Siem Reap - Siem Reap

Siem Reap - សៀមរាប
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Siem Reap(Khmer: សៀមរាប) is the capital of the homonymous province in Cambodia. This place is the ideal starting point to visit the archaeological site Angkor, with the temple complex, which is only a few kilometers away Angkor Wat and numerous other impressive monuments to visit.


The name of the place is based on the victory of the Khmer over the Siamese in the 17th century and means "place of the defeat of the Siamese". Siem Reap is close to Tonle Sap Lake and only about 15 minutes from Angkor Wat. Nowadays, Siem Reap is arguably the most modern city in Cambodia with an estimated 1.4 million tourists a year, all of whom flock to the city for the temples of Angkor Wat.


The neighborhoods of Siem Reap

The city extends approximately 2 km north-south and 3-4 km east-west along National Route # 6. The international airport is approximately 10 km northwest of the city; the entrance to the archaeological park is about 5 km north of the city. The main quarters of Siem Reap are as follows:

  • Old Market Area - The city's hotspot, where a large part of the nightlife has now established itself.
  • Taphul Village Area - Here you can find a range of inexpensive accommodations as well as the night market and various discos.
  • Old French Quarter - The colonial Siem Reap north of the Old Market with only a few hotels and restaurants, but these are usually of the upscale category.
  • Wat Bo Area - To the east of the river are some nice hotels (right on the river) and a range of budget accommodations.
  • Wat Damnak Area - The little developed southeast of the city.
  • Airport Road - There are a number of large hotels and restaurants along the road to the airport.
  • Northern Siem Reap - The area north of National Route 6 on the road to Angkor with the Royal Gardens and the new National Museum.

getting there

You can reach Siem Reap by plane, bus, car or boat. There is no rail connection.

By plane

There is an international airport in Siem Reap. Those who do not yet have a visa can have one issued upon arrival at the airport (USD 35, but no passport photo required; status: March 2020. This entry fee can also be paid in other currencies, e.g. in euros or 1 million Vietnam dong ). It is advisable, however, to have an online visa issued before entering the country, otherwise there may be long waiting times. There are numerous taxis waiting in front of the airport. The trip to the center, resp. to the hotel, does the taxi cost ?? US $, by motorcycle rickshaw (tuk tuk) US $ 9. Anyone who has reserved their accommodation in advance and reported the arrival time will i. d. R. (free of charge) picked up. There is no additional fee for exiting via Siem Reap International Airport. Siem Reap is currently served by the following locations:

Bangkok418 km
Phnom Penh311 km
Sisophon103 km
Battambang176 km
Poipet152 km
Kampong Thom249 km


Phnom Penh:  Siem Reap Airways (twice / day) No.571, Route 6, Tel: 855 (0) 63 380191
Sihanoukville: The route was suspended until further notice due to an airplane accident.


Bangkok:  Bangkok Airways (five times / day) No. 571, Route 6, Tel .: 855 (0) 63 380191 - AirAsia
Singapore:  Silk Air (four times / week) - Jetstar (three times / week)
Seoul:  ASIANA (Every day)
Ho Chi Minh City:  Vietnam Airlines and Angkor Cambodian Airlines (both with multiple flights daily)
Phu Quôc:  Vietnam Airlines (twice / week) This connection is closed again (2020).
Hanoi:  Vietnam Airlines (Every day)
Vientiane: Lao Airlines (twice / week) No. 114, Route 6, Tel .: 855 (0) 63 963283
Kuala Lumpur:  Malaysia Airlines (three times a week) Tel .: 855 (0) 63 964136 - AirAsia

In the street

By car

You can drive to Siem Reap on National Route 6. It connects the city with Sisophon and Poipet towards the border after Thailand as well as with Phnom Penh. A private taxi from Phnom Penh is around $ 80-100, a van is $ 120.

The journey from Thailand from the north is rarely used. Two border crossings are possible from the same direction:

  • Chong Sa Ngam / Anlong Veng: For the onward journey to Siem Reap (approx. 2 hours) you take a taxi (approx. $ 30). A seat in a shared taxi costs around $ 5.
  • Cape Choeng / O'Smach: The onward journey to Siem Reap takes about 3.5 hours. The roads are significantly worse than on the variant via Anlong Veng, but here the connection on the Thai side is better.

