Gorges du Gardon - Gorges du Gardon

Gorges du Gardon
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As Gorges du Gardon / Gardon Gorge is the gorge deeply carved in parts by the river into the Cévennes between Russan above Collias until after Remoulins designated.


The protected Gardon Gorge is a destination for hikers, climbing and cave enthusiasts and canoeists. The infrastructure is poor, the garrigue landscape is almost impassable in places, and because of the thorny undergrowth it is usually worthwhile to stay on the paths ...

Gardon and Gard (namesake of the department and the well-known Roman aqueduct) are the same river. It only changes the name in its course. Upper and middle reaches is called Gardon, only in the lower reaches it is called Gard.


walker: Provision of the necessary hiking maps for the IGN, Cards can also be used in Géoportail can be viewed and a route can be planned.

Canoeists: the upper part Russan - Pont Saint-Nicolas - Collias can only be used in spring from March to May resp. June, telephone consultation with the canoe rental company regarding the water level and possibly boat reservation / shuttle options.
The following are active Boat rental company:

  • Canoe Collias, Rive droite (on the right bank, after the bridge left / downstream.). Tel.: (0)4 66 22 87 20, Mobile: (0)6 70 57 47 69, Email: . Price: 20.00 € (1).
  • Canoë le Tourbillon, 3, Chemin du Gardon. Tel.: 33 (0)4 66 22 85 54, Mobile: 33 (0)6 28 33 80 89, Email: .
  • Kayak Vert (on the left bank of the Gardon below the bridge.). Tel.: 33 (0)4 66 22 80 76, Email: . Price: 22 € (1).
  • Natu 'Rando, Camping Gorges du Gardon, Vers-Pont-du-Gard. Tel.: (0)6 67 11 49 19, Email: . The only rental company in Vers-Pont-du-Gard at the campsite also offers tours to Remoulins further up Fournes at.Price: 17.00 € (Vers-Remoulins).
  • Bureau des Moniteurs du Gard, 3, avenue du Pont 30210 Collias. 06 29 77 25 15. Email: [email protected]. Moniteurs-gard.com

Cave enthusiasts: numerous caves can only be visited by appointment, contact the Comité départemental de Spéléologie du Gard.

getting there

In the street

Around Collias and the Gorges-du-Gardon To get there, one takes off the highway A9 - La Languedocienne the Symbol: AS 23 Remoulins, it continues on the N100 to Remoulins, then on the D19 and the D981 leads towards Uzes. To Vers-Pont-du-Gard goes the D3 to the south, after crossing the Gardon leads the D3 continue after Cabrières and direction Nîmes.

By bus

The Bus routeB21 Nîmes - Remoulins - Uzès - Bagnols-s / Cèze the Edgard runs five times a day about Collias and Sanilhac-Sagriès, the line E52 of Nîmes via Blauzac and Sanilhac.

Hiking / paddling / let's go

Stage Russan - Pont-Saint-Nicolas (11 km)

  • 1 Russan As a village, it belongs to the large Garrigue community in terms of area Sainte anastasia and is located north of the bridge crossing over the Gardon.

It is worth seeing 1 Place de la Fontaine owned by the pétanque players. The 2 church is also worth seeing.

  • 1  Camping les Coudurières, Mme Josiane Robert, "Les Coudurières", 30190 Russan Sainte Anastasie. Tel.: (0)4 66 81 09 27, Mobile: (0)6 18 39 15 53.
  • hike: the GR63 leaves Russan on the Rue du Réservoir and runs above the first bend in the Gardon and the La Trône grotto to the access road to 1 Le Castellas viewpoint, from where there is a nice overview of the second loop of the river with the ruins of a former mill at river level, 3 , (to this can be descended on a laborious way through the thicket). The GR63 turns northwards Vic and reached the D979 north of the Pont Saint Nicolas.
The GR6 comes from the north St.Chaptes and crosses north of Russans Aubarne, shortly before Vic cross the two paths and the GR6 leads along the plateau above the Gardon Gorge to the Pont Saint Nicolas. If you want to stay close to the gorge, switch to the 1 crossing from GR63 on the GR6.
  • Climb: Le Castellas resp. Falaise de Russan, Access via Russan to the hiking car park Le Clos / Le Castellas. From there, numerous paths lead to the rock face with routes of varying degrees of difficulty.
  • Paddle: from Russan Can only be paddled to Collias in the months of March - May, in summer the Gardon falls dry!
A 2 Insertion point with access on a gravel road there is the bridge of Russan on the north bank a little downstream. Past the 3 Source de la Tourière in the first south loop you paddle past the in the following Nordschleife 4 Grotte de la Trône with paleolithic wall paintings (not open to the public). After the southern bend around the viewpoint of Le Castellas one arrives at the tower-like ruin of a former mill Le Moulinas.
  • In the next few passages 4 Gour de l'Eveque, 5 Gour du Corbeau and 6 Gour du Colombier you get through gorges that are practically inaccessible on foot (from Occitan Gur) with rocky steep walls. After the 7 Ruins of a weir comes the bridge 5 Pont Saint Nicolas in sight.

