Finnish Lakeland - Finnish Lakeland

Finnish Lakeland (Järvi-Suomi) comprises the eastern and central parts of the country. Finland is known as the country of a thousand lakes (actually more than a hundred thousand), and this is the region where most of them are located.


Map of Finnish Lakeland

The Finnish Lakeland is divided into five provinces.

Regions of Finnish Lakeland
 North Savonia
North Savonia is the home of many events from a strawberry festival to the wife carrying world championship. Other points of fame are the signature dish kalakukko (a loaf of bread stuffed with fried fish) and its recognisable dialect.
 North Karelia
The culture of Finland's easternmost region carries influences of the Eastern Orthodox faith. If you want to see a bear or a wolf in its natural habitat, this is probably the destination to go.
 Central Finland
Central Finland is remarkably hilly and you can experience some quite scenic drives on the smaller roads.
 South Savonia
South Savonia is really the heart of the Lakeland - you are never far from a body of water. The most important sights here are the medieval castle Olavinlinna in the city of Savonlinna and the Punkaharju ridge that almost cuts through Lake Saimaa.
Pirkanmaa is usually seen as the heartland of Finnish heavy industry, and the city of Tampere has been called the "Finnish Manchester". However there are plenty to see and do in the city for the traveler — from museums and theatres to the amusement park Särkänniemi.


Olavinlinna Castle in Savonlinna
  • 1 Joensuu — center of the North Karelia region
  • 2 Jyväskylä — the capital of central Finland
  • 3 Mikkeli — capital of the province
  • 4 Kuopio — the home of the kalakukko baked fish pie
  • 5 Pieksämäki — railway junction
  • 6 Savonlinna — famous for the pint-sized but picturesque castle Olavinlinna and the yearly Opera Festival
  • 7 Tampere /Tammerfors — the biggest inland town in Scandinavia
  • 8 Varkaus

Other destinations

  • 1 Kangasala, home to famously beautiful lakes and ridges
  • 2 Kerimäki, the world's largest wooden church
  • 3 Koli National Park, which inspired many artists when Finnish nationalism awakened
  • 4 Kontiolahti
  • 5 Nokia, the former home of a certain rubber boot company that went high-tech
  • 6 Rautalampi
  • 7 Punkaharju, with a ridge that nearly divide Saimaa in two, a national landscape
  • 8 Saimaa, the fifth largest lake in Europe, with thousands of islands


As the name reveals it is a land of lakes: seen from above, the region consists of an endless patchwork of lakes and low rolling hills, originally gouged out by sheets of ice during the Ice Age. This also makes it Finland's top destination for summer cottages, and there are countless spots to indulge in the Finnish national obsession for sauna, sausages and a dip in the lake.

There are several large lake systems with cruises (often on old steamers or former steamers) and possibilities for sailing with a yacht or daysailor, other kinds of boating and canoeing, for days or weeks if you like. Also on the smaller lakes you will often have access at least to a rowing boat.


Savo dialect on a sign in Savonlinna

Culturally, Eastern Finland is the home of the Savo people and their close cousins the Karelians, although much of historical Karelia was absorbed into the USSR after Finland's defeat in World War II (and much of Karelia never belonged to Finland). The region is unilingually Finnish. The Karelian language speaking areas were completely lost to the Soviet Union in World War II.

The border between western and eastern Finnish dialects roughly follows the western border of Central Finland and South Savo. At Pirkanmaa people speak North Tavastian dialect of western group. The rest speak Savo dialects which are wordy and stretched out, with consonants doubling and diphthongs mutating in various ways. According to the stereotype, Savonians talk much more than the average taciturn Finn, yet despite this (whisper it quietly) almost Russian habit for speeches and gesticulation, they're also masters of the vague non-reply. Indeed, the canonical Savo response to any question is suattaapi olla, vuan suattaapi olla olemattannii, or "it might be, but it might also be that it's not".

Get in

By plane

Joensuu, Jyväskylä, Kuopio and Savonlinna have small airports with limited service to Helsinki only. Tampere is the Finnish hub for Ryanair and serves a handful of European destinations.

By train

All main cities in the region are served by train. Trains are usually faster and slightly cheaper than the bus, but on some routes bus schedules may be more convenient.

By bus

Buses fill in the gaps where trains don't go.

Get around

Distances are long and while the coach network covers most of the region, public transport outside the main cities and thoroughfares varies between limited and non-existent. If you're planning on staying at a cottage, having your own car is pretty much obligatory, unless in biking distance from services (whatever that means to you).

