Controguerra - Controguerra

Vineyards in Controguerra
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Counter-war is a center ofAbruzzo.

To know

Geographical notes

It rises on the hills of the Val Vibrata where theAbruzzo adjoins the Marche. It is 35 km away. from Teramo and 25 km. from Ascoli Piceno.


There are numerous prehistoric and Roman finds in the territory of Controguerra, which will later become an important border fief of theAbruzzo The tower with the adjoining palace which was the residence of the feudal families of the Nanno, of the Serra and finally of the Acquaviva di Atri from 1393 to 1760 remain of its past.

The origin of its name is disputed. Some derive it from contrada is War, name of person very common in the area. Others link it to the derivation from Latin contra, opposite to a location War which could be identified in Monsampaolo. Finally, the last interpretation, a little more imaginative, wants the name to have been conceived against the violence that occurred in the area in the sixteenth century after Christ during the Byzantine Gothic conflict between Totila and Belisario.

The inhabited area is mainly modern and from the 19th century.

How to orient yourself


In the territory of Centroguerra there are also the inhabited centers of Commenda, Mattonelle, Piano del Tronto, Pignotto, San Giovanni, San Giuseppe Lavoratore, Santa Croce, Taiano.

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

By car

  • A14 motorway Tollbooth on the Adriatica motorway, exit San Benedetto del Tronto - Ascoli Piceno; from here for a short stretch on the Ascoli Piceno - Porto d'Ascoli motorway link towards Ascoli up to the Monsampaolo del Tronto exit; then provincial road 1 of Tronto and 1A connection for Controguerra.


  • A14 motorway Tollbooth on the Adriatica motorway, exit Val Vibrata; from here provincial road 4.

On the train

  • Italian traffic signs - fs.svg station icon Station on the Adriatic route: Alba Adriatica-Nereto-Controguerra

By bus

  • Italian traffic sign - bus stop svg Bus lines managed by ARPA - Abruzzesi regional public bus lines [1]

How to get around

What see

  • 1 Tower. It is part of a larger building complex which is called Palazzo Ducale due to the dominion of the Acquaviva family who were in possession of Controguerra from the 15th century. The tower rests on a shoe base which could be a remnant of an ancient fortification. The alterations suffered by the building have affected its original structure so much that it is not possible to give a precise date; therefore it is customary to indicate a generally late medieval period for the Tower, while the rest of the complex is attributed to the time of the Acquaviva dominion.
  • 2 Church of the Madonna delle Grazie. There are few traces of the ancient church documented as early as 1574. Its current appearance is that resulting from the renovations of the early nineteenth century. With three naves, the interior has a gilded wooden altar. The small bell tower can be traced back to seventeenth-century restorations.
  • 3 Parish Church of San Benedetto Abate. Like that of the Madonna delle Grazie, the parish church of San Benedetto Abate also appears in the aspect conferred on it by the nineteenth-century restorations carried out on the previous early seventeenth-century temple. In the open tympanum of the stone portal there is the Controguerra coat of arms, dated 1811. The interior preserves two seventeenth-century canvases: Madonna between Saints Dominic and Catherine it's a Last Supper.

Events and parties

What to do


  • Controguerra wine (red and white) received the DOC designation in 1996.
  • In its territory an excellent olive oil is produced; Controguerra is part of theNational Association City of oil.

How to have fun

Where to eat

  • 1 Biscus restaurant, Contrada Giardino 5, 39 0861 89638.
  • 2 Towing, Via Mattonelle 26, 39 0861 89408.

Where stay


How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 2 Italian post, via Guglielmo Marconi 100, 39 0861 89267, fax: 39 0861 89267.

Keep informed


  • Ascoli Piceno - The city is about 24 Km from Civitella del Tronto along the SP8 and reach the SP81 and then follow the direction of Ascoli Piceno. It is known as the City of a hundred towers. Its historic center is famous for having houses, palaces, churches, bridges and elevated towers in travertine. Here, history and architectural styles have settled their passage from the Roman age to the Middle Ages, up to the Renaissance. Artists such as Cola dell'Amatrice, Lazzaro Morelli, Carlo Crivelli, Giosafatti and other talented sculptors, stonecutters, painters have left a mark of their talent. It welcomes one of the most beautiful squares in Italy: Piazza del Popolo, center of cultural and political life, framed by arcades with loggias, Palazzo dei Capitani and Caffè Meletti. Every year in August the Quintana is held there, a historical re-enactment in costume with a procession and competition of six knights vying for the conquest of the Palio.
  • Civitella del Tronto - Perched on a ridge, it offers us the spectacle of its fortifications which are among the best preserved and the largest in Europe; it was the last stronghold to surrender, when the rest of the Bourbon kingdom had already been conquered from Italy.
  • Teramo - Ancient city with an important historical center, it boasts a splendid Cathedral which is one of the best expressions of Abruzzo's religious architecture. It has important Roman remains.
  • Giulianova - The ancient city, on a hill, preserves the remains of the fortifications and ancient churches; the urban development spread over the coast constitutes one of the most important seaside resorts in the region.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Counter-war
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Counter-war
2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but in addition it contains enough information to allow a short visit to the city. Use i correctly listing (the right type in the right sections).