Collias - Collias

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Collias is a village in the department Gard in the field of Gorges du Gardon a little upstream of the Pont-du-Gard.


The village of Collias is located at the transition over the Gardonwho is here in the area of Gorges du Gardon has a gorge-like course over longer stretches. It is the starting point for hikes, climbing and canoe tours in the Gorges.

In the field of Hermitage (Hermitage) Notre-Dame-de-Laval in the gorge leading to the Gardon Combe de l'Ermitage In a grotto tools and bone finds from the Old and New Stone Age and graves that are dated to the Bronze Age were found.
In the area there were also remains of a Roman sanctuary with grave steles and pillar-like altars from the 1st - 2nd centuries dedicated to Jupiter.
In the Middle Ages the grotto was used as a home for hermits, the Notre-Dame-de-Laval church probably dates from the 11th century, the nave was later shortened and the chapel in the 17th century. rebuilt in its current form. The use of stone blocks with Roman inscriptions in the construction of the church suggests that a Roman sanctuary may have stood on the site, other components can be assigned to the aqueduct to Nîmes.

A Roman oppidum may have existed in the area of ​​the river crossing, the "Castellas" was built in the Middle Ages and the 10th century. The resulting settlement is surrounded by a wall. The cultivation of fruit and olives was later introduced in the area around Uzès, Collias was considered the center of cultivation Picholine - Olives, viticulture has always been in the shadow of the wines from the Côtes du Rhône, then came the cultivation of grain and later in the Middle Ages the cultivation of silkworms.

getting there

In the street

Around Collias and the Gorges-du-Gardon To get there, one takes off the highway A9 - La Languedocienne the Symbol: AS 23 Remoulins, continue on the N100 to Remoulins, then on the D19 and the D981 leads towards Uzes. To Vers-Pont-du-Gard goes the D3 to the south, after crossing the Gardon leads the D3 continue after Cabrières and direction Nîmes.

By bus

The Bus routeB21 Nîmes - Remoulins - Uzès - Bagnols-s / Cèze the Edgard runs five times a day via Collias.


Map of Collias

In Collias one moves on foot to further hiking starting points along the Gorges du Gardon A private vehicle or taxi is required to get there.

Tourist Attractions

the Gardon
  • The center of Collias with the Grand Rue with the typical houses with stone walls and the church 1 Eglise St. Vincent from the 19th century.
  • The 2 Pont de Collias, Bridge of the Collias. The stone bridge from 1920 replaced the suspension bridge built in 1833, it has so far served the Gardon floods (Gardonnages) resisted.
  • The 3 Hermitage with the Romanesque church Notre-Dame-de-Laval in the valley of the same name. The church dates back to the 11th century and used building materials and grave steles from ancient times, which suggests the presence of a Gallo-Roman sanctuary at the same location. Right next to the chapel is the partly walled-up entrance to the hermit's cave, on the terrace there is an open altar. A little on the path uphill you come to a stone cross with a beautiful view over the Combe de l'éremitage.
  • The historic street 4 La Tarte the connection between Collias and Cabrières with its serpentines, from where there is a beautiful view of Collias.
  • The former street D127 which differ from Poulx in the south in magnificent serpentines 5 La Baume down the Gardon. The film was made on this stretch of road in 1951/52 Reward for fear ("Le Salaire de la Peur") filmed with Yves Montand and Peter van Eyck, during which a miserable mountain pass has to be overcome with a truck loaded with explosives. Today the lower part of the street is closed after a parking lot in the garrigue and the descent is only possible for pedestrians.
  • At the bottom of the Gardon are the 6 Ruins of a mill, a conventional mill on the right bank, and another 7 Moulin submergé , which was overflowed by the river during floods, on the left bank. Before the Gardon flood of 2002, the Gardon could still be easily crossed on the Mühlendamm. The dam was torn away and the river has to be waded or swum through.
  • Just a little further upriver you get to one Résurgence du Gardon: the river runs over a longer distance of in the rainless summer Russan to Pont-St-Nicolas completely and from there on partly underground and occurs slightly above La Baume again, so it is pleasantly cool even in summer.
  • The lower one is on the left bank of the Gardon 1 Access to the St Vérédème grotto , a 150 m long tunnel cave (2 Upper access to the grotto). The cave was already inhabited in prehistoric times, which is proven by finds of Stone Age ceramics, etc. Below the walled grotto is under a rock that dates from the 8th century. Original hermitage of St. Vérédème, the frescoes date from the 13th century, the staircase was built at a later time. The staircase to the hermitage was recently secured and should be less dangerous for visitors with children, but to protect the bats in the cave tunnel, the Passage over the months of the breeding season (November 15 - March 15, May 1 - August 15) blocked, otherwise take a torch with you!


  • hike. The region has numerous hiking trails, which are well described in different ways. The long-distance hiking trail GR63 / GR6 runs along the Gardon from Russan until Pont-du-Gard resp. Remoulins. A network of local hiking trails in the territory of the municipalities Collias - Cabrières - Poulx is relatively well signposted.
  • Climb. In the rock walls of the Gorges-du-Gardon Climbing enthusiasts meet from a great distance, on the south bank a little above Collias there is a route called Voie ferrée prepared (see brochure).
  • Swimming. In the upper part of the Gorges-du-Gardon From Russan the Gardon is often dry in summer, due to re-emergence of the water after partly underground courses in the karst terrain, the Gardon is at least abolished La Baume until Pont-du-Gard Sufficient amounts of water that are still pleasantly cool even in midsummer. The gorges are under nature protection, the corresponding rules (especially: No open fire) Must be observed.
  • Canoeing. Several boat rental companies manage the scenic Gardon Gorge. In the meantime, the number of rentals has increased, so that on beautiful midsummer days there is almost "traffic jams" on the rather narrow channel with sufficient water level. The route is technically not very demanding and also suitable for beginners, the landlords offer unsinkable "Autovideur / Sit on top boats" and always offer a return service. A highlight is always the passage under the majestic Pont du Gard.

The following routes are used:

    • Collias - Pont du Gard: the most common route (1), 8 km, approx. 1/2 day, March - October.
    • Collias - La Baume: upstream to the former mill and the ascent to the St. Vérédème grotto, 4 km there and back, paddling upstream is a little more strenuous, a weir above Collias has to be lifted: in summer
    • Russan - Collias: 22 km through the upper parts of the Gardon gorges, 1 day, only in spring March - May (due to water level).
    • Pont Saint Nicolas - Collias: 11 km, the lower half of the upper Gardon gorges, 1/2 - 1 day, only in spring March - June.

The following are active Canoe rental company:


Gard - Olives

In Collias There is even a grocery store with local products and a bakery, a large supermarket is just around the corner Uzes, the Wednesday is the local market day.

Local specialties are those Olives picholines and the locally grown wine.


In Collias there are various restaurants that the Websiteof the place.






  • the next hospital is in Uzes

Practical advice

  • Post office, 10, Place du portalet.


  • Uzes. With the Saturday market.
  • Nîmes
  • Circuit de Lédenon. For motorsport fans to the nearby Circuit de Lédenon motorcycle racing track.


Web links

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