Central belt - Cintura centrale

Central belt

Central belt is a region of the Scotland.

To know

Territories and tourist destinations

Map divided by regions
      Clydeside - The area around Glasgow
      Lothian - The area around Edinburgh
      Stirlingshire - The most rural mountain county in the north of the central belt.
      Clackmannanshire - Small county east of Stirlingshire which has some noteworthy attractions such as the ruins of Campbell Castle and the former residence of the Dukes of Argyll; both picturesquely situated on a hill overlooking the idyllic village of Dollar.

Urban centers

  • Bo'ness - It is crossed by the Antoninus Pius Wall, an ancient frontier of the Roman Empire, declared a World Heritage Site byUNESCO.
  • Cumbernauld - Cumbernauld city center is widely regarded as one of the ugliest and least loved examples of postwar design in Scotland.
  • Dunfermline - It is situated on a hill 5km from the banks of the Firth of Forth, 20km northwest of Edinburgh. .
  • Edinburgh (Edinburgh) - Capital of Scotland, Edinburgh has a historic center that appears on the list of World Heritage Sites of HumanityUNESCO. A world-renowned festival takes place here every year in August.
  • Falkirk - It is part of the administrative area of ​​the same name, in the Forth valley, about halfway between Edinburgh is Glasgow.
  • Glasgow - The most populous city in the Scotland and the second largest city in the UK, after London.
  • Linlithgow - With a royal palace where Maria Stuarda was born in 1542.
  • Livingston
  • Paisley - Located 7 miles southwest of Glasgow.
  • Stirling - Capital of the administrative area of ​​the same name.

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Central belt
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