Cornwall - Cornovaglia

Cornwall - Location
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Cornwall (Cornwall) is a region in the Southwest ofEngland, proclaimed "Area of ​​exceptional beauty"of the United Kingdom.

To know

Cornwall is one of the six Celtic nations and today Cornwall's economy is highly dependent on its tourism industry, which makes up around a quarter of the country's total income, although it is the poorest area in the UK. The Celtic culture, the spectacular landscapes and the mild climate make it a very popular tourist destination, despite being far from the main centers of the United Kingdom. The moorland, the beautiful gardens, the historical and prehistoric sites are just some of the attractions that inspire tourists to visit this area.

Geographical notes

Cornwall is located at the tip of the narrow southwestern peninsula of the Great Britain surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean and also includes the Isles of Scilly, which are located 45 kilometers from the coast. It has many kilometers of beaches and cliffs much sought after by water sports practitioners such as surfing, windsurfing, kitesurfing etc.

When to go

Maximum (° C)9911121417191918151210
Minimum (° C)66779121314131197
Precipitation (mm)917169465649616467809694

Climate in the Isles of Scilly
Maximum (° C)881012151719191714119
Minimum (° C)54568111314121076
Precipitation (mm)816349544047485157878778

Climate a Truro

Cornwall has a temperate oceanic climate; the mildest and sunniest of the UK, due to its decidedly southern position and the influence of the Gulf Stream. The average annual temperature varies from about 11.6 ° C in the interior to about 9.8 ° C for the Isles of Scilly. Winters are also among the warmest in the country due to the effects of warm ocean currents, while frost and snow are very rare along the coast and even rarer in central areas. Summers however are not as hot as other areas in the south of the UK due to the ocean which makes the weather in Cornwall very variable.

Spoken languages

The local language, now reported in use, albeit marginally, by some enthusiasts, is related to Welsh and even more so with Breton.

Territories and tourist destinations

Map divided by regions

Urban centers

How to get

How to get around

What see

Events and parties

Cornwall has a rich and lively tradition of popular music that has survived to the present day thanks mainly to folkloristic events and events such as the Mummers Plays, the Furry Dance a Helston and the Obby Oss a Padstow. Festivals focusing on the Celtic tradition where groups of male voices participate are still very popular in Cornwall, as well as the contemporary music of Richard D. James (also known as Aphex Twin, raised in Cornwall), as well as Luke Vibert, Roger Taylor , and US singer Tori Amos resident not far from Bude.

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Where stay

Average prices


  • 1 Old Coastguard's, Tintagel road (B3263), Boscastle, PL35 0 (on the coast northeast of Tintagel.), 49 211 713234 (R. Plöger), @. A house with a beautiful view of the coast was bought by the German Plöger family, who rent it out to tourists.


How to keep in touch


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Cornwall
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Cornwall
  • Collaborate on WikiquoteWikiquote contains quotes from or about Cornwall
  • Collaborate on WikinewsWikinews contains current news on Cornwall
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