Deir es-Sanqūrīya - Deir es-Sanqūrīya

Deir es-Sanqūrīya ·دير السنقورية
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Deir es-Sanquriya (Arabic:دير السنقورية‎, Dair as-Sanqūrīya) is a village with about 9,000 inhabitants[1] and a monastery in Middle Egypt in the governorate Minyā about 8 km south of el-Bahnasā and 20 km west of Benī Mazār.

getting there

The journey can be from Benī Mazār above el-Bahnasā respectively.


Tourist Attractions

The monastery) Deir es-Sanqūrīya exists since the 4th or 5th century AD. Inside its old enclosure wall is the Church of St. Theodore. This three-aisled monastery church itself dates from the Middle Ages. The naves are separated by fourteen red granite pillars. In the east of the church there are three Holy of Holies (sharks) for St. Virgin (in the north), St. Theodore and St. George. In the central nave there is an ambon with the icons of the twelve apostles and in the north-west of the church the baptismal font.

To the west outside the church are the Graves of the family of Micha'īl Athanasiuswho has rendered outstanding services to the restoration of the church.




Accommodation options exist in el-Minyā.


Visiting the monastery can be combined with visiting the city el-Bahnasā connect.


  • Meinardus, Otto F. A.: Christian Egypt, ancient and modern. Cairo: American University at Cairo Press, 1977 (2nd edition), ISBN 978-977-201-496-5 , P. 361 f.

Individual evidence

  1. Population figures according to the 2006 Egyptian census, Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics, accessed November 7, 2014.
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