Red sea coast - Costa del mar Rosso

Red sea coast
El-Maya Bay, Old Sharm (on the back), Hadaba (on the right), Sharm el-Sheikh

Red sea coast is the eastern region ofEgypt which develops along the shore of the Red Sea for about 800 km from Suez (north) to the border with Sudan (South). It is the fastest developing area in Egypt but for overseas travelers and is best known for its year-round warm climate, clear blue waters, beach resorts and date the presence of many species of exotic fish and corals for its excellent diving sites.

To know

Geographical notes

Even the peninsula of Sinai in Egypt it also borders the Red Sea, but is considered a separate region.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

Other destinations

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


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