Commonwealth of Independent States - Comunità degli Stati Indipendenti

Commonwealth of Independent States
Meeting of CIS leaders in Bishkek in 2008
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Commonwealth of Independent States or CSI (in Russian: Содружество Независимых Государств or СНГ, transliterated: Sodružestvo Nezavisimych Gosudarstv) is a confederation of 9 of the 15 republics of the former Soviet Union, after the withdrawal of Georgia is Ukraine.

To know

The headquarters of the CSI is located since its foundation in Minsk, capital of the Belarus.


In 1991 the heads of government of Belarus, Ukraine is Russian Federation they gathered in a dacha in Belavežskaja pušča in the surroundings of Brest, in Belarus, and signed the so-called Belaveža Agreement which sanctioned the founding of the CIS. On 21 December of that same year, eleven states of the former Soviet Union (with the exclusion of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia) signed the protocols of Alma-Ata, extending the initial chord to three. In 1993 an economic union was also launched which, however, remained only at the project stage, in particular due to the opposition of various states of theCentral Asia who were afraid of forging too close ties with the Russian Federation.

In addition to the 11 original Member States in December 1993, the Georgia, albeit in controversial circumstances, following a civil war in which Russian troops intervened militarily to restore public order. However, on 14 August 2008, following the conflict for the control ofSouth Ossetia in August 2008, the Georgian Parliament voted to leave the country from the CIS, citing the reasons for the control exercised over the organization by the Russian Federation.

On March 24, 1994, she was granted observer status by the United Nations General Assembly.

In 2005 the Turkmenistan withdrew, assuming the position of associate member, while at theUkraine even this status cannot be attributed, since it has never started the ratification procedures of the statutory protocol of the CIS. The statements of the Ukrainian government also go in the opposite direction to the projects that Russia has in mind for the community. Self Moscow wants stronger cooperation between member states and looks to the CIS as a substitute for the Soviet Union, Kiev would never allow interference by some sort of super state, and in any case it has shown that it aspires to entry into theEuropean Union and in NATO.

On March 19, 2014, following the Russian intervention in Crimea and the consequent deterioration of diplomatic relations, Ukraine has announced the total exit from the CIS also as an observer member.

Territories and tourist destinations

It does not involve the same level of coordination and cooperation seen in most countries of theEuropean Union, but a certain level of economic and political collaboration between the CIS states exists. Its members are:

L'Ukraine it was in fact part of the Commonwealth until 2014, although it was never an official member. Ukraine has announced its withdrawal due to the Russian occupation of the Crimea.

How to get

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At the table


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