By bus

The contact details for the headquarters of the bus companies can be found in the article on Cambodia.

  • of Phnom Penh (Travel time 5 hours, break):
    • Phnom Penh Sorya Transport - Departures from the Central Market at 7:00 a.m., 8:15 a.m., 11:45 a.m. and 1:15 p.m. Price: 15,000 Riel (= KHR)
  • of Battambang (Driving time: 5 hours, 1 break, half of the way on a bad road):
    • Neak Krorhorm Travel - Departures daily at 7.45 a.m. from the office near the Psah Boeung Chhoeuk; Price: Riel 14,000
  • of Kampong Thom (Travel time: 2-3 hours):
    • Neak Krorhorm Travel - Departures daily at 9:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. from a restaurant east of the river.

The classic tour Bangkok-Siem Reap

The most popular land entry route for tourists to Cambodia is via the city of Poipet. The complete tour is now unfortunately a loose collection of tourist traps and rip-offs that you have to be prepared for.

Individual organization

From / to Bangkok (Thailand):

  • The buses to Aranyaprathet drive in Bangkok at the northern bus terminal (Mo Chit) from. You can get the ticket at the ticket counter at the bus station or in one of the countless travel agencies in the city.
  • It is also possible to cover the route by train.

The border crossing:

  • For the route between the bus station and the border crossing in Aranyaprathet you can take a tuk-tuk. The price is 60 baht. Information about the border crossing can be found in the article on the border town Poipet.

From / to Siem Reap:

  • automobile - You can ride on one of the pickups. However, since the tour runs over a rough and dusty slope, this is not the first choice. It is therefore best to share a taxi. Since many tourists use this route, it is possible without any problems to speak to other tourists at the border crossing and to find passengers. The taxis are now centrally organized. A ride currently costs practically $ 40 (actually 25, but that price is not achievable for tourists).
Package deals

The Tour Bangkok - Aranyaprathet - border crossing Thailand/Cambodia - Poipet - Siem Reap and vice versa, you can book a complete package in Bangkok for a few dollars. Especially on Khao San Road there are countless travel agencies that sell the corresponding tickets. The tour is usually subsidized by a partner guest house, in which you should, but don't have to, spend the night. These guest houses are often located on the outskirts of the city, but can be easily and cheaply reached in a quarter of an hour with a moped taxi. Ultimately, many travelers take the offered guest house after a long journey, as the price-performance ratio is usually right. Normally, there is no particular pressure to take the room. There have been reports of such acts in the past. If it does happen, you can notify the tourist police. The cheap offers from Bangkok are often heavily criticized because of the connection to the guest house, but ultimately the bus from Poipet to Siem Reap alone costs much more than the entire sponsored tour from Bangkok.

By boat

Boat to Siem Reap

There is daily boat traffic between Phnom Penh and Siem Reap. The ticket is $ 35, the price is non-negotiable for tourists.

During the journey you can either sit inside the boat, but you can see very little through the darkened windows. In addition, the air conditioning is very cold. Many travelers therefore sit on the roof of the boat. Despite (or perhaps because of) the cool airflow, there is an enormous risk of sunburn here.

The route is very beautiful during the first 1-2 hours, you can watch life on the shore and many (friendly) fishermen. During the last 2-3 hours it goes through the middle of Tonle Sap Lake, most of the time nothing can be seen except brown water.

The Phnom Penh jetty is located near the Psah Chas (old market) at Tonle Sap. The driving time is approx. 5 hours, significantly longer in the dry season. Since the Tonle Sap During this time, the depth is only 1-2 meters, the boats sometimes get stuck. The jetty is 12 km south of Siem Reap, in Chong Khneas at the Tonle Sap. Almost every guest house and hotel offers a free transfer from and to the boat harbor. Those who reserve their accommodation in advance will usually be picked up from the port. If you don't have accommodation yet, you can take a moped ($ 1-2) or a car ($ 4-5). The journey takes about 15 minutes.

The boat traffic between Siem Reap and Battambang is strongly dependent on the climate and can take up to twelve hours in the dry season.


