Three weeks in Cambodia - Drei Wochen Kambodscha

This article describes an itinerary that you can take to the main destinations in three weeks Cambodia leads.

General information

Three weeks is enough time to visit Cambodia's top attractions stress-free. The public bus - the easiest and cheapest way to travel in the country - was used as the basis for drawing up this travel plan. Half a day was planned for the trip every time there was a change of location. The car is not (or only marginally) faster than the bus in Cambodia.

getting there

You can either travel by plane to the international airport from Siem Reap from one of the Southeast Asian metropolises or overland Bangkok. The land route can be done in one day and can be booked anywhere in Bangkok, especially in the backpacker district of Khao San.

Siem Reap/ Angkor

Angkor Wat at Siem Reap

1 day: The organization of the first day depends on the time of arrival. If you come early, just take a stroll through the city or a tour on the Tonle Sap (approx. 2 hours). If you want to see the sunrise at the temples the next morning, you should make an appointment with a tuk-tuk driver the evening before, as you have to start around 5:00 a.m.

2nd / 3rd day: These two days are dedicated to the temples of Angkor. You drive the two circuits and, depending on your mood, enjoy the sunsets or sunrises at the temples. Depending on your interests and time frame, you can still make a few side trips. The article too Angkor provides a few detailed descriptions of tours and the temples. You need the 3-day ticket from Angkor for this trip.

4th day: There are two options here:

  • Option 1: One visits the Phnom Kulen with the reclining Buddha and the waterfalls. Then you go to the Beng Melea. On the way back you visit the Roluos group. Due to the longer travel times, it is more of a day tour. Extra entrance fees are necessary for the Phnom Kulen and Beng Melea.
  • Option 2: The morning is at leisure or you can visit some of the sights of Siem Reap. In the afternoon there is a tour on the Tonle Sap to the floating villages with the final ascent of the Phnom Krom at. You can also enjoy the sunset on the mountain.


Wat Ek near Battambang

5th day: You can take a bus or a boat to Battambang. The boat tour is more attractive, but takes longer. In the dry season, if you choose the boat trip, you have to torture yourself for two hours on a full pickup on dirt roads because the water level is too low for the boat to continue. The river cruise is breathtakingly beautiful, past floating houses and villages where life can be viewed from the boat, and the afternoon is ideal for a stroll through the city. You can visit the market and a couple of nice monasteries. The city itself doesn't offer anything else.

6th day: Head north along the river. After 10 kilometers you will reach Wat Ek. There is a monastery next to a temple ruin from the 11th century. Next to a beautifully painted viharn is a large Buddha statue. Further to the southwest you get to the Phnom Sampeou. There is a pagoda on the mountain. At the edge there are caves with human skulls - another one Killing Field from the time of the Khmer Rouge. The next stop is on Phnom Banan another temple mount. At the end you can take a little ride on the "Bamboo Train". For the tour you take a motodup or tuk-tuk.

7th day: The artificial lake is located 35 kilometers northwest of Battambang Camping Poy. When you arrive at the lake, you can row a lap on the lake. However, the condition of the road is very bad and therefore a bit time-consuming.

Phnom Penh

The proposed destinations in and around Phnom Penh still leave enough space for individual goals and activities. They are not complete daily programs. Additional tours, leisurely visits to restaurants or an extensive massage are possible at any time.

8th day: It's a 5-hour bus ride to Phnom Penh. After arriving in the early afternoon, there is still enough time to explore the city or visit one of the markets. Both markets, the old market (Psah Chas) and the central market (Psah Thmey) are worth a visit.

Day 9: This day is dedicated to recent history and to one of the darkest chapters in Cambodian history - The Period of Horrors under Pol Pot. The Toul Sleng Museum - the notorious prison "S21" gives you a glimpse into the time of the rule of the Khmer Rouge. Located in the south, just outside the city Choeung Ek - the infamous "Killing Fields". One cannot imagine that Phnom Penh was a practically uninhabited city at the time. In order to gain some distance and to let the pictures take a back seat, you can go back to the Russian Market (Psah Toul Tom Poung) and mingle with the hustle and bustle.


10th day: On this day there is a glimpse into older history. The route leads to Udong, 45 kilometers to the north. Until 1866 this was the capital of the country. There are a couple of beautiful stupas on a mountain. A large Buddha image was recently erected. The mountain also offers a beautiful view of the surrounding area. After visiting Udong you can still visit some monasteries in the city.

11th day: The day belongs to the major cultural sights of the city. Since the places are not far apart, you can simply start with the place that is closest to your own hotel. The easiest thing to do is to hire a tuk-tuk driver for the day. But you can also reach all places on foot. The National Museum and the Royal Palace with the famous Silver Pagoda are right next to each other. Further north is Wat Phnom.


12th day: By bus it goes to Kampot. The city is reached in the early afternoon. The afternoon belongs to a little stroll in the center and on the waterfront. On arrival at the hotel or guest house, it is best to inquire about an organized excursion to Bokor Hill. Anyone who has experience driving a motorcycle in rough terrain can also undertake this trip themselves with a rented off-road motorcycle.

13th day: This day belongs entirely to the excursion Bokor Hill. On the mountain there is an abandoned station from the French colonial times. The ruins of a hotel still stand there today. When it is foggy, this ghost town looks almost spooky.


14th day: The journey from Kampot only takes 1-2 hours on the good national road. The rest of the day is devoted to a swim in the South China Sea on one of the city's beaches.

15.-18. Day: The following days are for swimming and relaxing. In addition, there are a few nice things to do here. We recommend a guided tour through the Ream National Park. Mangrove forests, lonely beaches and a beach barbecue offer pure relaxation here. For further excursions to the Kbal Chhay waterfall as well as to the beach huts near the Ream Naval Base or to the nearby Otres Beach, take a tuk-tuk. In addition, excursions to the offshore islands are offered.

Phnom Penh

19th day: After one last look back at the beach, it's back to Phnom Penh. On the last evening before departure, you can relax and unwind in the charming and bustling capital.

20th day: There is nothing left on the program on the last day. In the time up to the airport transfer, the best thing to do is to look back over your vacation on the riverfront with a cool drink and take a few last impressions.


alternative length of stay in the locations:

  • more Angkor: If you want to take in more of Angkor, you can extend your stay in Siem Reap by up to four days. The stay in Battambang (excursion to Kamping Poy can be canceled) and Sihanoukville can be shortened by one day at a time. If you need all the additional four days in Siem Reap, you should drop Battambang completely and drive directly to Phnom Penh.

Alternative routes:

  • The trip can also be done in Phnom Penh start. Due to its tourist relevance, flights to Phnom Penh may be cheaper. If you land in the capital, you can take 3-4 days to see the sights and to acclimatize. Then the circuit of the Tonle Sap takes place. If you come back to Phnom Penh from Battambang, you only stay one night and then start your onward journey immediately.
  • If you don't want to change the hotel that often, you can Kampot leave out and right after Sihanoukville drive. A trip to Kampot or Bokor Hill is also possible from Sihanoukville. You just need more time to get there.
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