Most of the waterways in the eastern half of the region are connected to the lake Saimaa. Around Jyväskylä there are the Vesijärvi–Päijänne–Keitele waterways and around Tampere the Näsijärvi–Ruovesi and Längelmävesi–Vanajavesi waterways. Although a boat is seldom a time-efficient means to cover large distances, it is a very good means to explore some aspects of the Lakeland. Many of the lakes are big enough for nice sailing, the Saimaa complex for weeks even with a big yacht. For other areas a small boat or canoe is the ideal means.

By taxi

  • Smartphone apps: Valopilkku, 02 Taksi, Menevä


View to the north from Puijo observation tower in Kuopio
  • Saimaa (Saimen in Swedish) is a lake in the south of the Lakeland. At 1,147 square km (443 square miles), it is the largest lake in Finland, and the fifth largest in Europe.
  • The ridge landscape at 1 Punkaharju, which is one of national landscapes of Finland.
  • The 2 World's largest wooden church Kerimäki Church on Wikipedia in Kerimäki.
  • The 3 New Valamo monastery New Valamo on Wikipedia and 4 Lintula Holy Trinity convent Lintula Holy Trinity Convent on Wikipedia in Heinävesi, the only Orthodox monasteries in Nordic countries.
  • WW2 bunkers at the 5 bunker museum in Joensuu.
  • The 6 Puijo tower Puijo tower on Wikipedia in Kuopio, and the view from its viewing platform.
  • 7 Olavinlinna Olavinlinna on Wikipedia medieval castle, with an opera festival in Savonlinna.
  • 8 Koli National Park, one of the most often photographed landscapes from Finland.
  • 9 Linnansaari National Park Linnansaari National Park on Wikipedia consists of hundreds of islands in northern Saimaa. The most probable place to meet endemic Saimaa ringed seal.
  • The 10 wooden church of Petäjävesi Petäjävesi Old Church on Wikipedia, an WV-Unesco-icon-small.svgUNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • The 19th century industrial buildings in Tampere, "Finland's Manchester".
  • 11 Astuvansalmi rock paintings Astuvansalmi rock paintings on Wikipedia in Mikkeli and 12 Saraakallio rock paintings Saraakallio rock paintings on Wikipedia in Laukaa.
  • The 13 Bomba house, a large, Karelian style log building in Nurmes.


Lakeside smoke sauna in Kannonkoski, Central Finland


As the lakeside area and one of the most rural areas in Finland after Lapland, Eastern Finland has a lot to explore. There are a dozen national parks in the region, of which scenery of Koli National Park is one of Finland's national landscapes.

  • Hike. In national parks and other hiking areas you can find several shorter and longer hiking trails with clearly marked paths, from easy to demanding. Hiking is also allowed anywhere thanks to everyman's right.
  • Paddle. There are endless lakes and archipelagos to explore. Kolovesi, Linnansaari, Patvinsuo, Repovesi and Tiilikkajärvi National Park all provide good routes for canoeists, and you are by no means restricted to these.
  • Sail or cruise with a yacht or motorboat. Saimaa allows any size of yacht, while daysailors may be more handy on the other routes.


Fried vendace (muikku) fresh from the market, Pieksämäki

In Finland, Savo and Karelia are famous for their cuisine, which has distinctive eastern trait. There are a couple of eastern Finnish specialties definitely worth sampling:

  • Kalakukko, a type of large rye bread pastry with fish and meat stuffed inside, can be eaten warm or cold. Kalakukko is Savonian specialty and has got Traditional Speciality Guaranteed (TSG) status in the European Union.
  • Lörtsy, a large, flat variant of the ubiquitous deep-fried meat pie (lihapiirakka), can also be stuffed with apple jam. Specialty in Savonlinna.
  • Vendace (muikku), a small freshwater fish. Most commonly coated with rye flour, quickly fried and eaten while piping hot.
  • Karjalanpiirakka – the Karelian pie – is a special kind of pastry made from rye flour and filled with rice porridge or mashed potatoes. Often eaten with munavoi, a mixture of butter and mashed eggs on it. The name "Karjalanpiirakka" has Traditional Speciality Guaranteed status in the European Union.
  • Mustamakkara, literally "black sausage", is a specialty of Tampere. It is a blood sausage commonly enjoyed with lingonberry jam

The best place for eating any of these is at the market square, found in the center of any larger town.


  • Kitee in North Karelia is famous for its moonshine, Kiteen kirkas.


There are nice spa hotels in Imatra, Kuopio and Savonlinna. The room price isn't much more expensive than in normal hotels but it includes a free use of large swimming pool departments with jacuzzis, saunas etc.

In summer, an excellent option is to stay at a cottage (mökki), thousands of which dot the lake shores. See the main Finland article for tips and the city articles for listings.

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This region travel guide to Finnish Lakeland is a usable article. It gives a good overview of the region, its sights, and how to get in, as well as links to the main destinations, whose articles are similarly well developed. An adventurous person could use this article, but please feel free to improve it by editing the page .