Beira Coast - Beira Litorale

Beira Coast
View of the town of Côja and the bridge over the Rio Alba
Beira Coast - Location

Beira Coast is a region of North-central Portugal

To know

Geographical notes

The ancient province of Beira Litorale roughly corresponds to today's administrative districts of Coimbra is Aveiro.

The province bordered to the north with that of Douro Litoral, to the west with the Atlantic Ocean, to the east with the Beira Alta is Low, southeast with the Ribatejo and southwest with theExtremadura.


La Beira Litorale was an ancient province (or natural region) of the Portugal, formally established with an administrative reform of 1936. The provinces had no practical function and disappeared with the Constitution of 1976. Its territory largely corresponded to the ancient Douro Province which disappeared in the 19th century.

The region had 33 municipalities, with most of the districts of Aveiro and Coimbra, half of that of Leiria and one municipality of that of Santarém. Its capital was Coimbra.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

Aveiro district

  • 1 Aveiro - Lagoon city, known as the "Venice of Portugal".
  • 2 São João da Madeira - Very touristy town, in the first places on a national scale for quality of life.
  • 3 Torreira - Another lagoon town with a vast beach which is very popular in summer.
  • 4 Válega - Village famous for the decoration of its monuments in azulejos as well as for the rustic restaurants, all lined up along the main road (Estrada Nacional) 109 from Port to Aveiro.

Coimbra district

  • 5 Coimbra - Capital of Portugal before Lisbon and home to the oldest university in country.
  • 6 Figueira da Foz - Port and renowned seaside resort on the mouth of the Mondego river.
  • 7 Penela
  • 8 Piódão - Fraction of the Coimbra district.
  • 9 Praia de Mira - Parish (freguesia) of the district of Mira.

Leiria district

  • 10 Castanheira de Pera - Small town popular for the abundance of water (lakes and waterfalls).
  • 11 Leiria - City famous for its castle and a long coastline bordered by dense pine forests.
  • 12 Pombal - Town famous for its castle, built by the Knights Templar and linked to the figure of Marquis of Pombal who spent the last years of his life there after falling out of favor with the queen Maria.

Other destinations

  • 1 Conímbriga - Ruins of the ancient Roman city destroyed by the Swabians in the 5th century AD. C.
  • 2 Drave - Charming village abandoned by local stone houses (pedra lousinha) in a remote area between the Serre da Freita, de São Macário and da Arada, part of the Aruca geopark.
  • 3 Nazaré - Important beach in the region.

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Beira Coast
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Beira Coast
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