Moped taxis and rickshaw taxis (called tuk-tuk) are ubiquitous and inexpensive modes of transportation within Siem Reap City, the Archaeological Park and the wider area. Drivers are waiting on almost every street corner and in front of every hotel or guest house. If you have found a reliable and English-speaking driver, it is advisable to use it for the whole day, resp. to oblige more or less for the entire duration of the stay. It is important to determine the amount to be paid in advance (some of it is negotiable). The prices for trips to the temples are independent of the duration of the visit, the number of monuments visited along the way and the length of the breaks. As a passenger on the moped you pay i. d. Usually $ 1 on city routes, and $ 2 - 3 to the pier, all other routes are to be negotiated. You should also know that the tuk-tuk have rock-hard springs and the roads are bad. If you have orthodontic problems, you sit a little more comfortably on the bench facing the direction of travel.

Travel costs (Tuk Tuk):Single trips in the city 1 - 3 $ (confirmed for 2020). Daily flat rate for all trips in the city area 10 - 15 $ trip to the port 5 - 7 $ trip to the airport 5 $ Petit Circuit (small tour, on which the most important sights are located ) 8 - 10 $ Grand Circuit (grand tour) 12 - 15 $ Roluos group 15 - 20 Bantey Srei 20 - 25 $ Beng Melea 25 - 30 $ Pnom Bok and Pnom Kulen 30 $

The tuk tuk drivers are usually so poor that they cannot afford their own vehicle; They have to pay around $ 30 per month to rent the vehicle, plus the fuel costs and the taxes for the tuk tuk company. There are many teachers and academics who work as tuk tuk drivers during the high season, as their meager civil servant wages are insufficient for a living.

Alternatives to the tuk-tukPrivate cars and taxis are very rare in Siem Reap, so there is little alternative for those who want to join non-organized ($$, minibus) tours. Bicycles are an alternative, the rickiest of them are available for $ 1, and mountain bikes are occasionally available. In view of the shadowless, dusty and very poor roads only for short distances in town! In the meantime, renting scooters is also becoming increasingly popular, the previous restrictions on tourists have probably been removed or are being ignored. You have to reckon with around 5 - 10 USD / day. There are numerous landlords within a 500m radius of Pub Street.

Tourist Attractions

The city is the starting point for a tour to the world-famous temples of Angkor Wat. The whole life of the city is fully geared towards the temple goers.

Entrance of Wat Preah Prohm Rath
  • At the beginning of 2008 the new Angkor National Museum opened. There are many exhibits from the Khmer empire here. Angkor Wat in miniature is a small replica of the Angkor Wat temple complex.
  • The Mine Museum is north of Siem Reap on the route to Banteay Srei. It gives an overview of the type and effect of the mines. Information boards (khmer / English) tell the story of the museum's founder, from his time as a child soldier in the Khmer Rouge to his work in demining the country. There are also weapons, bombs and various mines on display. Admission: $ 3 (01/2013) $ 5 (08/2018) per adult and for children> 12 years.
  • There has recently been one opposite the mine museum Butterfly farm. Farmers bring the pupae of butterflies to this station, where the likelihood that the moths will hatch is many times higher than in the wild. After hatching, the butterflies are given freedom. The farmers receive money for the butterfly pupae they collect, up to a maximum of $ 25 per month. In the Butterfly Farm you can not only discover many butterflies between the plants, the life cycle of butterflies is also clearly explained. The employees collect the butterflies' eggs from the leaves and care for them at every stage up to pupation. They are hung in protected boxes until they hatch to increase their chances of survival. The employees explain and show this to the visitors and answer every question about it. Admission: $ 4, Children 12 and under: Free. Donations are gladly accepted.
  • The Butterfly Garden shows 1,500 tropical butterflies
  • The arts and crafts associationArtisans Angkor shows the traditional handicraft techniques of the Khmer. The project was started 25 years ago with the help of the EU to revive Cambodian handicrafts. The demonstration workshops are located in the middle of the city, in a green oasis near the Hotel Terrasse des Elephantes. There is also one here Introduction video about Artisans Angkor in German. Admission and the English-speaking tour through the workshops are free of charge.
  • The National Silk Center or silk farm in Pouk: In a beautiful environment you can explore the entire value chain from the silkworm to the silk fabric. Cambodian silk is something very special. The gold-colored silkworms, which have been widespread here since the Angkor era, give the silk threads a delicate golden color. A free shuttle runs daily from Artisans headquarters to the silk farm, which can be used (with prior registration via the website). Admission is free.
  • Crocodile farm (about 1 km south of the city). Open: 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.Price: Entry: $ 3.
    - here you can watch around 1200 crocodiles, which are sorted according to size and housed in different tanks. The observation takes place from a lofty height, from a safe footbridge. The animals lie close together in the water, some swim around slowly, others lie on the concrete edge, some yawn. The reptiles are not fed here with the endangered water snakes, but with fish, i. d. Usually once a week. The crocodile eggs are not hatched here, but outside of Siem Reap. In the crocodile farm there is a small shop where various items made of reptile leather are sold.
  • The city offers some beautiful pagodas. Probably the most respected Wat Bo. More are Wat Kesararam, Preah Prohm Rath and Preah Thmey
  • A look at the history and culture of the Khmer can be found in the Cambodian Cultural Village throw.