Blauzac (detour)

Blauzac, Chemin des Capitelles
Les Trois Capitelles

The garrigue village 2 Blauzac with its 1130 inhabitants is located on a high plateau between the Gardon and Uzes; as Blue dacum it was first mentioned in 1147 that Castrum in the year 1156. From the Brotherhood of the Holy Spirit in the early 13th century. the initiative to establish the Pont-Saint-Nicolas out. They are in the primeval place 6 Eglise (Church) that 7 Chapel (Chapel) and numerous medieval houses are worth seeing.

  • hike: The trip to Blauzac is worthwhile. One follows that Chemin des Capitelles. At the Capitelles, elsewhere in Provence one also speaks of Bories, are round huts made of dry stone walls, which were built in the 17th / 18th century. were built as shelters for animals or equipment. They are particularly noteworthy Trois Capitelles at the Mas de la Librotte.
A 8 Starting point (intersection) is northeast of Blauzac, from the 9 crossing can be a tour with a view of numerous Capitelles to be undertaken. The path goes to the northeast, from the 10 crossing can go a little further to one 11 crossroads be walked, or directly the way to 8 Mas de la Librotte be taken. On the way back, there is a detour via the clearing with the 9 Trois Capitelles the highlight of the excursion. It is worth having a printout of the plan (1, 2) to find as many of the picturesque round huts as possible.
Those who can walk well can walk to the 10 Pont Romain extend.

Stage Pont-Saint-Nicolas - Collias (11 km)

Pont Saint Nicolas
Collias: La Baume
La Baume / St. Vérédème
on the Gardon: St. Vérédème

The bridge 11 Pont Saint Nicolas de Campagnac was built in the years 1240/60 near the former priory Saint-Nicolas, which has since been renovated several times, the last time after the Gardon flooded the bridge by 3 m during the flood of 2002.

  • Directions: The street D979 of Nîmes to Uzes runs over the medieval bridge, parking is available a little to the north.
  • hike: The GR6 runs on the route up Collias together with the GR63. To Pont-Saint-Nicolas the path turns to circling the river bend first north and then on the plateau above the Gardon Gorge in an easterly direction, there are only seldom views of the river. There are two options south of Sanilhac (before the vineyard on the right) 12 13 down after La Baume resp. to the hermitage Chapelle St.Vérédème with the tunnel-like cave Baume St.Vérédème to dismount. The second route gives you the opportunity to hike through the cave (bring a flashlight, as it is pitch dark!) Or to descend on a steep bypass path directly to the river bank.
During the GR6 holds the height and Collias Reached from the west, the path along the river bed of the Gardon on the left is much more attractive.
At the bottom of the Gardon are the 1 , a conventional mill on the right bank, and another 2 Moulin submergé , which was overflowed by the river during floods, on the left bank. Before the Gardon flood of 2002, the Gardon could still be comfortably crossed on the Mühlendamm. The dam has been torn away and the river has to be waded through or swum to get to the right bank.
  • On the left bank of the Gardon you get to the lower entrance to the 12 St Verédème grotto. The 150 m long tunnel cave with the upper one higher up13 was already settled in prehistoric times, as evidenced by finds of Stone Age ceramics, etc. Below the walled grotto is under a rock that dates from the 8th century. originating Hermitage of Saint Vérédème, The frescoes date from the 13th century, the staircase was built at a later time. The staircase to the hermitage was recently secured and should be less dangerous for visitors with children, but to protect the bats in the cave tunnel, the Passage over the months of the breeding season (November 15 - March 15, May 1 - August 15) blocked, otherwise take a torch with you!
  • Detour «Descente de La Baume»: On the right bank of the Gardon you can see the former street D127 which differ from Poulx in magnificent serpentines 3 Descente de la Baume down the Gardon. The film was made on this stretch of road in 1951/52 Reward for fear (“Le Salaire de la Peur”) filmed with Yves Montand and Peter van Eyck, during which a miserable mountain pass has to be overcome with a truck loaded with explosives. On this street you can drive up to a parking lot and walk after La Baume be descended.
We continue on the left bank of the Gardon on the path along the river bed Collias. Sometimes it runs like a tunnel in the undergrowth. Even if the vegetation was massively decimated by the enormous floods («Gardonnage») of 2002, the vegetation has largely recovered. Below can be a small one 14 Grotto to be ascended. The 15 Grotto de Pâques shortly before Collias is closed to the public.
  • Coming soon 16 Collias bridge in sight, the stone bridge from 1920 has so far covered the Gardon floods (Gardonnages) resisted.
  • Climb: a climbing possibility arises above the Pont-Saint-Nicolas after one GR6 500m upriver is the entry point as Site de l'Escalade signals.
Another well-known climbing wall with a Via ferrata can be found in Collias a little above the 4 Grotto de Pâques, from the village follow the path on the left bank of the Gardon river upstream.
  • Paddle: as the Gardon falls dry in summer, the route to Collias can only be paddled in the months of March - June. There is a possibility to use a little road a little below the priory on the left bank of the Gardon.
After a loop to the north comes the 5 Font verte, one Resurgence, when in summer some water flows from the depths into the river bed of the Gardon. In the following section until shortly before La Baume the gorge is hardly accessible from the sides.
Through several Résurgences, in which the underground river comes to light again, the stream bed fills a little above 6 La Baume also in summer with wonderfully cool water. The gorge comes alive as the last four kilometers of Collias can easily be paddled upstream.
Past the two mill ruins of La Baume, you share the pleasure and the here quite deep Gardon in summer with the bathers, it goes downhill without any problems Collias.
Shortly before Collias, the stone wall weir must be at the height of the 7 Ruin the former mill lifted (quite slippery) resp. be carried around, at Collias you have to paddle carefully between the many bathers and rock jumpers in summer.

