Hunedoara district - Distretto di Hunedoara

Hunedoara district
Medieval fortress of Deva
Hunedoara District - Location
Coat of arms
Hunedoara District - Coat of Arms
Institutional website

Hunedoara district (Județul Hunedoara) is a region of the Transylvania.

To know

The Retezat National Park and other picturesque territories make the Hunedoara District one of the most beautiful areas of the Romania. Also you can find Dacian and Roman complexes on Orăştie mountains.

Geographical notes

In principle, the territory consists of mountains divided by the valley of the Mureș River which crosses the county from east to west. To the north are the Apuseni Mountains and to the south are the mountains of the group of gods Southern Carpathians, of the group of Parâng mountains and of the Retezat-Godeanu mountain range: Orăştie mountains and Surianu (southeast), Retezat Mountains (south), Poiana Ruscă mountains (southwest).

With the exception of the Mureș River with its tributaries Strei, Râul Mare and Cerna which forms broad valleys, on the north side the Crișul Alb River also forms a valley in the Apuseni Mountains (region of Zărand). On the south side along the Jiu River with its two branches Jiul de Vest and Jiul de Est, there is a great depression and an accessible path to southern Romania (Oltenia)


The Hunedoara Jiu River Valley is traditionally a coal mining region and its high level of industrialization attracted many people from other regions of Romania in the period before the fall of the communist regime, in fact the Hunedoara district was one of the areas more industrialized during the communist period.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • Brad
  • Călan - Industrial city during the communist regime, now mostly dead due to factory closures. Nearby are two ancient medieval churches to visit.
  • Deva - Capital of the county of Hunedoara.
  • Geoagiu - Spa town.
  • Hațeg - Near the bizarre church of St. Nicholas of Densuș and the Ulpia Traia Sarmizegetusa; the capital of Dacia under Roman rule.
  • Hunedoara - Mostly known for Hunyad Castle.
  • Lupeni - Access point to the ski resort of Straja.
  • Orăștie - Ancient city with a strategic position throughout history.
  • Petroșani - Famous in the past for its coal mines, but plagued with unemployment since the mines were closed after 1989. It is now mainly a home base for the nearby mountains.
  • Rau de Mori
  • Simeria
  • Uricani

Other destinations

How to get

How to get around

What see

  • 1 Sarmizegetusa Direction. Sarmizegetusa is a hilltop fortress in Transylvania and was the capital of a Dacian kingdom from 50 BC. about until the Romans dismantled its walls and deported its people in 106 AD. Today there are only ruins. The closest significant city is Orăștie. Sarmizegetusa was part of a system of Dacian fortresses in the Orăştie mountains which are on the list of World Heritage Sites in Romania.
  • 2 Fortress of the Dacians Costești-Cetățuie (Cetatea dacică Costești-Cetățuie).
  • 3 Fortress of the Dacians Costești-Blidaru (Cetatea dacică Costești-Blidaru).
  • 4 Fortress of the Dacians of Piatra Roșie (Cetatea dacică Piatra Roșie).
  • 5 Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa (20 km from Hațeg). The colony of Ulpia Traiana Augusta Dacica Sarmizegetusa, capital of Roman Dacia, stood at the foot of the Retezat Mountains, in the southwestern part of the Hateg region. The city was located 8 km from the pass between Banat and Transylvania, whose old name was Tapae, today Porțile de Fier ale Transilvaniei (literally "Iron Gates of Transylvania"). The date of establishment of the capital is not exactly known. An inscription discovered at the beginning of the 14th century in the village of Gradiste-Sarmizegetusa says: "By order of the emperor Caesar Nerva Traianus Augustus, son of the divine Nerva, the colony of the Dacians was established by Decimus Terentius Scaurianus, its governor" . The governor's name indicates that the settlement of the new city was made in the early years of Dacia (between 106 and 110). The settlement of the colony was also marked by the issue of a coin (sesterzio) a Rome, from the order of the Senate, dedicated to the "best sovereign", emperor Trajan. Trajan's choice of the location of the city was not accidental. The metropolis had some strategic and economic advantages. The Retezat Mountains to the south and i Poiana Ruscă mountains to the north they were natural barriers that were difficult for invaders to cross. The capital, whose territory stretched from Tibiscum to Micia up to the entrance to the Jiu pass, developed in peace, defended by the Roman camps Tibiscum (today Jupa), Voislova, Micia (Vetel) and Bumbesti. In Ulpia Traian crossed the imperial road from the Danube and marked the connection between the north of the province and Porolissum (Mirșid). The ancient city had an area of ​​32 hectares surrounded by walls. In the heart of the city were the main streets (cardo maximus oriented north-south and decumanus maximus oriented east-west), at its intersection the Forum, the main public building. But the city wasn't just inside the walls. Outside the walls, over a large area, there were the village, the artisan shops (masons, glass blowers), temples and other public or private buildings. Outside the walls there were also the city cemeteries (burial grounds) identified both to the east and to the west. The population was around 25,000 / 30,000 people. Archaeologists have unearthed the ancient constructions of Ulpia Traiana, as well as many objects that are housed in the nearby museum.

What to do

Skiing in the Straja a Lupeni.

At the table


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Hunedoara district
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Hunedoara district
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