  • - KKO is a non-profit organization. They offer unique off track bike tours in Angkor and the countryside and wonderful motorbike tours also in the countryside. The entire income flows into the KKO school. A full day bike tour is $ 35-50 and a motorcycle tour is $ 50-65. Reservation is required. Tel. (Mobile): 855 (0) 93 903 024
  • Balloon rides: You can get up from a balloon at a height of 200 m Angkor Wat watch. (on the road from the airport to Angkor, Tel. (mobile): 012-520810)
  • Helicopters Cambodia: Flight over the temple complex (Office: At the arrival terminal of the airport and near the Old Market, Tel. (Mobile): 012-814500)
  • Elephant rides: During the day at the south gate of Angkor Thom and on Bayon. In the evening at the foot of the mountain Phnom Bakheng.
  • Beatocello: Every Friday and Saturday evening (7.15 p.m.) the Swiss pediatrician Dr. Beat Richner on his cello and talks about his activities and his children's hospitals, in which children from all over Cambodia are treated free of charge. Admission is free and there is a collection at the end of the performance. (In the Jayavarman VII Hospital on the road to Ankor Wat.)
  • The Happy Ranch - From one hour to several days you can explore original villages or temples on horseback or from a carriage.
  • Pottery course:, Angkor Pottery Center, The Cambodian craftswoman and ceramic artist Ms. Paruth HANN will teach you the pottery techniques and designs of the Khmer and the Angkor era. Learn how to artfully shape objects out of clay. Learn how to decorate ceramics with carvings, molds, glazes or painting. Make your own bowl and take it glazed and fired home as a souvenir. Daily beginner courses offered. Tel 855 12
  • Angkor Wat Tours. E-mail: .
    - offers customized tours in Angkor and Siem Reap. The tuk-tuk tours in particular are very exciting and very variable. The guides speak English, German, Spanish, Italian and French. Tel: 855 89946838
  • Craft courses and excursions to the rural workshops at Artisans Angkor: At "Craft-it-Yourself" courses the visitors learn the basics of stone, wood carving, jewelry, silk weaving or silk painting. And the "Off-the-Beaten Path Tours" offer the opportunity to explore the various rural workshops and get to know the craft communities in the villages. A minibus picks up visitors from the hotel and, accompanied by a qualified tour guide, brings them to the villages. The guide tells about the history of the villages and the families of the craftsmen. The program also includes a visit to a workshop in the village and enjoying a tea ceremony with a family of craftsmen:


There are now enough banks in the city and there are also plenty of ATMs available. ATMs in Siem Reap generally only issue dollar bills for foreign cards. Besides the traditional Cambodian markets like the well known Old Market There are also small, air-conditioned supermarkets in the city that sell western goods and western standards. Particularly popular items are arts, crafts, and silk. There is a wide range of shops and galleries in the city that sell high quality goods. To the west of Sivatha Boulevard at Pub Street is the Angkor Night Market.


As with the accommodation, the range of restaurants is inexhaustible. Almost all of them offer Western food in addition to Khmer cuisine. There are also a number of restaurants with international specialties. The area north of the Old Market to Sok San Road and the one in between Walking Alley consists almost entirely of restaurants and bars. As everywhere in the country, there are also cheap street restaurants here. In Siem Reap, many can be found right on Sivatha Boulevard.


