Siem Reap (Province) - Siem Reap (Provinz)

Siem Reap Province

The Cambodian province Siem Reap(Khmer: សៀមរាប) is north of the lake Tonle Sap. It is a very rural and - apart from its capital - poor province of the country.


Administratively, the province is divided into 12 districts Angkor Chum(អង្គរជុំ), Angkor Thom(អង្គរធំ), Banteay Srei(បន្ទាយស្រី), Chi Kraeng(ជីក្រែង), Kralanh(ក្រ លា ញ់), Puok(ពួក), Prasat Bakong(ប្រាសាទបាគង), Siem Reap(សៀមរាប), Sout Nikom(សូត្រ និគម), Srei Snam(ស្រី ស្នាម), Svay Leu(ស្វាយ លើ) and Varin(វា រី ន)


Map of Siem Reap (province)
  • 1 Siem ReapWebsite of this institutionSiem Reap in the Wikipedia encyclopediaSiem Reap in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsSiem Reap (Q11711) in the Wikidata database - The capital is well developed for tourism and the starting point for visiting Angkor Wat
  • 2 Kampong PhloukKampong Phlouk in the Wikipedia encyclopediaKampong Phlouk in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsKampong Phlouk (Q6359305) in the Wikidata database - Floating village on Tonle Sap - nice destination for a day trip.

Other goals

  • Phnom Kulen - Holy Mountain - The birthplace of the Angkor Empire. There is a reclining Buddha on the mountain. There are also a couple of nice waterfalls with a picnic area. Many locals come here for excursions, especially on weekends.


getting there

The bridge Spean praptos

The capital Siem Reap has an international airport. The national route number 6 runs right through the province and offers a connection to the neighboring provinces by bus or car. However, this road is only paved to the east. The city of Siem Reap is with by boat Battambang and Phnom Penh connected.


One moves within the province by moped or by car (private or shared taxi). The buses only stop in places in the neighboring provinces. You can also use a tuk tuk to get to the sights that are not too far away. The exception is here Phnom Kulen. The road up the mountain is less suitable for a tuk tuk.

Tourist Attractions

Waterfall at Phnom Kulen
  • 1  Angkor Wat (ក្រុង អង្គរ). Angkor Wat in the Wikipedia encyclopediaAngkor Wat in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsAngkor Wat (Q163607) in the Wikidata database.The main attraction of the province and the whole country extends over a larger area with many temples.Unesco World Heritage Sites in Asia
  • 2  Beng Mealea (ប្រាសាទបេង មាលា). Beng Mealea in the Wikipedia encyclopediaBeng Mealea in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsBeng Mealea (Q817162) in the Wikidata database.Old and beautiful temple area approx. 60 kilometers east of Siem Reap.
  • 3  Phnom Kulen (ភ្នំ គូលែន). Phnom Kulen in the Wikipedia encyclopediaPhnom Kulen in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryPhnom Kulen (Q956515) in the Wikidata database.Historical place and revered mountain northeast of the city Siem Reap.
  • Floating villages - With the boat you can visit floating villages on the Tonle Sap and experience how the whole village life takes place on the water. One recommendation is the village Kampong Phlouk. More are Chong Khneas and Kampong Khleang.

Temples and pagodas

In many places in the province you can still find smaller temple ruins and better-known pagodas, which you can visit if you have a lot of archaeological interest and a thirst for adventure. Of course, this can only be done individually and appropriately equipped.

  • 4  Chau Srei Vibol (ប្រាសាទ ចៅ ស្រី វិបុល) (east of the R66 road, 12 km north of the Roluos Group). Chau Srei Vibol (Q80169537) in the Wikidata database.If you want to add 12 kilometers to the Roluos Group, you can visit this temple 23 kilometers northeast of Siem Reap. It is located on a natural hill and was probably built just before Angkor Wat. The area is enclosed by an approx. 200 m x 150 m wide wall with four gopurams. The main gate is in the east. Inside there is a prasat and two sacristies. Originally there was a wide moat around the area, which can still be seen from the air. But there is only water in the southwestern part.
  • 5  Wat Peung (វត្ត ពើង) (45 km east of Beng Mealea Temple). Wat Peung (Q67263972) in the Wikidata database.Religious place with beautiful surroundings, which is said to have supernatural powers.
  • 6  Khnar temple (ប្រាសាទ ខ្នារ) (5 km walk north of the Peung Pagoda). Khnar Temple (Q67265845) in the Wikidata database.
  • 7  Phnom Bantheay Temple (ប្រាសាទភ្នំបន្ទាយ) (38 km walk east of Beng Mealea (a few 100 meters south of the road)). Phnom Bantheay Temple (Q67437933) in the Wikidata database.Small ruin on the provincial border on the way towards Preah Khan.
  • There are two small overgrown ruins 14 kilometers east of Beng Mealea: 8 Toab Chey ThomToab Chey Thom (Q78012787) in the Wikidata database and 9 Toab Chey DipToab Chey Tauch (Q78014210) in the Wikidata database

further structures

  • 10  Spean praptos (ស្ពាន ប្រាប់ ទិស, Kampong Kdei Bridge). Spean Praptos in the Wikipedia encyclopediaSpean Praptos in the Wikimedia Commons media directorySpean Praptos (Q1992338) in the Wikidata database.The bridge from the 12th century was the longest cantilever bridge in the world with a length of 87 meters and is located on the old road from Angkor to the Phnom Chisor. Today it is located in the middle of the village of Kampong Kdei. If you drive yourself, you can briefly leave the National Route in the village and visit the bridge. It is passable by moped, but closed to cars.


  • 1  Pottery course:, Angkor Pottery Center. Tel.: 855 12 755286. The Cambodian craftsman and ceramic artist Ms. Paruth HANN will teach you the pottery techniques and designs of the Khmer and Angkor era. Learn how to artfully shape objects out of clay. Learn how to decorate ceramics with carvings, molds, glazes or painting. Make your own bowl and take it glazed and fired home as a souvenir. Daily beginner courses are offered.
  • Horse riding: One can explore the region around Siem Reap and the area around Angkor on horseback. A young German vet gives tours of the area on horseback.
  • Cooking courses: In recent years, the secondary tourist environment in Siem Reap has also changed significantly. Various providers are now organizing cooking courses on typical Cambodian cuisine. The courses are usually offered as an all-round package: transfer from the hotel, visit to a local market, preparation of a multi-course menu in the cooking school and then eating together. One of the many providers is Lily's Secret Garden Cooking Class - like many of the courses, this one takes place in a well-structured kitchen in a private house on the outskirts of Siem Reap - a great way to get to know the typical dishes of Cambodia such as Amok fish (also to cook at home).


  • Khmer sausages - Locals say that Siem Reap has the best of the famous Cambodian sausages.


You can only really experience nightlife in the provincial capital - Siem Reap itself. There, however, one of the best offers in the country, as Angkor makes the city the center of tourism.

Practical advice

  • Internet: In Siem Reap there are plenty of good ways to access the internet. The rest of the province is not yet connected to the internet.
  • Cellular: The important places, Angkor Wat as well as the areas along the main roads are covered by mobile communications.


The starting point for excursions is Siem Reap. This is the only place in the province with accommodation and is therefore the tourist center of the region.

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