Aveiro district - Distretto di Aveiro

Aveiro district
Moliceiros in Aveiro
Aveiro District - Location
Institutional website

Aveiro region is a territory of Portugal continental belonging to the traditional province of Beira Coast, excluding the northernmost municipalities that belong to the Douro Litoral.

To know

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • 1 Albergaria-a-Velha - Town among green landscapes characterized by waterfalls and water mills, unfortunately subject to fires.
  • 2 Anadia - At the heart of a wine-growing region that produces fine wines (Vinhos from Bairrada).
  • 3 Angeja - Village on the Vouga river with numerous water mills.
  • 4 Aveiro - Lagoon city, known as the "Venice of Portugal".
  • 5 Eixo - Ancient village on the outskirts of Aveiro with a theme park, "Lugar dos Afetos", dedicated to youth emotions and inspired by the didactic work of the writer and pedagogue Graça Gonçalves (1951-2017).
  • 6 Esmoriz - Location on the coast with a large beach frequented by those who love to ride the waves.
  • 7 Gafanha da Nazaré - Town at the entrance to the Aveiro lagoon, with a beach (Praia da Barra) equipped with campsites.
  • 8 Oliveira de Azeméis
  • 9 Pardilhó - Traditional eel fishing village carried out with typical boats (bateiras) moored on the numerous channels of the Aveiro lagoon.
  • 10 Pedorido - Former mining center on the left bank of the Douro amidst magnificent landscapes.
  • 11 Raiva - Former mining center, now a holiday resort, famous for its spectacular views of the Douro River from Monte de S. Domingos.
  • 12 Sangalhos - The Roman-era Talábriga, now famous for its artistic heritage, as well as for its bicycle factories.
  • 13 São João da Madeira - Very touristy town, at the top of the national level for quality of life
  • 14 Torreira - Another lagoon town with a vast beach which is very popular in summer.
  • 15 Vagos - Village on the
  • 16 Válega - Village famous for the decoration of its monuments in azulejos as well as for the rustic restaurants, all lined up along the main road (Estrada Nacional) 109 from Port to Aveiro.

Other destinations

  • 1 Drave - Charming village abandoned by local stone houses (pedra lousinha) in a remote area between the Serre da Freita, de São Macário and da Arada, part of the Aruca geopark.

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Aveiro district
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Aveiro district
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