The range of bars and restaurants has become inexhaustible in the meantime. Bars in the Pub Streetwhich in 2004 were still small and rather simply furnished, now extend over two floors and shine in the latest design variations. In between there is a nice narrow alley that Walking Alley. There are also some nice bars and restaurants here. Those who want to escape the "western adapted" flair can retreat to the local restaurants on Sivatha Boulevard. There are also discos - mainly with Khmer music, and mostly frequented by locals - in the meantime.

  • L'Annexe French Restaurant Siem Reap (on Sok San Road). Tel.: 855(0)95.839.745. The L'Annexe Elsass Restaurant prefers cuisine from France and Alsace. If you feel like having a tarte flambée with a wheat beer, you've come to the right place. Khmer dishes are also available.Open: 11.00 a.m. - 10.30 p.m.


With Angkor Wat as a tourist magnet, Siem Reap has meanwhile developed into one of the best-developed places in the country for tourism. Hundreds of guest houses and hotels are vying for guests in the meantime. You can hardly keep an overview. But in the end, this inexhaustible offer usually gives the traveler a very good price-performance ratio. In addition to price and equipment, the decisive factor for choosing an accommodation is the location and the distance to the hotspots, so you can live very quietly or just a few steps away from the nightlife. The Taphul Village offers plenty of inexpensive guest houses, as does the east with the Wat Damnak Area. At the Airport Road and in north you can find a whole range of large and more luxurious accommodations.

If you want, you can also settle a little outside the city. Transportation to the city and airport and bus pick-up will be arranged by the accommodations.

The local tuk tuk drivers know the accommodations in their city. If you arrive spontaneously, you can have the driver take you to various accommodations by specifying the desired room characteristics (price, location, facilities), take a look and decide or let yourself be driven to the next.

  • Sunothy, Kontrohk Village (3 kilometers outside the city). Tel.: 855 (0)63-6903974, Email: . Price: $ 10/8 (with / without breakfast); Kidscare members receive a $ 2 discount.
    - Small, cozy guest house, which works together with the kidscare organization. The rooms have fan, TV, minibar, satellite TV and hot water. There are even two bicycles available per room. Internet is available in the house (KHR 2000 per hour). The restaurant offers local and European cuisine.
  • 1  Gazy Guesthouse, Steung Tmey street, Svay sonkun commune, Siem Reap (Across from the Muslim restaurant). Mobile: 855 68446 024, Email: . Open: 7X24.Check-in: 12 noon.Check-out: 12 noon.Price: $ 3 - $ 13.Methods of payment accepted: cash.(13 ° 21 '14 "N.103 ° 50 '58 "E.)
    - The hostel is largely centrally located and very cheap with the dorm prices; but is only recommendable to a limited extent in terms of cleanliness, comfort and service.


  • Police: The tourist police can be reached under the mobile numbers 012-402424, 012-969991 and 012-838768.
  • Fire Department: Mobile phone number: 012-784464


Practical advice



  • Main post (Pokambor Street).
    - The main post office is on the river, south of the FCC.

Internet: Internet is cheap ($ 0.75 to $ 2.00 per hour), fast, and available everywhere in Seam Reap; there are numerous internet cafes. Many hotels and guest houses also have an internet corner. This is often a bit more expensive, in many places also free. Most Internet cafés also offer other services such as CD burning, reading and printing of cards from digital cameras, and Internet telephony. Restaurants and cafes often also offer free WiFi. All you have to do is ask for the password.

Cellular: The mobile network over Siem Reap is seamless, roaming is available.


Information on excursions to the distant temple complexes can be found in the article on Angkor Archaeological Park.

