in this industrial city is the feast of its patron saint, Nossa Senhora Aparecida.
  • Ceres - In the 1950s and 1970s it was the scene of many famous artists at the height of their careers.
  • Goianésia - Immersed in the sources of the Rio dos Peixes, Rio dos Bois and Rio dos Patos rivers.
  • Goiânia - State capital of Goiás with a great architectural heritage and good food.
  • Hidrolândia - 36 km south of Goiânia.
  • Inhumas - Located approximately in the center of the state of Goiás.
  • Itaberaí - There are some remarkable caves in its territory including the deep Gongomé cave inside which there are beautiful stalactites that oppose interesting stalagmites.
  • Jaraguá - The most important elevation is the Serra do Jaragua, and is popular for the national paragliding championship, with excellent air currents for practicing this sport.
  • Pilar de Goiás - One of the oldest cities in the state having been founded in 1741 when explorers came to scour rivers for gold. There is still a historical part of the city with colonial palaces, squares, monuments and churches.
  • São Luís de Montes Belos - Agricultural town in the process of industrialization.
  • Trindade - Hill town with highly developed religious tourism.

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Goiano Center
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