Battambang (Province) - Battambang (Provinz)

Battambang Province

The province Battambang(Khmer: បាត់ដំបង) lies in the northwest Cambodia. Because of its good agricultural resources, it is also known as the "rice bowl" of the country. Allegedly the best oranges in the country also come from this region. The city of Battambang is well worth a visit. If you travel from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh and have the extra time, you should plan this detour and enjoy the peace and quiet after hectic Siem Reap. The boat trip from Siem Reap to Battambang along the Sangker River is very charming, if sometimes adventurous. The rather flat province invites you to go on land excursions, for example to Wat Ek, Phnom Sampeou or the large artificial lake Kamping Poy.


Administratively, the province is divided into 13 districts Banana(បាណន់), Thma Koul(ថ្មគោល), Battambang(ក្រុង បាត់ដំបង), Bavel(បា វិល), Ek Phnom(ឯកភ្នំ), Moung Ruessei(ម៉ោង ឬ ស្សី), Rotanak Mondol(រតន មណ្ឌល), Sangkae(សង្កែ), Samlout(សំឡូត), Sampov Loun(សំពៅលូន), Phnum Proek(ភ្នំព្រឹក), Kamrieng(កំរៀង) and Koas Krala(កោះ ក្រឡ)


Battambang Province Map
  • 1 BattambangWebsite of this institutionBattambang in the Wikipedia encyclopediaBattambang in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryBattambang (Q748336) in the Wikidata database - Capital of the province and second largest city in the country. Usually popular for two nights, as the usual excursion program is full of the day.
  • 2 Moung RuesseiMoung Ruessei in the Wikipedia encyclopediaMoung Ruessei (Q6919167) in the Wikidata database - Small town south of Battambang on National Route 5, but where nothing else invites you to linger.

Other goals

In fact, Battambang is the only place in the province with accommodation. All rural sights can therefore be reached as an excursion from the provincial capital. More information can be found below in the article on Mount Phnom Sampeou and the section on excursions in the article about Battambang.

  • 1 Camping Poy - Kamping Poy is an artificially created lake about 35 km west of Battambang. During the rule of the Khmer Rouge, tens of thousands of people had to build an 8 kilometer long dam here with their bare hands. Many died of exhaustion and starvation. This dam was to become part of a huge irrigation project. However, it was never completed. The lake is 6 kilometers long and 1.9 kilometers wide. In the rainy season it contains 110 million cubic meters of water. Nowadays the place is a popular destination. Once a year there is also a big festival there. The lake is seasonally inhabited. Large areas are overgrown with lotus.
  • 2  Prek Toal Bird Sanctuary. This bird sanctuary is part of the Tonle Sap Biosphere Reserve with a size of 31,282 hectares. It is one of the most important breeding areas for globally threatened large waterfowl in Southeast Asia.


The region was one of the wealthy areas of the dominion at the time of the Angkorian Empire. The territories in the area of ​​today's Battambang Province were then called Amogha Boreak and Bhima Boreak. The land was fertile and produced a lot of rice, fruits and vegetables. Hindu and Buddhist temples still bear witness to the fact that they belonged to the Khmer Empire. In the turmoil during the decline of the Angkor Empire between the 15th and 18th centuries, the region fell to the Kingdom of Ayutthaya. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the area was under Siamese rule. As a result of the conflict between the Third French Republic and Siam, the country went to Cambodia in 1867. Another treaty in 1907 regulated the borders again and gave Cambodia its current form. In the following years there were a number of administrative reorganizations. For example, the province of Siem Reap was formed. In the 1960s, the province also became Oddar Meanchey partitioned off. 1986 followed Banteay Meanchey. 1998 became Pailin, the last stronghold of the Khmer Rouge on its own.

Economically, the region lives from its strong agricultural potential. In 2006, 536,830 tons of rice were produced. Corn, cassava, sweet potatoes, beans and chilli are also grown. A second economic sector is fishing. There are 12 fishing areas that produced 7,000 tons of fish in 2006. The main catch in the rainy season is the snakehead fish. The Ministry of Agriculture is committed to sustainability and tries to curb illegal fishing.

In 1993, the Same multiple use area established - a nature reserve with the last rainforest in western Cambodia. Wild Asian elephants also live here. Since 2006, the park administration has been cooperating with the Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks in the United States.

getting there

On the National Route NR5 there is a public bus service from Sisophone (or. Poipet and Bangkok, as well as from Siem Reap) and Phnom Penh. From other goals like Pailin drive pickups. An entry from Thailand from the province Chon Buri overland is possible. The Ban Pakard / Pailin border crossing is open to foreigners. There is a boat connection between Battambang and Siem Reap. The tour can take up to 7 hours depending on the water level. The 1 Battambang airport however, it is no longer in operation.


Impressions from Battambang Province
Rice harvest in Battambang Province

Except for National Road 5 after Sisophon or Phnom Penh the roads in the province are miserable. An all-terrain car or motorcycle can be recommended. Anyone exploring the region by Motodup or Tuk Tuk should therefore definitely protect themselves against the dust with glasses and a face mask, especially on roads with a lot of traffic, such as the route to Pailin

Tourist Attractions

  • 3  Phnom Sampeou. Phnom Sampeou (Q14217859) in the Wikidata database.This is a single mountain in the plain west of Battambang in Cambodia. From the top you have a good view of the wide plain around Battambang, which is the rice bowl of Cambodia. There are two pagodas on the summit. There are some caves on the west side of the mountain. To do this, follow the path that goes around the mountain to the left. The caves are a very sad place. At the time of the Khmer rouge Killed people. People were simply thrown through the holes in the caves' ceilings. Containers with human skulls can still be seen there.
  • 4  Wat Ek. Wat Ek in the Wikipedia encyclopediaWat Ek in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsWat Ek (Q22704084) in the Wikidata database.Wat Ek is a monastery with a modern pagoda 10 kilometers northwest of Battambang. Right next to the monastery is a ruin from the Angkor period. She became a king in the 11th century Suryavarman I. built. The temple consists of a few towers on a platform. Until 1970, this temple was considered to be one of the most beautiful from the Angkor era. As a result, he was the destination of many tourists. It was later used as a prison by the Khmer Rouge. The best way to get there is by moped on the road along the river. You drive through a very attractive landscape.
  • 5  Phnom Banan (ភ្នំ បាណន់). Phnom Banan in the Wikipedia encyclopediaPhnom Banan in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryPhnom Banan (Q4018495) in the Wikidata database.The mountain with an Angkor temple from the 10th century is about 25 kilometers south of Battambang and is also a popular destination for a picnic excursion with the locals.
  • 6  Baset (ប្រាសាទ បា សែត). Baset (Q76009875) in the Wikidata database.15 km northeast of Battambang you will find this temple ruin from the 11th century (built between 1036 and 1042), during the reign of Suryavarman I. Next to the temple there is a water reservoir (Baray) of 20 mx 12 m. The main tower (Prasat ) was surrounded by three wall rings, with a moat between the first and second ring.


Battambang is a typical rural province, like its northern neighbor - dirt roads, villages, fields and some old temples. The province currently does not offer any options for special activities.


  • Ray Zepp: Around Battambang. - This book can be bought in many restaurants, hotels and shops for $ 5. It is a 100-page guide to all of Battambang's attractions and the surrounding area.

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