  • Phnom Kulen & Co:
  • Preah Vihear: Temple complex, which lies in the border area with Thailand in the Dongrek Mountains. The temple is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. From here you can enjoy a magnificent view of the surrounding jungle. At least one night near the temple should be planned for this excursion. Attention: Malaria area with resistant pathogens! This two or three day tour can be arranged by hotels, guest houses and travel agencies in Siem Reap.
  • Koh Ker: The short-term capital of the Khmer Empire (928-944) is northeast of Siem Reap and around 120 km from the Archaeological Park. A large temple complex with a seven-tier pyramid and around a hundred other complexes, of which around twenty are accessible, were built here in a relatively short time. Admission: $ 10, to be paid at the toll booth just in front of the Beng Mealea temple complex (the Angkor ticket is not valid). On a day trip to Koh Ker you can also visit the temple complex Beng Mealea can be visited.
  • Beng Mealea: This temple complex is located around 60 km from Siem Reap on the route to Koh Ker. Admission: $ 5, to be paid at the toll booth just before the temple complex (the Angkor ticket is not valid). The temple, whose layout and style are very similar to Angkor Wat, has fallen into disrepair and is densely overgrown with jungle plants.
  • There is also an excursion to Anlong Veng possible. The leadership of the Khmer Rouge resided here. The houses and graves of Pole pot and Ta Mok can be visited here.
  • Prek Toal Bird Sanctuary: This bird sanctuary is part of the Tonle Sap Biosphere Reserve with a size of 31,282 hectares. It is one of the most important breeding areas for globally threatened large waterfowl in Southeast Asia. Here you can find ibises, storks, pelicans and sea eagles, among others. Prek Toal is the easiest of the three core areas of the entire reserve to reach. For $ 35-45 you can get a boat from Siem Reap to the ranger station. Entry is $ 5 and you can rent a boat with a guide for $ 15-25. The station also offers a simple overnight option.

Floating villages: Boat trips on the Tonle Sap are very popular. In every accommodation you can book excursions to the floating villages. But you can also try to make a trip to Tonle Sap individually. However, you should know that the smaller the group you are traveling with, the greater the risk of being disadvantaged. The boat drivers constantly point out the poverty to the travelers, then head for a floating supermarket where, for example, a 50 kg sack of rice can be bought for $ 65.00. If you don't do this, the journey may be aborted.

  • Chong Kneas: This is the classic. The village is south of Siem Reap. Anyone who came by boat from Phnom Penh could already take a brief look at life on the lake. For the 11-kilometer drive to the pier in Siem Reap, you take a moped. You cannot hire a boat individually. There is a central ticket counter for the boat tours near the entrance to Phnom Krom. The 2-hour tour with 15 other travelers costs $ 6. In April 2019, the boat ride to the place costs $ 20 per person, but only as far as the floating restaurant on the edge of the village. Because of the low water level, you will be dropped off there. If you want to go further you have to pay another 20 dollars per passenger. The punt ride takes about 30 minutes. It is not possible to negotiate the price. There is a water snake market in the village.[1]
  • Kampong Phlouk: This is a nicer alternative to the organized program of Chong Neas. All tuk-tuk drivers know the village 16 kilometers southeast of Siem Reap and can organize the journey and a boat. The journey by moped and boat alone is nice.
  • Kampong Khleang: The houses in the village stand on stilts up to 10 meters high. Kampong Khleang is a "stilted village" and not a "swimming village". It is the largest village in the Tonle Sap. It can be reached by boat from Siem Reap's Pier or by land in the direction of the village Domdek. Depending on the number of participants and the scope of the tour, the trip costs $ 35-70.

Help on site

Cambodia is still a poor country that needs a lot of outside help. Many travelers also want to take the opportunity to do something good on site. Here are some starting points for a quick visit. Those who want to deal with it more intensively will find here additional Information.

  • Angkor Hospital for Children - Children's hospital in the center of town, also accepts cash and blood donations (Achamean Street, Tel: 963409, Fax: 760452, e-mail)
  • Jayavarman VII - Dr. Beat Richner, also likes to accept money and blood donations (on the road to Angkor Wat). Every Saturday at 7.15 p.m., Dr. Richner ("Beatocello") an introduction to the activities of the children's hospital "Kantha Bopha", which he founded and runs, framed by musical interludes with cello and vocals.
  • Cambodia aid Germany-based association that realizes various small projects in and around Siem Reap.


Counterfeit branded clothing is now known from many markets in tourist cities. In Siem Reap there are also fake travel guides or, more precisely, reprints of well-known travel guides.

Full articleThis is a complete article as the community envisions it. But there is always something to improve and, above all, to update. When you have new information be brave and add and update them.
  1. To catch snakes in Cambodia.