Deir esch-Schuhadāʾ - Deir esch-Schuhadāʾ

Deir esch-Schuhadāʾ ·دير الشهداء
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Deir esch-Schuhada (Arabic:دير الشهداء‎, Dair asch-Schuhadāʾ, „Martyrs' Monastery") is a egyptian Monastery in the governorate Luxor, about 6 kilometers south of Esna on the western Bank of the Nile.


The monastery of St. Manaos and the Martyr (Deir Manayus wa esch-Schuhadāʾ), also Monastery of St. Ammonius and known as the 3600 Martyr, was founded by Ammonius, Bishop of Esna in the 4th century. Occasionally there is also an indication that the foundation should go back to the Empress Helena.

Esna developed into an important center of Christianity during Roman rule. Emperor Decius and his successor Diocletian but let the Christians forsake or persecute their faith by decree. Ammonius, Bishop of Esna (301–310), created a memorial for the 3,600 Christian martyrs with this monastery. He is said to have built it here always on Thursdays and Fridays, while on Sundays and Mondays he stayed among the believers in Esna.

The present monastery is surrounded by a high wall. It is inhabited by about twenty nuns.

getting there

You can only arrive by car, taxi or minibus.


The vehicle can be parked right next to the monastery walls. In the monastery one moves on foot.

Tourist Attractions

The monastery has two churches. The older, northern one dates from the tenth to eleventh centuries and is dedicated to St. Martyrs, while the new, more southerly one was built in 1931 and St. Virgin is consecrated.

In the eastern part of the old church there are three Heikal (Holy of Holies) for St. George, St. Virgin and St. Martyrs of Esna. In the northwest corner there are two more hot spots. The year 502 AM (786 AD) can be found on the frescoes.

The new church has three radicals who are dedicated to St. George, St. Virgin and the Archangel Michael are intended. The baptismal font is in the southwest corner.

To the north of the monastery are the ruins of Deir Abū Ischāq (Monastery of St. Isaac).


Every year on December 23rd, St. Ammonius thought.



Accommodation is usually chosen in Luxor. There are no hotels in Esna.


The visit of the monastery can be done with the visit of Esna and the monastery Deir el-Fachūrī connect.


  • Meinardus, Otto F. A.: Two thousand years of Coptic Christianity. Cairo: American University at Cairo Press, 2002, ISBN 977-424-757-4 , P. 244 f.
  • Leroy, Jules: Les peintures des couvents du désert d'Esna. Le Caire: Inst. Français d’archéologie orientale, 1975, La peinture murale chez les coptes; 1, Pp. 1-16, panels 1-49.
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