Stage Collias - Pont du Gard - Remoulins (8 km)

Collias: Pont sur le Gardon
the Gardon at Vers-Pont-du-Gard
Collias: Hermitage Notre-Dame de Laval

The stage of Collias until after Remoulins is certainly the busiest in summer, numerous bathers and canoes populate the Gardon Gorge, outside of the season it is quiet again.
Collias as a starting point is quite easily accessible and offers overnight accommodation and supply options.

  • accommodation: cheap overnight stays in 2 Camping le Barralet in Collias, in camping 3 Camping Gorges du Gardon in Vers-Pont-du-Gard or in 4 Camping La Sousta in Remoulins, also numerous B & Bs nearby (further details in the local articles).
  • hike: the GR6 / GR63 runs north of the camping site "Le Barralet" and then on a gravel road at a little distance from the Gardon Gorge, the Gardon can be reached via spur roads in the now much more accessible river valley for swimming breaks. From the 8 Bégude St.Pierre the path leads along the ruins of the 9 Chapelle St. Pierre and remains of the aqueduct by 10 Pont-du-Gard. The GR63 stays on the left bank of the Gardon and continues on Castillon-du-Gard, the GR6 climbs up stairs from the aqueduct to 11 Point panoramique over the right bank of the Gardon, runs through a tunnel and further through a wooded section St-Bonnet-du-Gard with his 12 Romance Fortified church and Sernhac (with the 13 Tunnels de Serhac the aqueduct in the north). Across a street past the 14 Salpétrière grotto (not accessible) the bridge on the right bank of Remoulins can be reached, a detour leads to 15 Sartanette grotto.
  • Detour to the Hermitage Notre Dame de Laval: after crossing the Gardon on the Collias bridge, a road on the right bank (with access to bathing areas) leads to the hermitage with the Romanesque 17 Notre-Dame-de-Laval church be ascended in the valley of the same name: when the chapel was built in the 11th century. building materials and grave steles from antiquity were used. Right next to the chapel is the partially walled-up entrance to the hermit's cave, and on the terrace there is an open altar. A little on the path uphill you come to a stone cross with a beautiful view over the Combe de l'éremitage. About the 16 Mas de Laval one reaches the D3 at Caunèze and can after crossing the street on the historical link 17 La Tarte between Cabrières and Collias return to Collias with its serpentines.
  • Climb: below Collias can be on the wall of 18 La Rouquette be climbed, it is reached on the little road that goes east of the bridge over the Alzon.
  • Paddle: The section Collias-Remoulins is the busiest section of the Gorges du Gardon, all three providers in Collias and the one at Camping in Vers offer this trip. On the popular route there is almost "traffic jams" on the river in the high season, various pebble beach sections invite you to swim. Since the route is suitable for beginners, you can see the many boats going round and every now and then it comes to emptying ... With the quiet it is over from the morning until about 6 p.m. on the river, only in the early morning and in the evenings birds and the beaver can be seen.
Past the campsite of Vers-Pont-du-Gard and the (privately owned) 19 Château-Saint-Privat you come to the climax of the journey, the passage under the majestic Roman aqueduct 18 Pont-du-Gard. After a few nice bends with swimming opportunities, the disembarkation points are on the left bank.
The provider Natu 'Rando offers the onward journey to Remoulins and Fournes on, the weir above the Remoulins bridge has to be moved around


Observe the usual safety recommendations, do not leave any valuables (visible) in the parked vehicle.

The rock faces in the canyon area are steep and the edges of the abyss are often not secured, so there is a risk of children falling. Life jackets are handed in when renting canoes; wearing them is particularly recommended for non-experienced paddlers. Children who cannot swim a certain distance freely are also not allowed on rental boats. At the Pont du Gard, it is forbidden to jump bridges and (because of the vortex around the piers) to swim under the bridge.

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