Dobruja - Dobrugia

Port of Mangalia
Dobruja - Location

Dobruja (Dobrogea) is a region of the Romania.

To know

Dobruja is the only maritime region of the Romania. Constance it is its most important city with a bustling trading port. In addition to very popular seaside resorts, Dobruja boasts another major tourist attraction, the Danube delta whose innumerable branches are set sail by boats loaded with tourists.

Territories and tourist destinations

Dobruja is made up of two administrative districts (judete):

  • Constance district - The southern territory on the border with Bulgaria on whose coast there are numerous seaside resorts.
  • Tulcea District - The northern territory bordering theUkraine. A good part of the territory is occupied by the Danube delta.

Urban centers

  • 1 Constance - Romania's only port on the Black Sea, Constanta is a pleasant city with a Belle Époque atmosphere.
  • Costinești - Seaside center
  • 2 Eforie Nord is Eforie Sud - On the lagoon (Lacul) Techirghiol
  • 3 Jupiter, Neptun, Olimp, Saturn, Venus - A series of seaside resorts north of Mangalia, attached to each other.
  • 4 Mamaia - Seaside resort on the long sandy strip that forms the lagoon (Lacul) Siutghiol immediately north of Constance.
  • 5 Mangalia - Mangalia is a large center of about 40,000 inhabitants. It stands on the site of Callatis, a Greek colony founded in the 4th century BC. C.
  • 6 Tulcea - Second city of Dobruja, Tulcea is crossed by the Danube river and is a tourist destination for the possibility of visiting its delta by river.
  • 7 Vama Veche - Vama Veche is the border post with the Bulgaria. During the communist regime it did not have great development and was frequented by university students who practiced nudism on its deserted beaches it was possible to practice nudism. It still retains a modest appearance compared to the sisters listed above and its beaches are still frequented by penniless young people who cannot afford any other form of accommodation than a tent to pitch on the arena. However, things are rapidly changing for Vama Veche.

Other destinations

  • 1 Danube Delta - The Danube delta was entered by theUNESCO in the list of sites listed as a World Heritage Site and a Biosphere Reserve.
  • 2 Histria - Ruins of the ancient colony founded by the Milesi in the 7th century BC
  • 3 Plajă Corbu - Beach not equipped north of Mamaia, part of a sandy coastline that extends for km to the village of Vadu.
  • 4 Sfântu Gheorghe - Modest fishing village at the mouth of the Danube delta canal of the same name, in the throes of an unprecedented tourist boom since 2015.

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table
