Centuripe - Centuripe

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Centuripe (Centuorbi in Sicilian) is a city of the Sicily.

To know

Centuripe is a pretty town in the Sicilian hinterland where you can still breathe the air of the Sicily of the past. The isolation has maintained the authenticity of the inhabitants. Among the streets emerge the remains of what was a glorious past first in the Greek and then Roman times.


Centuripe was a famous Greek city that had entered the orbit of the polis of Syracuse. Its fame is linked to the ceramic production of vases famous all over the Greek world and in great demand. In Roman times it maintained a certain importance, as evidenced by the various monuments still present, albeit hidden by the houses.

On August 17, 1862, coming from Regalbuto passed by Centuripe Giuseppe Garibaldi and seeing the beautiful views of the Plain of Catania he defined the town as the “balcony of Sicily”.

How to orient yourself

Centuripe from above

From above, the town is shown in a star shape. The center is located in correspondence with the center of the star, while the peripheral areas are located in the individual arms. Exploration requires the need to get to the peripheral points and go back.

How to get

How to get around

What see

Some audio cues can be obtained using the app IziTravel.

Centuripe Museum
  • 1 Centuripe Regional Archaeological Museum, Via Giulio Cesare 1. Ecb copyright.svgfree. Simple icon time.svg9:00-19:00. Although neglected and off the beaten track, this museum is very interesting because it displays the history and finds of Centuripe including several Roman statues, and some of the famous centuripine vases. Currently only the ground floor can be visited due to technical problems, but the exhibition floors are spread over several floors. Centuripe Regional Archaeological Museum on Wikipedia Centuripe Regional Archaeological Museum (Q3867758) on Wikidata
  • 2 Augustales, Via Giulio Cesare (A few steps from the Archaeological Museum). Remains of a Roman building whose name derives from the discovery of a statue of Augustus. The first construction phase dates back to 150-200 AD while the second one to 200-225 AD. Today few remains emerge partly incorporated in neighboring structures, but mosaics are still visible, while the reconstruction of the building is visible in the archaeological museum. Augustales (Q62113190) on Wikidata
  • 3 Mother Church of Centuripe, Piazza Duomo. Church of 1728. Inside there are commemorative plaques of the illustrious centuripini citizens. Church of the Immaculate Conception (Centuripe) on Wikipedia mother church of Centuripe (Q62113495) on Wikidata
  • 4 Panneria, Via Pistoia (In the inhabited northeast branch). Ruins of a Roman building from the 1st century BC
  • 5 Roman cistern, Via Naples. Remains of a cistern from the imperial era.
  • 6 Customs, Via Naples. Although the name may be misleading, it is not a customs building. This name is not of clear origin to this day. From an archaeological point of view, the monument is probably a Roman burial chamber with an upper arch in opus coementicium that has kept the structure steady despite the centuries. According to the story of the local historian Filippo Ansaldi, in 1800 a fratricide was carried out in the monument on the eve of the wedding.
Mausoleum of Corradino
  • 7 Mausoleum of Corradino (Roman mausoleum), Viale Corradino. Although it is a Roman mausoleum, the name is probably associated with Corrado Capece who led the Swabian forces in defense of the city from Angevin attacks in 1270. The rectangular building measures 9.20 × 13.50 m with two rooms inside. From the surrounding area you can admire a splendid view over the Plain of Catania. Roman Mausoleum of Centuripe (Q62114043) on Wikidata
Roman nymphaeum
  • 8 Roman thermal baths (Roman nymphaeum), Via Piave (The road has a steep slope and in some places the road surface is damaged. It is better to leave the car just before arriving.). Today only 5 arches of this Roman period structure can be seen at the foot of the hill and extended for 50 meters.

The pictorial decorations on the walls are partially visible, and some of the holes from which the pipes came out. Roman nymphaeum of Centuripe (Q56780709) on Wikidata

Panoramic points

  • 9 Colle dell'Annunziata. From this point it is possible to see a beautiful view of the city.
  • 10 Armando Diaz square. Panoramic esplanade on the Plain of Catania and Mount Etna.

Events and parties

What to do

  • 1 Viale Corradino Park, Viale Corradino. Park where to stop during the hottest hours of the day.


How to have fun

Where to eat

Moderate prices

  • 1 Central Bar Leanza, Piazza A. Sciacca, 11, 39 0935 73576. Simple icon time.svgWed-Mon 5: 30-01: 00. Bar in the central square of the city, a place frequented by locals and excellent for the quality of the granita.

Where stay


How to keep in touch


Forre del Simeto
  • Simeto lava gorges - Protected area along the upper course of the Simeto to protect the environment and the basaltic rocks on which the river flows.
  • 1 Cassataro shelter. Prehistoric rock engravings in red ocher depicting a human figure about twenty centimeters high with broad arms and with a kilt; others, very stylized, with arms raised and joined; a kind of network with animals. The shelter also has hemispherical holes of unknown use.
  • Solfara Muglia. Solfara Muglia on Wikipedia solfara Muglia (Q16607353) on Wikidata

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Centuripe
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Centuripe
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