Dingli - Dingli

Dingli, Ħad-Dingli
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Dingli is a village on the west coast in Western District of Malta.


When the Church of Malta divided the country into different parishes in the Middle Ages, it was decided that in Hal Tartarni near the Buskett Gardens to establish a parish. The church of Santa Domenica was built in 1436, it no longer exists today.

In the course of time, the inhabitants of the Hal Tartarni region moved more and more to the Ħad-Dingli area, probably because the noble Inguanez family owned land here and there were job opportunities.

Around Dingli, on the highest elevation on Malta with almost 300 m, agriculture was carried out and fields were even planted in the area of ​​the cliff on the south coast of Malta. The place benefited from the fact that the spy Piri Reis sent by the Turks roamed the country and rightly judged the Dingli Cliffs to be absolutely unsuitable for a landing operation. The Turkish attack came in 1565 from Marsamxett Harbor from the north.

In 1678 Dingli got its own parish church and a priest, but it kept its agricultural character until modern times. A connection to public transport has only been established in the last few decades and visitors to the Dingli Cliffs no longer have to walk or hitchhike on an agricultural vehicle from Rabat.

The first settlers came to the Dingli region centuries earlier, the "cart ruts" dating back to prehistoric times, which are so numerous in the vicinity that the square was named "Clapham Junction" after an English marshalling yard. There were also graves from Phoenician and Roman times around Dingli.

getting there

Dingli: Triq Panoramika

By plane

The Malta International Airport located in Luqa, as the crow flies about eleven kilometers east of the municipality.

By bus

With Valletta resp. the central bus station in Floriana is Dingli above Rabat with the line 52 the bus company Arriva connected.

The bus routes 202/203 lead from St. Julian's and Sliema above Attard continue after Rabat / Mdina and the Dingli Cliffs. The line 201 starts at Rabat and runs along the west coast over Dingli, Siggiewi and north past Qrendi resp. The temple complexes of Mnajdra and Ħaġar Qim also follow in an arch Luqa.

In the street

One possibility of access from the large area Valletta is the one across the main street 7 of Marsa above Attard and from there as Triq I-Mdina further towards Rabat and Mdina, the city is circled in a wide arc to the north, from there it continues on the 131 or 16.

The 131 / 117 leads as Triq Panoramika the Dingli Cliffs and then turn northeast towards Siģģiewi.

By bike (optional)

Of sibit / Med in Bike Bicycle tours were signposted, the route "North West Malta" leads from Rabat above Dingli and then north towards Mgarr and Mosta.


All around Dingli (To the Dingli Cliffs, the Busket Gardens, etc.) the best way to get around is by private vehicle or by bicycle, the bus route 201 leads from Rabat past the Dingli Cliffs in the direction of the temples Qrendi.

Tourist Attractions

St. Mary's Parish Church
  • on one of the highest elevations of West Malta was 1605 the 1 St. Mary's Parish Church built in 1678/80 and in the 19th century. the church was expanded. From the church tower, the highest point in Malta, there is a panoramic view of most of the island, the building can be seen as a landmark from afar.
  • the 2 St. Domenica Chapel / Chapel of Santa Duminka lies in the Triq il-Għajn was founded in 1669 by the Inguanez family in the area of ​​the also donated by the Inguanez Djar il-Bniet / House for the Girls built, adjoining was a cemetery for unbaptized children.
  • the spring and the fountain are nearby l-Ghajn tal-Hasselinwhich carries water almost all year round and was of great importance for the water supply of Dingli.
  • in Ta 'Baldu In the area of ​​two medieval farmsteads, the remains of an olive press (trapetum) from Roman times and cisterns and cellars carved into the rock, which were probably also used for bathing in the Middle Ages, were found.
  • in the medieval homestead of 3 Is-Simblija The ruins of a chapel, a mill powered by animals and the remains of farm buildings have been preserved.
  • in the near 4 Wied Hazrun and Il-Qattara in the valleys you can find remains that are centuries old if not from antiquity Irrigation systems.

Buskett Gardens

Buskett Gardens
Verdala Palace
  • the 5 Buskett Gardens with their 30 hectares are the largest contiguous forest area still in existence in Malta. The forest was reforested by the Johanniter as a hunting area and was therefore not sacrificed for shipbuilding. Today they are Buskett Gardens has become a popular recreational area for shade - picnics in the summer heat and walks in winter.
  • the 6 Verdala Palace Grandmaster de Verdalle was probably built according to plans by G. Cassar from 1586 onwards. The three-story castle-like castle with four corner towers overlooks Buskett Gardens and is now the summer residence of the President of Malta.

Clapham Junction Cart Ruts

"Clapham Junction"
  • the 7 Cart Ruts from Clapham Junction: here, southwest of Dingli, you will find the largest collection of cart rods that are widespread in Malta. The origin of these mostly in the form of two parallel track-like grooves 10 - 50 cm deep and one and a half meters apart is still unfounded. Sometimes the tracks run crosswise over or. into each other. Since this gives the site the aspect of a large freight station, it was named after a large English station Clapham Junction.
One can still speculate about the origin and purpose of these probable wagon tracks: that they are here in extreme density next to each other, for example in Birżebbuġa Leading into the sea or even ending abruptly on a cliff does not make the interpretation any easier.
  • in the south lies the cave settlement 8 Għar il-Kbir, the caves were probably inhabited from prehistoric times until around 1835.

Dingli Cliffs

Dingli Cliffs
Dingli Cliffs with the radar station
St. Magdalen's Chapel
  • the Dingli Cliffs form the steep coast in the west of the island. Sometimes the cliffs drop extremely steeply towards the sea, sometimes small terraces are used for agriculture. Steep paths lead down to these fields; in times of threat from pirates, the ladders used for climbing were removed and the entrances to the numerous caves barricaded or camouflaged.
The Triq Panoramika leads along the cliffs and allows beautiful views of the cliffs and towards the protected rocky island Filfla.
It cannot be overlooked 9 Aviation RadarRadar stationwhich is used for air traffic control.
  • a little further east is the one built around 1648 on the cliff 10 St. Magdalen's Chapel and the ruins of a medieval observation tower, here also a parking lot and the bus stop "Maddalena".
  • to the west at Tal-Pitkal is the chapel 11 San Pawl Valley-Pitkali with the statue of Paul from the 19th century.


  • Hike along the Dingli Cliffs, Photography
  • Picnic in the Buskett Gardens






Practical advice



Web links

  • Website of the Dingli Local Council, engl.
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