Western Europe - Europa Occidental

Western Europe is a region of Europe located, as its name says, west of the continent.

exist various definitions of Western Europe throughout history, reflecting the cultural, demographic and political characteristics that converge in this region. For tourism purposes, Western Europe corresponds to the sector of the European continent dominated by a culture of Latin origin, born from the legacy of the ancient Roman empire.

The region enjoys a temperate climate, mainly Mediterranean in the coastal areas and continental in the interior and further north. Various mountain ranges cross it, such as the Pyrenees, the Apennines and the westernmost and southernmost areas of the Alps. The Latin culture flourished in the area, dominating a large part of the "known world" during Antiquity and later giving rise to various empires such as the Spanish, the Portuguese and the French. The culture of this region spread throughout much of the world, through its colonies in Asia, Latin America, Africa Y Oceania.


Flag of Portugal.svg
Flag of Spain.svg
Flag of Andorra.svg
Flag of France.svg
Flag of Monaco.svg
Flag of Italy.svg
San Marino
Flag of San Marino.svg
Vatican City
Flag of the Vatican City.svg
Flag of Gibraltar.svg

external links